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She opened the door with a rather grim expression on her face, and stopped in surprise that bordered

on shock to see Damien standing there, looking exceptionally pleased with himself. 'What do you want?' Self-defence was automatic with Damien, and he grinned as if he knew it was exactly that. He then stepped inside, after lifting her easily out of his way, his strong hands on her slender waist. Since she had seen him earlier his whole manner seemed to have changed. He was simply amused, no anger or threat was there. 'I'm trying to calculate exactly how many times you've greeted me with similar words since I saw you again,' he said thoughtfully. 'You have a collection of well-learned phrases?' 'It was merely an astonished question!' Victoria snapped. 'I didn't expect to be accosted in my hotel bedroom. I have a dinner-date.' 'Lloyd? I know,' he murmured, walking in and looking round with interest. 'He was downstairs when I came in. He looked so agitated that I noticed him at once. I've sent him about his business.' 'You've what?' Victoria's eyes turned a very dark green, and he looked down at her in amusement, her growing rage merely bringing a twinkle to the blue eyes. 'I'll rephrase that, as you don't understand. I sent him packing. He was early, as he told me. He looked uncomfortably eager. I told him I had to talk to you urgently business. Of course he understood. He'll ring you tomorrow.' 87 'And I'll talk any business that's necessary tomorrow!' Victoria said sharply. 'I have to see the agent about selling the house and contents. I can spare a few minutes for you at about ten-thirty.' She tossed her head defiantly and he smiled at her. 'I don't want to talk business, sweetie,' he said softly, his arms shooting out and capturing her by the waist. 'I came to take you down to dinner. As Lloyd had beat me to it, I despatched him rapidly.' 'And he let you!' Through the thin material of her robe his hand was warm and tempting; she spun away, biting into her lips when she realised that she had wanted him to go on holding her. It was sheer madness. 'Not everyone has your fighting spirit. He has an eye to the main chance in any case,' Damien murmured, leaning back against the door and eyeing her appreciatively. 'Heather is in my office. I think her brother hopes I'll become fatally interested. I'd make a useful brother-in-law, after all.' 'You may make whatever you want, just so long as it doesn't concern me at all!' He smiled that cool smile she had dreaded. 'I expected you to be almost ready. I certainly expected you to be dressed,' he murmured, his lips quirking. 'Models are supposed to be very slick at changing, aren't they? Still, I imagine you're quite used to having men wait while you drift around in your neglige.' 'All the time!' Victoria snapped. 'I never hesitated to answer the door.' She went perfectly still and looked up at him as pointedly as she 88 could, realising immediately that it was a mistake a big one. 'I noticed!' His own face was still too, and the blue eyes were dangerously narrowed, the humour quite gone. Defiance with Damien should definitely be conducted at a distance. She tried to move stealthily away, but his arm shot out and captured her, his grip tightening as she struggled. 'I'll see you tomorrow, Damien,' she said uneasily. 'You'll see me tonight!' he countered. 'Dinner in fifteen minutes, or we conduct our business right here and now.' 'I don't want to have dinner with you!' she informed him fretfully, trying

again to step free, and he pulled her into his arms, looking down at her with brilliant, narrowed eyes. 'I'm not particularly interested in dinner, either,' he murmured quietly. 'It's more private here for the discussion I have in mind. We'll stay here.' He pulled her close. He was still leaning against the door and she found herself moulded to his strength as his arms came tightly around her. 'I I know why you're doing this!' she said frantically. 'You're trying to force me to to ' 'I won't have to force you,' he taunted softly, his hand capturing her wildly moving head. 'You never needed forcing, once you got the 89 general idea. In fact, you surprised me. I had no notion you were so eager. You've had plenty of practice since then. I'm very anxious to find out how much.'

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