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English Department Goal


Past Goals

To make reading comprehension and oral communication explicit in our programme with regards to learning activities, delivery of activities and assessment By June 2012, offer professional development to secondary team about student writing, based on e-asTTle data and in collaboration with the LDT Using student feedback to inform review and planning

Annual Plan 2013-14

Build shared understandings of what an assessment capable, visible learner does Build a culture of professional learning that is rigorous, evidence-based, collaborative and autonomous (teacher inquiry) Embody International Mindedness Nurture student, staff and community well-being

Assessment capable visible learners:

Know about their learning and can plan their next steps with a teacher (or peer) Are active in their learning Understand the assessment tools being used and what their results mean Understand the learning intentions of each lesson Can self assess accurately against success criteria and know their next learning steps Can peer assess against success criteria and give feedback based on criteria Can answer: Where am I going? How am I doing? Where to next

What evidence will help me to determine if my new practices are progressing my learners?

Where are my learners now and what do they need to learn next?

Designing, applying and engaging in new practices

Therefore I need to know more about

I will progress my professional learning by

Ideas for this year?

Annette: Focus on reading comprehension using MidYis and asTTle data more effectively How is formative assessment being used in our curriculum development to improve student fluency and competence with language mechanics? (planning lessons and units) Success criteria are integrated into the curriculum and formative tasks to improve achievement levels with assessment tasks Language mechanics

Goal for 2013-14


is (informal) formative assessment being used to develop assessment capable visible learners?

First step:
Evidence gathering: Over a one week period, we will each make a record of formative assessment strategies and tasks used to gauge

Frequency Range of strategies What information we are gathering using formative assessment

We will meet December 4 to share our findings and plan our next steps

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