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Written by Kimberlyn Beebe

EXT. WOODS- DAY Alayna is walking through the woods behind her home. She is weaving through the trees. Deep in thought she picks up her pace. Looking skyward, she trips on a root at her feet. She hits her head and all goes dark. While her eyes are closed Alayna hears high pitch screams EXT. WOODS- CONTINUOS Alayna opens her eyes. She seems to be right where she fell. The screams come again. Alayna struggles to get up holding her head. She runs in the direction of the screams. Alayna comes to a clearing. Across the clearing is a black panther. Alayna steps back in fear. The panther lifts its paw and takes a swipe at the base of a tree. Alayna hears screams again. She puts her hand to her mouth to keep from screaming herself. PANTHER Im gonna rip your wings off and eat you in pieces! You winged rats! GIRLS VOICE 1 You go ahead and try! GIRLS VOICE 2 Yeah, you beast! From Alaynas spot she sees the panther swipe again. The voices scream. Alayna creeps around the clearing to get a better look at the panther. There is a look of shock on her face from hearing the panther talk. At the base of the tree, within the roots Alayna sees something small move. GIRLS VOICE 2 (CONTD) Leave us alone! We are not going to tell you anything! PANTHER Then Ill just eat you for fun. The panther rears back and snarls. Alayna gets a good look at the roots of the tree. There are little figures that look like fairies.



The panther goes to snap at the fairies. Without thinking, Alayna reaches out towards the strange scene in front of her. Stop! ALAYNA (CONTD)

The panther freezes mid-strike. Alayna waits for the panther to turn on her. No movement. It seems like they are all frozen. After a couple of seconds, the fairies rustle. The panther never moves an inch. The fairies feeling safe to move shoot into the air and around the tree. Its so fast Alaynas eyes can barely follow them. PANTHER And who might you be? ALAYNA Alayna. Ive never seen a talking panther before. The panther is not moving from its position. PANTHER We are not common. Can I move? ALAYNA Will you hurt me? The panther seems to ponder this question. After a moment it comes to a decision No. Okay. PANTHER ALAYNA

The panther relaxes out of its position. It shakes its long body, then does a deep long stretch. Alayna watches the panther cautiously. In the corner of her eye she sees the fairies flying beside the tree watching. The panther starts to stalk around Alayna. Alayna keeps her body facing the big animal. PANTHER Who are you, Alayna?

3. ALAYNA Nobody. Who are you? PANTHER I am Vivian of Solarance. ALAYNA I dont know Solarance. Is it in Europe? VIVIAN Europe? Well, yes. After completing her circle, Vivian stops stalking and stands in front of the tree. VIVIAN (CONTD) You look harmless. Mind if I show you my true self? FAIRY 1 That is your true self you beast! Vivian turns towards the direction of the fairies and gives a snarl. Alayna jumps at the sound. Okay. ALAYNA

The air seems to swirl around Vivian the panther. A black sparkling funnel cloud surrounds her. It moves up till it is taller than Alayna, then sinks down revealing a strikingly beautiful woman. The woman is wearing all black, with a long dark curtain of hair. She radiates magic. Wow. ALAYNA (CONTD)

VIVIAN Now, Alayna, where are you from? Alayna opens her mouth to answer, but there is two popping sounds. The fairies are by Alaynas side in the form of young girls. One is dressed in pink with pink wings. The other is in blue. PINK FAIRY Dont tell her! BLUE FAIRY Yeah, shes evil!

4. Once again, Alayna shows her shock on her face. VIVIAN Dont listen to them. I only want to be your friend. The pink fairy puts her arm around Alayna and the blue fairy stands in front of her. PINK FAIRY No you dont, you beast! BLUE FAIRY You just want to kill her. VIVIAN Please, let me just talk to her. I just want to help. Alayna moves to get a better view of Vivian between the fairies. ALAYNA Help with what? Vivian puts on a reassuring smile. VIVIAN To help you with your magic. ALAYNA I dont have any magic. VIVIAN Oh, darling you do. The fairies look at each other and the fairy that is holding Alaynas arm turns to her. PINK FAIRY Dont trust her. She will get everything she wants to know from you then kill you. VIVIAN Ive had enough of this. A dagger appears in Vivians hand. She reaches above her head and throws it with precision towards Alayna. The blue fairy tries to step in the daggers way, but Alayna puts her hands out and yells. NO! ALAYNA

