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By Anthony Corbisieri 5/6D


Where The red frog leapsThe room was dark and gloomy. In that miserable, candle-lit room, sat a lonely, old man. He knew that his life was slowly slipping from his grasp, so his old worn out hand reached for the quill and he began to write. A tsunami of memories flowed onto the page as he wrote about his regretful and depressing life. The letter read:

To whom it may concern, My life has been filled with many wondrous moments, but none of those will fill the hole in my heart that my family and friends left behind. Throughout my life I have been fortunate enough to inherit a great wealth from my ancestors; although, since my life is coming to a close I have no use for it and I wish to pass it on to the finder of this letter. Keep in mind that with great wealth comes great responsibility. This map will lead you to what is left of my wealth, use it well. And always remember that those who love us never really leave us, they will always be with us in our hearts.

By Anthony Corbisieri 5/6D


The man slowly started to draw the map on the other side of the rusty page and when he was done, he carefully tore the paper in half and put those two separate pieces into two different bottles. He slowly walked outside his creaking, run down house and began to dig a hole in which he would soon place one of the bottles in. With that he gradually walked away into the darkness The 50 years since the letter was written flew by and in the blink of an eye it was the year 2013 Ahhh!!! the girls screamed as they ran as fast as they could. They were being chased by their friends in an intense game of tag. As they ran, Abigail tripped and fell onto the grass. When she attempted to stand, she caught sight of a glass bottle glinting brightly in the sunlight, underneath a luscious green bush. Abigail slowly reached out, curious to find out what would be in the dusty, old bottle. Inside the bottle she found what appeared to be half of an old, rusty letter she wondered where the other half would be. She then discovered that there was also half of a treasure map on the other side of the page. As she analysed the map, she wondered what it could possibly lead to. .............................................. The next day at school, Abigail saw her friends Tom, Sasha and Isabelle chatting in front of the classroom. She ran over to them, excited to inform them about yesterdays findings. Hey guys, you wouldnt believe what I found yesterday. said Abigail enthusiastically. What! said Tom, Sasha and Isabelle in unison. I think I might have found half of a treasure map! whispered Abigail in case anyone else was around. No way! yelled Tom in disbelief. Sasha then looked around suspiciously to see if anyone was around. Whats wrong Sasha? asked Isabelle curiously. Sasha then swiftly turned and started to rummage through her backpack. Well, I dont think you guys are gonna believe me, but I think I might have the other half. She then pulled out a green tinted bottle After school, Abigail, Isabelle and Sasha gathered at Toms house to discuss what they were to do about the situation. So, should we start looking for the treasure yet?!? asked Sasha enthusiastically as the group began to unravel the map on Toms kitchen bench. We cant just start looking for it, we have to examine the map first and anyway we dont even know if its treasure I could just be a joke. warned Abigail. Isabelle and Tom nodded their heads, agreeing to Abigails suggestion. Well, whatever. said Sasha. Alright, so heres the plan Tom, Isabelle and Sasha huddled around intently to hear Abigails plan. That night after football training, Tom and a few of his teammates were having a kick at the goals. Toms dad then suddenly called out Hey, Tom! Its time to go now, dinners probably ready and I dont know about you, but Im starving! Okay, Ill be just be one minute Dad, Ive gotta get my ball. As Tom ran over to grab his Sherrin, he noticed something metal sticking out of the goal post padding. He curiously walked over to discover that it was a key and wrapped around it was some old rusty paper with writing on it. Tom suspiciously looked around as he shoved the key into the pocket of his jacket. The following day at recess, Tom had just remembered to inform his friends about the key. Hey guys guess what! yelled out Tom towards his friends. What? replied Sasha, Abigail and Isabelle in unison. Well, I reckon that the map isnt leading to a treasure but a key. assumed Tom. And what makes you think that? asked Isabelle curiously. Tom then carefully put his hand into his pocket and pulled out the key that he had found last night. Whats that supposed to be? questioned Sasha as she examined the key.

By Anthony Corbisieri 5/6D


I found it at footy training last night. informed Tom. Yeah, and? said Abigail. Well, the X on the map does look like its on some sort of a field requested Isabelle. Oh, yeah it does. replied Abigail as she looked at the map that she had been keeping in her pocket. Oh, and I almost forgot. said Tom as he stuck his hand into his pocket. There was also what looks to be a riddle in the same place... but I couldnt work out what it meant. Tom then pulled the scrunched up paper out of his pocket. He read it out loud to his friends: You have found the key to my will, but I will now share the location in which my treasure is at. When something dies, something is born, my will is among the treasure of creation, near something that needs the seas, the rays and the soil. We are all unique and different and so is this form of creation. It is located where the red frog leaps! What on Earth does that mean?!? asked Abigail. I have no idea! replied Sasha. Me neither! agreed Isabelle. The bell then went, signifying the end of recess. Well, well try to work it out tomorrow, Ive gotta get to class. said Tom. The friends all said bye to each other as the departed towards their classrooms. Many days past, but still no-one could work out the riddle Until one day when Abigail, Sasha, Isabelle and Tom were walking home from school. As they were walking down the footpath, Tom was busy kicking pebbles along the path. He then looked up and saw the sign which read: Redleap Reserve. Hmmm, where have I heard that before? Tom thought to himself. No way!! Where the red frog leaps. Its Redleap!!! Tom yelled out excitedly. Oh yeah! Good job Tom, I think we should go check it out now, see if anything is there. suggested Isabelle as she ran toward the lake beside Redleap Reserve. Tom, Abigail and Sasha reluctantly followed. After half an hour of looking, the friends met up on the oval. Did anyone find anything? asked Abigail. I didnt. replied Isabelle. Sasha and I didnt find anything either. said Tom as he ran to meet his friends. Well, were not gonna find it and Im really tired, so Im just gonna sit down. said Sasha as she walked over to sit on a rock beside the lake. She then picked up a long, straight stick and started to play around with the leaves and dirt on the ground. As she dug through all the leaves she noticed in corner of her eye that something was sticking out of the dirt. She curiously crawled over to get a closer look. Hey guys come here! yelled Sasha. I need you to help me dig this out of the ground. Tom, Isabelle and Abigail ran over to help out. As they dug around the mysterious object, they realised that it was an old, dusty box. They opened the box to find another smaller box inside, although, this one had a lock on it. Hey Tom, try that key you found. suggested Abigail. Alright, I will. replied Tom as he pulled it out of his pocket. They key was a perfect fit and Tom opened the box. Everyone gasped. Inside the box was a check for 4 million dollars (and 4 Mcdonalds vouchers). Abigail, Sasha, Isabelle and Tom all sat there speechless waiting for one of their friends to say something OH MY GOSH!!!! WERE GONNA BE RICH!!!! screamed out Tom as he jumped up in the air.

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