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Habitats: Learning Targets and Rubric for Class Notes

I can
1. define a habitat. 2. list and describe 6 major habitats of the world.

Beginning ~ 1
Does not correctly define a habitat

Secure ~ 2
Correctly defines a habitat

Exceeds ~ 3
Does not apply Is secure and can give an example of a location where each can be found Can name more than 2 specific animals that live in each of the 6 habitats Can name 3 or more specific plants that live in each of the 6 habitats Is secure and can give an example

Can list and describe at least 4 major habitats

Can name 1 specific

Can list and describe 6 major habitats Can name 2 specific animals that live in each of the 6 habitats Can name 2 specific plants that live in each of the 6 habitats Correctly explains how animals adapt to their environment

3. list animals that live in each of the 6 habitats.

animal that live in each of the 6 habitats Can name 1 specific

4. list plants that live in each of the 6 habitats.

plant that lives in each of the 6 habitats Can not explain how

5. explain how animals adapt to their environment to survive

animals adapt to their environment

Can correctly define a basic food chain

Can correctly define, draw and label a basic food chain

Is secure and can correctly identify producer and consumer in the food chain

6. define a basic food chain.

15-17 ~ A 10-14 ~ B 6-9 ~ C Below 10 = Below grade level expectation Score_______ Grade_______

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