5. The dagger stops mid-air in front of the women. Curious. VIVIAN

Alayna is breathing heavily. A tear begins to fall. She stares at the dagger. Then she turns her eyes to Vivian. Go Away. ALAYNA

The same black glittering cloud rises around Vivian. The whole time it seems Vivian is studying Alayna. When the wind settles, Vivian is gone. The fairies hug Alayna. PINK FAIRY Thanks for saving our lives. Twice. BLUE FAIRY

PINK FAIRY You should go home now. BLUE FAIRY Yes. You cant be found here or they will kill you. ALAYNA Who? Where am I? The fairies look at each other, like they were looking for the right words. PINK FAIRY You shouldnt be here yet. Its not time. BLUE FAIRY We will send you back. Youll find this place when you are ready. Alayna steps back from the two creatures. ALAYNA This is a dream, isnt it? Wow, I have some imagination. PINK FAIRY Sure. This is a dream. A wild one.

6. BLUE FAIRY Close your eyes. And youll go back to reality. Alayna closes her eyes. The fairies raise their arms around Alayna and sprinkle sparkling fairy dust on Alaynas head. They hold hands and skip around her softly singing. EXT. WOODS- DAY Alayna opens her eyes to find herself lying on the ground. She sits up and holds her head. She rubs a bump. Alayna! WOMANS VOICE

Alayna recognizes the voice, as her friend, Dawn. Dawn! ALAYNA

Dawn comes into view. Seeing Alayna sitting on the ground rubbing her head, Dawn rushes over. DAWN Are you okay? What are you doing out here? ALAYNA Im fine. I was taking a walk before you came over. I fell and hit my head. DAWN I was worried about you. Why? ALAYNA

DAWN Its not an easy thing finding out you were adopted. I thought you ran away and werent coming back. ALAYNA I think it should have hit me harder, but it kind of made sense. DAWN What do you mean?

7. ALAYNA Well, I have always felt I didnt belong here. That I was suppose to be somewhere else. DAWN I think you hit your head harder than you think. Dawn feels Alaynas head tenderly. DAWN (CONTD) Its a small bump. Lets get you home and put some ice on it. Dawn helps Alayna to her feet. They carefully walk towards Alaynas home. ALAYNA After I fell, I blanked out and had the strangest dream. Of what? DAWN

ALAYNA Fairies and magic. I swear it was something you would read in a fantasy book. Dawn stares at Alayna seriously, then laughs it off. DAWN You need to stop reading those books. Youll be dreaming every night like that. ALAYNA Ha ha. Very funny. They reach Alaynas house. Before they get into the door, Alayna sees streaks of pink and blue. ALAYNA (CONTD) Did you see that? Dawn looks around, then in the same direction as Alayna. See what? DAWN

There is nothing there to see.



They go inside Alaynas house. INT. THRONE ROOM- DAY Vivian comes through the door and walks up to the throne. Upon the throne is a beautiful woman with hair that is red and orange like fire. Her skin is a warm sun-kissed tone. Her gown is orange and billowy. Vivian bows to the queen. She straightens to deliver her message. VIVIAN Your majesty, Katrina. I have had contact with the woman from the prophecy. KATRINA Here in Solarance? VIVIAN On the outskirts of Glenwood, where I was interrogating some fairies, your majesty. The queen sits forward engrossed. KATRINA Where is she now? Vivian looks down a moment. She juts her chin out and raises her head. VIVIAN She sent me away. I could not stop it. She was with two fairies. KATRINA How did she send you away? VIVIAN With her words. And nothing else. No spell or potion. She said go away, and I was transported. The queen stands and walks briskly towards the door. Vivian follows. They come to a private sitting room. Katrina sits and motions Vivian to sit beside her.

9. Katrina stares out the window behind them. She turns her eyes towards Vivian. KATRINA No one must know she was here. Find and destroy the fairies that helped her after finding out where she was sent. She must be found and killed. VIVIAN Yes, your majesty. KATRINA You may use any of the palaces resources as long as you are discreet. VIVIAN Yes, your majesty. KATRINA You may go now. Vivian stands and bows before leaving. Katrina turns her head to look out the window while Vivian is leaving. She hears the door close behind Vivian. KATRINA (CONTD) I will not have my kingdom taken away from me.


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