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New Girl "Concert"

Written by Kimberlyn Beebe

Address Phone Number


Jess enters a music room with a box in her arms. The box slides down several times as she crosses the room. KAREN, 47, looks like a church mouse, high pitched voice, greets her. JESS Hey, Karen! I brought you some instruments. KAREN Oh, thank you Ms. Day. Karen takes the box from Jess and sets it gingerly down on her desk. She pulls out a tambourine, maracas, and a rain stick carefully inspecting each one. JESS Just some things I had lying around, I thought the kids would like them. Karen nods while putting the instruments back in the box, then turns with shoulders slumped to face Jess. KAREN That was nice of you Ms. Day. We will return them to you when the program is closed. Jesss head comes forward with eyes wide. JESS What? Closed? KAREN Yes. If we dont generate more interest they will shut the program down. Jess looks around at the five STUDENTS, 13, sitting around the room. KAREN (CONTD) I dont know what Ill do. JESS We could do something to spark some interest. Maybe the kids could play publicly? A student blows on a trumpet making a high pitch SQUEAL. Jess covers her ears. Her face looks in pain.

2. JESS (CONTD) Uh... Ill think of something. Jess turns and quickly steps out of the classroom. SMASH TO MAIN TITLES. 2 INT. BAR. NIGHT. (N1) Jess plops down on a bar stool and accepts the beer Nick slides over the bar. JESS I dont know what Im gonna do, Nick. NICK Whats the problem? Nick tosses a bar towel over his shoulder, places both hands on the bar, and leans forward. JESS I need to raise money for the music program. NICK Ill spot you some money. Nick digs in his pocket and lays the contents on the counter. Jess uses a drink stirrer to sift through three crumpled dollars, sixty- five cents, a paper clip, and three Skittles. JESS Hey, are those my Skittles that mysteriously went missing? NICK Uh... No, theyve been in there for awhile. Jess squinting her eyes at him. JESS Thanks Nick, but I need a whole lot more than this. NICK Whys it so important to you anyway? JESS Ive loved music from a young age. 2


YOUNG JESS, 9, in a whimsical homemade skirt and button-down top, walks down the street holding her mothers hand. A homeless looking GUY, 30, sits on the sidewalk propped up against the side of a building playing a guitar. Young Jess lets go of her mothers hand and walks up. YOUNG JESS I like your song, mister. The guy nods his head and keeps playing. 4 BACK TO PRESENT. Jess straightens up and smiles widely. JESS The way to get kids interested is to show them how cool it is! Thanks Nick. Jess uses her arm to push the pocket contents back to Nick then races out the door. Nick picks up a Skittle and pops it in his mouth. 5 INT. LOFT. KITCHEN. MORNING. (D2) Nick and Winston sit at the island and shovel down cereal. Schmidt cooks eggs on the stove. SCHMIDT Im trying to find a gift for Elizabeths birthday. NICK How about a key chain? SCHMIDT A key chain, really, Nick? Come on and step up with the big boys. WINSTON How about a cat? Schmidt spins around with the egg pan and plates his food at the island. SCHMIDT No. a cat says, Im committed to you. Dont get me wrong. (MORE) 5 4

4. SCHMIDT (CONT'D) I really enjoy being with Elizabeth, but I want to keep my options open. Jar! WINSTON NICK Jar, Schmidt!

Schmidt sticks a dollar in the jar marked Douche bag. 6 INT. LOFT. JESSS ROOM. SAME TIME. (D2) 6

Jess sits on her bed with a pad of paper and pen in her hand and holding her cell phone between her ear and shoulder. JESS Yes, I wanted to find out if Bon Jovi would like to do a small concert... No, I am a teacher... This is not a prank phone call. Jess pulls the phone away and her jaw drops. JESS (CONTD) That was rude. 7 INT. LOFT. LIVING ROOM. FEW MINUTES LATER. (D2) Nick and Winston sit on the couch watching TV. Jess strides in with her paper and pen. She stops in front of the guys. JESS Thats it for my list of popular musicians. WINSTON Whod you try? JESS Lady Gaga... WINSTON You called Lady Gaga? JESS But she is on tour. Justin Bieber... The Biebs! NICK 7

