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SAG-Eligible AEA AGENT Rogers Orion Talent Agency 818.789.706 rogersorion!g"" 609- 6#-71$0 %aniel."ar"ion!g"" &&&.%aniel'"ar""

Unusual Suspects Killer Truckers The Zom-B Team Dystopia No Vacancy Peanuts The Girl & the Co ee Shop The !-"ist "ily G(est Star S(,,orting -ea% -ea% -ea% -ea% -ea% -ea% -ea% )* Net&or+ )* Net&or+ .eb Series SAG S/ort SAG S/ort S/ort S/ort S/ort S/ort

The "ieutenant o #nishmore The $erchant o Venice Para%ise "ost Throne o Bloo% 6&orl% ,re"iere7 &enry #V Part ' Death an% the Kin()s &orseman No "o*e Stones in &is Pockets &amlet +ulius Caesar Three Days o ,ain 0/risty -oren2o 5(lie Gor%on 8os/iter( 9rince 5o/n 6: 9rince ;al (<s7 Ai%e-%e-0a", == 5a+e> et al. -aertes 0asca .al+er<Ne% Artist1s Re,ertory T/eatre Oregon S/a+es,eare 3esti4al Oregon S/a+es,eare 3esti4al Oregon S/a+es,eare 3esti4al Oregon S/a+es,eare 3esti4al Oregon S/a+es,eare 3esti4al Eclectic 0o",any T/eatre .inni,esa(+ee 9lay/o(se A?(ila T/eatre 0o. National To(r A?(ila T/eatre 0o. National To(r Ailant/(s<.or+s/o, 9lay/o(se


Ne& 8or+ @ni4ersity Tisc/ Sc/ool oA t/e ArtsB C3A in Acting Stella A%ler St(%io oA Acting Se"ester abroa% in )relan% D Trinity 0ollege> Abbey T/eatre -isa RobertsonB A%4ance% Scene St(%y 6-A7

)",ro4. AccentsE Critis/ 64ario(s regions7> )ris/ 6.estern : Nort/ern7> Ne& 8or+> So(t/ern @S> .estern @S> A(stralian. Stage co"batE ;an%-to-/an% 6not certiAie%7> ra,ier an% %agger 60ertiAie%7. SingingE can /ol% a t(ne. *ri4erFs license 60A7. 9ass,ort. Aco(stic g(itar.

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