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INT. DETROIT SKYSCRAPER-NIGHT An executive board room.

Used by a car company back in its hay day but now covered in dust. A camera flash goes off over the massive oak board room table. Around it sit nine GANGBANGERS all dead. There are bullet holes along the conference room windows. Some have gun shot wounds to the chest, others have fragments of their faces missing. An army of crime scene investigators wrap tape around the scene and take evidence photos. DETECTIVE DRYSDALE, 35, lifts the arm up of one of the corpses with his gloved hand. DETECTIVE NEWELL, 50s, enters the room with a coffee. NEWELL He didnt have time to blink let alone reach his gun. DRYSDALE Think he was the first down? NEWELL Hard to tell they all look pretty surprised. Drysdale takes off his gloves. DRYSDALE What were they doing here? NEWELL (pointing at the corpses) Looks like a meet. If that D-Shawn from the southside and thats Pluck from Highland Park, it probably means they were doing a pow wow to go over pricing. Pricing? DRYSDALE

NEWELL One cant be selling lower then the other. Simply economics and nowadays these guys love to play businessman. DRYSDALE Hence the boardroom.

2. NEWELL Any luck with fragments? DRYSDALE Depleted uranium rounds, 50 cal. NEWELL Jesus. That must have set our shooter back. DRYSDALE The shots had to have come from one of the nearby buildings. Although none have a floor high enough to get the right line of sight. NEWELL You ever do any sniping in Iraq? DRYSDALE I drove water trucks. But nine shots off before anyone can react? Screams ex military NEWELL Well the cash was still on the table. Two men in paint suits are zipping up the wads of cash. DRYSDALE So it was a message? NEWELL I would go even further. He looks at one of the bullet holes in the glass. Newell mulls it over. NEWELL (CONTD) Someone wants to keep this war going. NEWELL (CONTD) Nobody made money off of truces. Drysdale follows the hole with a pen and follows it across the room to a puncture mark in a painting of an old CEO. He looks at the shots next to the portrait as well. All of them at the same angle. NEWELL (CONTD) Youre not going to believe this.



EXT. DETROIT SKYSCRAPER-NIGHT-FLASHBACK The gangbangers are all alive in the room. Heated argument has broken out. PLUCK, 25 points his finger at D-SHAWN, 25 PLUCK Nah man, just give us North woodward and you can still run everything south of eigth. D-SHAWN Thats what this scratch is here for. He gestures to stacks of cash left on the table. PLUCK Doesnt matter how much I get now, Woodward keeps my hustle up and is profitable. D-SHAWN Then we can talk splitting the motherfucker if your boys give up everything around the 75. PLUCK I can talk to someEveryone stops as if they hear something. PLUCK (CONTD) You hear that? PLINK D-SHAWNs face goes MISSING in a puff of RED MIST. Shit! PLUCK (CONTD)

One by one everyone down the table gets knocked off. Pluck tries to react in time by pushing the chair back to dive under the table but an apple sized hole in his chest violently appears.

4. EXT. SKY-NIGHT A BLACK HELICOPTER hovers about a 120 yards away from the conference room. A SNIPER, 30, aims his BARRET .50 CAL RIFLE and checks through his scope. From his POV he can see no more movement in the room. The Sniper tracks back to what he thinks is Pluck moving but it is just his lifeless body falling from the chair. Satisfied, the Sniper, turns to the PILOT of the chopper. SNIPER Take her up. INT. DETROIT SKYSCRAPER-CONFERENCE ROOM-NIGHT Back to present. Newell having told Drysdale all this. DRYSDALE No fucking way. NEWELL It makes sense with the inconsistency of height but still having the same bullet protectory. DRYSDALE Who could possibly want to stop a meet up that bad? NEWELL To be honest, any suspect that I could think of was in this room. A coroner drags the final body out on a gurney.

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