5. JESS Is unavailable in the islands. You know what? Im not going to let it get me down. Plan B. NICK Whats plan B? Jess smiles widely. JESS Do you guys play any instruments? Winston jumps up off the couch. WINSTON I thought youd never ask. Winston runs into the hallway. Jess turns to Nick. NICK Nah, Jess. I dont play anything. Jess gives him a quizzical look and crosses her arms. Nick stares at the TV. Jess turns away towards the kitchen. 8 INT. LOFT. KITCHEN. A MINUTE LATER. (D2) Jess enters the kitchen. Schmidt sits at the island with an open laptop and types then clicks his mouse. JESS How about you Schmidt? SCHMIDT Of course I can play an instrument, Jessica, but Im just too busy to get into what ever it is that youre doing right now. Jess moves to see what is on Schmidts computer screen. JESS Why are you looking at Victorias Secret? SCHMIDT Its for Elizabeths birthday. JESS The sexy lingerie is for her? Winston returns and pants while holding a banjo. 8

6. NICK For a basketball player you sure get winded. WINSTON Shut up, Nick. JESS You play the banjo? Winston straightens. WINSTON What? A black man cant play a banjo? JESS Of course you can. Nick? Nick jumps up off the couch and storms towards the hallway. Nope. NICK

Jess turns to Winston with an exasperated look. WINSTON Nick and instruments have a sordid past. Jess trails Nick. 9 INT. LOFT. BATHROOM. A MINUTE LATER. (D2) 9

Nick splashes his face with water from the sink. Jess enters the bathroom without knocking. When he sees Jess, he grabs a towel and vigorously scrubs his face. NICK What are you doing in the bathroom, Jess? JESS Come on, Nick. You said you wanted to help me out. NICK I tried giving you three dollars! Jess sticks out her bottom lip and bats her eyes. No. NICK (CONTD)

7. She sashays towards him and puts her arms around his neck, her body snug to his. NICK (CONTD) I wont let you use sex to get me to talk. She nods her head and comes close enough to kiss, but doesnt. NICK (CONTD) Alright! Ill talk to Ben, the musician at the bar and see if hell help out. JESS Someone actually plays at the bar? NICK Tuesday nights. Thats all youre getting from me! JESS How did I miss this? NICK Ive given you what you wanted, Can I have the room now? JESS Thank you Nick! She hugs him and bounces away. Nick shakes his head, towel still in hand. Jess turns to him before leaving. JESS (CONTD) Thats the towel I wiped floor with after my shower. Nick looks over at the floor, then runs to the sink and splashes water over his face again. 10 INT. BAR. NIGHT. (N2) 10

Jess sits at a table in front of BEN, 22, in rumpled clothes with hair looking like he just rolled out of bed. He plays a cover of Jason Mrazs Im Yours. A MAN, mid forties, suit, sits two tables away and scribbles something on a pad. A10 INT. BAR. A FEW MINUTES LATER. (N2) Jess hops up onto a bar stool. A10

8. JESS Your guy is good! Nick stands behind the bar, crossing his arms. NICK Yeah, I guess so. JESS Nick, hes awesome! Nick laughs. NICK Im surprised he hasnt been discovered yet. JESS Well, thank God he hasnt. Hell be great for the school concert. Have I told you, thank you? NICK No, but you can let me know how grateful you are tonight. JESS (Sings) Ill let you know. Schmidt and Winston sit to Jesss right. SCHMIDT Let you know what? JESS How thankful I am. Schmidt puts his hand up. SCHMIDT Leave it right there. Winston turns towards the music. WINSTON So this is the guy you got to play? JESS Winston, You can still play. I need an opening act. Winston perks up.

9. WINSTON I wasnt bummed about it, but if you insist? Winston shifts away from the others and pumps his fist with a look of pure joy on his face. Jess looks at Nick and he winks at her. She smiles and turns her attention to Ben. END OF ACT ONE

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