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The End of Poverty Of this weeks videos we watched, the one that resonated most with me was The

End of Poverty?. The movie makes a convincing argument that the issue of immense global poverty is not an accident. Primarily, the wealthier countries have forced developing nations into cyclical dependency and have created a growing underclass around the world. The economists, sociologists, and historians interviewed rationalize how widespread poverty is the result of free-market economic policies that permit some nations manipulate the assets and people of poorer countries. The movie is a cry for action and an alarming truth aimed at the global North. How can we justify 20% of the planet's population using 80% of its resources? Perhaps the most eye-opening fact was how the most violent areas are those with the highest income discrepancy, and not the communities with the highest poverty rates. The poorest communities arent concerned with crime because everyone around them is also living in the same conditions. There is collective empathy for everyone in the community and an interest in cooperating with each other to try and make the best of what they have. Although the documentary was filmed with clear empathy for the South, the filmmakers and interviewees make some great suggestions for feasible changes citizens and governments of the core countries can implement to make significant positive changes.

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