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EDLD 8434: The Community College Spring Semester 2012 ABSTRACT CR T !

"E Topi#: Government Sour#e Title: Author$s%&E'itor$s%: Matthew Dembicki Ch(pter&Arti#le Title: Retooling Amerians skills for available jobs, new industries )ourn(l&Boo*&+u,li#(tion Title: Community College imes +u,lisher: American Association of Community Colleges -olume& ssue: !nline D(te: "anuary #$, #%&# +(ge$s%: .&A /e,site: http:&&0001#ommunity#ollegetimes1#om&+(ges&2o3ernment&Retooling4 Ameri#(ns4s*ills45or4(3(il(,le46o,s1(sp7 8(teri(l +resente': The (rti#le 5o#uses on +resi'ent B(r(#* 9,(m(:s St(te o5 the "nion (''ress (n' his push to pro3i'e ('e;u(te prep(r(tion 5or Ameri#(ns to ,e (,le to o,t(in the s*ills ne#ess(ry to 5ill (3(il(,le (n' emerging 6o,s1 A##or'ing to the (rti#le< +resi'ent 9,(m( ,elie3es this responsi,ility lies 0ith the #ommunity #olleges1 =e notes th(t goo' 6o,s (lre('y e7ist ,ut th(t 0or*ers (re not e;uippe' 0ith the right s*ills1 The (rti#le (lso notes his push 5or more (ltern(ti3e energy< (lso lin*e' to #ommunity #olleges< 0hi#h he ,elie3es 0ill #re(te 6o,s (s p(rt o5 ( ne0 Ameri#(n in'ustry1 /ith these progr(ms< he ,elie3es #ommunity #olleges shoul' 5orm p(rtnerships 0ith #omp(nies so th(t they #(n ,e hire' upon gr('u(tion1 n his (''ress< 9,(m( m('e *no0n his 'esire 5or st(te (n' higher e'u#(tion institutions to 5in' 0(ys in 0hi#h they #(n slo0 the r(te o5 tuition in#re(ses< pro3i'e t(7 ,ene5its< (s 0ell (s in#re(se the num,er o5 0or* stu'y positions to (llo0 5or ( simpli5ie' pro#ess (n' (n e(sier tr(nsition 5or stu'ents1 St(te le('ers h(3e (lre('y ,egun loo*ing (t e'u#(tion 5or 0(ys to re*in'le the e#onomy1 Community #olleges< (##or'ing to the (rti#le< 0ill li*ely pl(y ( signi5i#(nt role in this initi(ti3e1 (gree 0ith +resi'ent 9,(m( th(t #ommunity #olleges m(y hol' the *ey to pro3i'ing s*ille' 0or*ers 5or (3(il(,le 6o,s1 Although it 0ill li*ely not turn the 6o, situ(tion (roun' on its o0n< the pl(n th(t he outlines in3ol3ing #ommunity #olleges #oul' 3ery 0ell ,e su##ess5ul (s long (s the #olleges *no0 0h(t s*ills (re ne#ess(ry1 n 5(#t< thin* #olleges< (n' their progr(ms< h(3e ( responsi,ility to *eep up 0ith their respe#ti3e in'ustries to 'etermine 0hi#h s*ills (re re;uire' 5or employment1 /hether it is 'one ,y est(,lishing p(rtnerships or not< there shoul' ,e ( #loser rel(tionship ,et0een #ommunity #olleges (n' in'ustries so th(t 0or*ers (re re('y4to4hire upon gr('u(tion1 This #oul' ,e gre(t 5or #ommunity #olleges ,e#(use it is (n opportunity to not only pro3i'e help to the #ommunity ,ut (lso 5or the #ountry (s ( 0hole1

