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UVA. English Morpho-syntax - Program 2012.

AIM: The present course is a full introduction to the study of Morphology and Syntax. It deals with both subjects in their wider sense, including not only the analysis of paradigms but also the morphology of lexical items (derivational morphology and word transformation) and much of what is sometimes handled under the title Generative Phonology. Particular attention is given to the relationship between Morphology/ Syntax and other branches of linguistic description. METHOD: The course will start with the description of morphemes, followed up by a description of the English morphology. The subject-matter will be presented and discussed in informal lessons, followed up by practical work. ASSESSMENT: Assessment will be continuous. Students are expected to do SEVEN take-home tasks* about the subjects previously presented and discussed. CONTENT: English morphology.* Clauses 1- Structure and types.* Clauses 2- Dependent clauses.* Rearranging items.* Cohesion.* Grammar of words.* Relations between words.* General reference: Jackson, H. Analyzing English : An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics . Pergamon Press. Oxford,1980. Matthews, P.H. Morphology: An Introduction to the Theory of Word-Structure. CUP. Cambridge,1974. Scott,F.S. & Bowley,C.C. English Grammar: A Linguistic Study of its Classes and Structures. Heinemann Educational Books. London,1968. Stork, E.C. & Widdowson,D.A. Learning about Linguistics. Hutchinson Educational. London, 1974. Wallwork,J.F. Language and Linguistics : An Introduction to the Study of Language . Heinemann. London, 1974.

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