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Guide for EstabelGear: Trinkets: 1) Thoks Acid-grooved Tooth : ks-acid-grooved-tooth) 2) Kadris' :Toxic Totem http://www.wowdb.

com/items/105291-kardris-tox ic-totem) Tier Bonus: t16 2pc, 4pc

s - Spirits of harmony Consumables: t - Token Potionse - Trade Good Potion of the Jade serpent (2000 int; 20sec) x1 green tea leaf (Jade Forest) x1 silkweed (Karasang Wilds) Flask of the Warm Sun (1000 int; 1hr) x1 Golden Lotus (Panderia) 1s -> 2e x4 silkweed (Karasang Wilds) Mogu Fish Stew x1 Black Pepper (Halfhill Market) 1t -> 1e x5 Emperor Salmon (Panderia) x 25 mogu pumpkin (Farming, AH, Halfhill Market) 1t -> 25e x5 Raw Crocolisk Belly (Krasarang Widlds, some in Jade Fores



t) 1t -> 5e

INVENTORY Consumables: Potions - 30 stacks (600 ind) 600gtl 600sw Flasks- 2 stacks (40 ind) 40gl 160sw Food- As much as possible Bags: Royal Satchels - 48 imperial silk (4 weeks) - 96 stacks of cloth Currrency: Capped Honor, Capped justice, Capped Valor. Food, water.

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