EDLD 8434: The Community College Spring Semester 2012 ABSTRACT CR T !"E Topi#: Community Colleges 4 Develo'mental (earning)Assessments Sour#e Title: Author$s%&E'itor$s%: *aul +ain Ch(pter&Arti#le Title: Academic su''ort offerings go unused at community colleges )ourn(l&Boo*&+u,li#(tion Title: ,nside -igher .d +u,lisher: ,nside -igher .d -olume& ssue: !nline D(te: +ebruary #, #%&# +(ge$s%: .&A /e,site: http:&&0001insi'ehighere'1#om&ne0s&2012&02&02&(#('emi#4support4 o55erings4go4unuse'4#ommunity4#olleges 8(teri(l +resente': This (rti#le ,rings to light re#ent rese(r#h 5in'ings th(t suggest (#('emi# support shoul' no longer ,e option(l ,ut< inste('< m(n'(tory1 Those o5 us th(t 0or* in higher e'u#(tion *no0 th(t< unless something is m(n'(tory< 3ery r(rely (re stu'ents going to m(*e use o5 resour#es1 t p(ys p(rti#ul(r (ttention to the (#('emi# pl(#ement tests ('ministere' ,y the m(6ority o5 #olleges (n' the sm(ll per#ent(ge o5 stu'ents 0ho (#tu(lly utili>e stu'y m(teri(ls or other resour#es pro3i'e' ,y #olleges to prep(re 5or them1 Stu'ents o5ten t(*e these tests 0ith little to no prep(r(tion (n' (re pl(#ing in reme'i(l #ourses 0hen< in 5(#t< ( little re5resher #ourse m(y ,e 6ust enough to e7empt them 5rom one< or se3er(l< o5 these #l(sses1 ?in'ing out th(t they (re re;uire' to t(*e reme'i(l #ourses is 3ery 'is#our(ging 5or most stu'ents (n'< upon enrolling in those #l(sses< they 5in' th(t they m(y not h(3e nee'e' them1 The (rti#le m(*es mention o5 the myri(' o5 pro,lems 5(#e' ,y #ommunity #ollege stu'ents (lre('y (n' it 0oul' ,e 0ise to thin* th(t unne#ess(ry #ourse0or* shoul' not ,e (''e' to th(t list1 5 0e (re to m(*e testing prep(r(tion (n' other su##ess4oriente' resour#es m(n'(tory< 0e #oul' ,e helping to minimi>e the issues th(t m(ny #ommunity #ollege stu'ents 5(#e (n'< thus< pro3i'ing ( more positi3e e7perien#e 5or them1 5 the progr(ms highlighte' in the (rti#le 0ere m('e m(n'(tory< it 0oul' h(3e 3(st impli#(tions on the #ommunity #ollege1 .ot only 0oul' 5(#ulty (n' st(55 nee' to ,e in pl(#e 5or these resour#es to ,e (3(il(,le ,ut pro#esses 0oul' h(3e to ,e est(,lishe'< (s 0ell< to en5or#e it1 /h(t 0oul' the #onse;uen#e$s% ,e i5 ( stu'ent 'i' not utili>e the resour#es@ There (re m(ny 'i55erent #omponents th(t 0oul' nee' to #ome into pl(y 5or it to ,e e55e#ti3e1 Th(t ,eing s(i'< ,elie3e th(t it 0oul' 'e5initely re'u#e the (mount o5 reme'i(l #ourses th(t most stu'ents 0ere re;uire' to t(*e1 E3ery '(y< see stu'ents th(t t(*e our pl(#ement test 5or ( se#on' time< (5ter h(3ing ( 5e0 hours o5 tutoring< (n' they 'o e7#eption(lly ,etter th(n they 'i' the 5irst time1 t m(y re;uire ( #ollege to t(*e ( step ,(#* (n' loo* (t the #urrent resour#es (3(il(,le to stu'ents (n' someho0 ('6ust them to 0here they (re (#tu(lly ,eing utili>e' (n' h(3ing ( positi3e imp(#t on stu'ent su##ess1

