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Health of Father

18Jan On 12th January 2010 at around 10.00AM in the morning, one of my Friend Mahendra called me from Dhule and ask me to check his fathers health through astrology. His father was admitted to hospital for last 15 days & there was no sign of recovery. He said that now they all are very worried. He asked me if we can check whether he will recover or not. He also mentioned that his father was hospitalized 3 times before also but recovered. I told him after 1-2 hours I will call him back after erecting a horary chart. I erected a horary chart on 12/01/2010 10.48.49 AM at Nasik, Maharashtra, India. The details of the chart and analysis are as follow:

Moon in Scorpio placed in 9th House which is the house of Father (in KP). Moon sign in 6th cusp which denotes health. The chart clearly indicated Jatakas question and worry about his fathers health. As the question was related to his fathers health which is represented by 9th house, I rotated the chart and took 9th house as 1st house.

After rotating chart to 9th house as ascendant, I checked Ascendant sublord signification for longevity. In this case Sublord of Ascendant was Mercury. Mercury was retrograde, in 2nd cusp and in star of Ketu. Hence, Mercury 2 | 8, 9 * Ketu 9 | R = Mercury 2 | 8, 9 Ketu is also in star of Jupiter ans Aspected by Jupiter, Jupiter signifies 4 | 2, 3 Sign Lord of Ketu is Mercury. We have already seen its signification above. Mercury signify 2,8,9 which are maraka & Badhaka Houses for scorpio ascendant. The above planetary positions shows a very short life or last days of life as 4th house also signifies last days of life. Next we need to check Dasa. Current dasa is Mercury/Rahu/Rahu so it is confirm that during Mercury Dasa life will end. Now we will check Rahus Signification. Rahu is in Sun star & Sun Sub & Mercury subsub. So Rahu will be considered as if in Mercury star Rahu 3 Mercury 2,8,9 Sign Lord Jupiter- 4,2,3 Mars- 1,6,9 Venus- 3,7,12 Rahu Conj. Venus 3,7,12 Sun 3,11 Moon 1,10 12th house shows hospitalization. Here Rahu signify 2,6,7,8,9,10,12 Houses which are not favourable for longevity. Hence it can be said that in Rahu Antardasa/Vidasha Death will take place. Mercury/Rahu/Rahu is till 29/04/2010 For calculating time of death first I checked Suns transit in Dasa/Bhukti lord. Here Rahu signify Sun & Jupiter I have selected Dhanu Rasi & Sun Star & Rahu Sub (from 13/01/2010 to 14/01/2010). During this time span Moon will be transiting in Jupiter sign & Stars of Ketu/Ven. since Ketu is stronger than Venus to cause death Ketu is selected. To find Sub I have taken help of ruling planets. Ruling Planets on 12/01/2010 11.14.53 Nasik

Asc Star- Saturn Ascendant Jupiter Moon Star Mercury (Ketu) Moon Rasi Mars Day Lord Mars

Jupiter & Ketu we have already selected so I have selected Saturn as Sublord of Moon.

So when Moon will transit Jup/Ketu/Sat death will occur. (on 13 Jan From 04.51PM to 9.04 PM) My Friend called me on 13 Jan at 08.30PM & told his father expired at around 8 pm. When checked planetary position for time 8 PM Moon was transiting in Jup sign, Ket Star, Sat sub & Rahu Subsub. I feel death must have occurred 10 minutes before 8 since when checked putting time 07.50 Subsub lord appears Mars which is present in the ruling planet.

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