EDLD 8434: The Community College Spring Semester 2012 ABSTRACT CR T !"E Topi#: Graduation Rates)Com'letion Sour#e Title: Author$s%&E'itor$s%: *aul /radley Ch(pter&Arti#le Title: A Model for 0uccess1 ennessee echnical Colleges !ffer Clues to Achieving -igh Graduation Rates )ourn(l&Boo*&+u,li#(tion Title: Community College 2eek +u,lisher: Autumn *ublishing .nter'rises, ,nc3 -olume& ssue: !nline D(te: +ebruary 4, #%&# +(ge$s%: .&A /e,site: http:&&0001##0ee*1#om&ne0s&templ(tes&templ(te1(sp7@ (rti#lei'A2B12C>onei'AD 8(teri(l +resente': This (rti#le pro3i'es ( loo* (t ( higher e'u#(tion mo'el th(t h(s pro3en to ,e highly su##ess5ul in Tennessee1 A5ter opening their 'oors in 1BE0< the Tennessee Te#hnology Centers spe#i(li>e in pro3i'ing the o##up(tion(l s*ills ne#ess(ry to ( segment o5 the popul(tion th(t is typi#(lly o3erloo*e' ,y tr('ition(l uni3ersities1 =o0e3er< they 'i55er 5rom most #ommunity #olleges in th(t they only o55er 'iplom(s (n' #erti5i#(tes (n' they (re #onsi'ere' ( F#lo#*4hourG institution< me(ning stu'ents e(rn #re'it ,y spen'ing time in the #l(ssroom (s oppose' to the #re'it hour system1 The #urri#ulum 5or e(#h progr(m o5 stu'y 5ollo0s ( stri#t s#he'ule ,ut this (llo0s 5or the stu'ents to *no0 e7(#tly ho0 long it 0ill t(*e them to 5inish the progr(m (s 0ell (s the e7(#t #ost1 ?urthermore< this elimin(tes ( lot o5 the guessing th(t goes into registr(tion (n' ('3isement 5or the stu'ents (n'< thus< simpli5ies the pro#ess1 t h(s 0or*e' so 0ell th(t their #ompletion r(tes 5(r e7#ee' those o5 other #ommunity #olleges throughout the n(tion1 n 200B< their #ompletion r(te 0(s DHI #omp(re' to other Tennessee #ommunity #olleges: 13I #ompletion r(te1 /ith #ompletion r(tes li*e this< it is no 0on'er others h(3e ,egun to t(*e noti#e1 A mo'el li*e this #oul' pro3e to ,e e7tremely help5ul 5or the 5uture o5 #ommunity #olleges1 Although it m(y seem o'' to others< this mo'el is (n e7(mple th(t the Ftr('ition(lG 0(y m(y not (l0(ys ,e the ,est 0(y1 As +resi'ent 9,(m( in'i#(te' in his St(te o5 the "nion (''ress< #ommunity #olleges 0ill pl(y ( 3it(l role in prep(ring 0or*ers to ,e ;u(li5ie' 5or the 6o,s th(t (re #urrently (3(il(,le1 =(3ing ( stru#ture li*e th(t o5 the Tennessee Te#hnology Centers: (llo0s stu'ents to h(3e ( ,etter 3ie0 o5 0h(t they (re 5(#ing (n' the 6o, prospe#ts on#e then (re #omplete1 n re(lity< their mission (n' th(t o5 +resi'ent 9,(m(:s go h(n'4in4h(n'1 +erson(lly< (m 3ery impresse' 0ith the Tennessee Te#hnology Centers (n' their 0illingness to step outsi'e o5 the norm to pro3i'e e'u#(tion to those th(t nee' it1 thin* other #olleges shoul' t(*e ( #loser loo* (t this mo'el (n' see ho0 they might ,e (,le to

in#orpor(te it into their o0n #olleges (t le(st to pro3i'e ( ,etter opportunity 5or stu'ent su##ess1

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