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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://shredlqueLLe.blogspoL.

moJlfleJ 02. Ioo. 2010
lottoJoctloo ........................................................................................................................................... J
lecttoolcs .............................................................................................................................................. 4
LlsL of elecLronlc componenLs ............................................................................................................ 3
M (lnerLlal measuremenL unlL) ube ............................................................................................... 3
onnecLor descrlpLlon ...................................................................................................................... 11
Serlal adapLer ................................................................................................................................... 11
8eceler wlrlng ................................................................................................................................. 12
ower wlrlng ..................................................................................................................................... 12
cbossls ................................................................................................................................................. 12
8ear sero ......................................................................................................................................... 14
koJlo settloqs ...................................................................................................................................... 15
1toosfettloq tbe fltmwote .................................................................................................................... 15
Cul otometetlzotloo .......................................................................................................................... 1
1bloqs to cooslJet befote tokeoff ........................................................................................................ 1
AeoJlx .............................................................................................................................................. 20
nsLrucLlons & manual page 1
ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
leose oote. lf yoo oeet flew o toJlo coottolleJ oltlooe ot bellcotet befote, toctlce oo o
kc-slmolotot fltst! eo lf tbe cotet ls ooto-stoble, tbete ote olwoys sltootloos wbete yoo
polckly boe to teoct lo tbe tlqbt woy. oo coo ooly leoto tbot by toctlcloq (ot by oyloq o
lot of mooey fot sote otts...). 1bls ls oot o toy, oltbooqb lt ls o lot of foo to loy wltb lt...
use ot your own risk in on environment ond usinq sofety precoutions where you ond other
peop/e wi// not qet hurt.
l woo't toke ooy tesooslblllty fot occlJeots ot Jomoqes tbot tesolt ftom bollJloq ooJ/ ot
flyloq o 5bteJlpoette ttlcotet.
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
A LrlcopLer/ Lrl-roLor ls a flylng Lhlng LhaL uses Lhree moLors + propellers (arranged ln a
horlzonLal Lrlangle) Lo sLay alrborne.
1he speed of each of Lhese moLors can be conLrolled lndependenLly. AddlLlonally, Lhe moLor
aL Lhe rear can be roLaLed lefL and rlghL la a sero. Cne propeller Lurns clockwlse, Lwo
propellers Lurn counLer-clockwlse Lo mlnlmlze Lorque. Cyroscopes (measurlng angular
eloclLy) and acceleromeLers (measurlng acceleraLlons, llke gralLaLlon) are used Lo sLablllze
Lhe lnherenLly unsLable sysLem. 1he plloL can
conLrol Lhe LrlcopLer wlLh a remoLe conLrol.
PelghL, nlck, roll and yaw are conLrolled la 2
sLlcks on Lhe remoLe conLrol. A 3-poslLlon swlLch
Lurns on Lhe moLors and selecLs conLrol mode.
Pence a 3-channel LransmlLLer & receler ls
1hls speclflc LrlcopLer uses Lwo dlfferenL conLrol
modes: llrsLly, "hoer mode", where Lhe plloL
conLrols Lhe angle of Lhe LrlcopLer. Molng Lhe sLlcks 10 degrees LllLs Lhe LrlcopLer ~10
degrees. 1he copLer wlll begln Lo acceleraLe ln Lhe deslred dlrecLlon. f you release Lhe sLlcks,
Lhe copLer wlll auLomaLlcally leel. 8uL lL wlll keep Lhe eloclLy lL had before (lf we dlsregard
aerodynamlc drag). 1he LrlcopLer can hoer on lLs own ln Lhls fllghL mode lf Lhere ls no wlnd
and lf Lhere ls some space.
Secondly, "aerobaLlc mode", where Lhe plloL conLrols Lhe angular eloclLy of Lhe copLer.
Molng Lhe sLlcks 10 degrees wlll resulL ln slow roLaLlon of Lhe LrlcopLer (maybe 10 degrees
per second). Molng Lhe sLlcks furLher wlll resulL ln fasLer roLaLlon. 1he copLer wlll always
keep Lhe angle lL had lf you release Lhe sLlcks. 1hls mode ls ery useful when dolng
aerobaLlcs or flylng around for fun. 1he LrlcopLer flles llke a regular 8 hellcopLer ln Lhls
mode. ?aw conLrol ls always "headlng-hold" = angular eloclLy conLrol.
1he propellers LhaL you are uslng for your LrlcopLer should maLch your moLors. 1hey should
also be as llghL as posslble, as Lhls allows for an efflclenL sLablllzaLlon. Maxxprod has some
ery llghL propellers. A Slowfly propellers are Loo heay.
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
llrsL, you should puL Lhe maln conLroller (1rlC) of Lhe LrlcopLer LogeLher. 1he Lag|e f||es
(schemat|cs & |ayout) can be found |n the b|og.

ScreenshoL, showlng Lhe layouL and Lhe clrculL. oLe: 1h|s |s [ust an examp|e, layouL may change wlLhouL noLlce. 1he mosL
recenL layouL, source code, C and manual ls always aallable ln my blog aL Lhe Lop rlghL corner
1he red llnes ln Lhe layouL are wlre umpers, donL forgeL Lo add Lhem Also donL forgeL Lo connecL
A4 and A3 wlLh Lhe 8. 1hese plns (on Lhe Ardulno pro mlnl) are preLLy easy Lo forgeL. 1he followlng
addresses are used for Lhe copLer: Address1 (&P32): MoLor aL Lhe rear, address2 (&P34): LefL
moLor, address3 (&P3): rlghL moLor.
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
List of electronic components
AmounL value Device Used in
2 Pinheader MA07-2W l2COU1, lSP
Pinheader PlND-2X4 lMUCUF
4 CPOL-FUF2.- C, C6, C7, C34
2 C-FU C6, C7
k R-FU_0207/2v R, R2, R0, R, R2
2 0k R-FU_0207/2v R8, R9
33k R-FU_0207/2v R4
3 36k R-FU_0207/2v R, R6, R7
k R-FU_0207/2v R3
2 00 CPOL-FUF2.-7 C4, C0
00n C-FU02-02X00 C, C2, C3, C8, C, C2, C3, C4, C, C8, C9
3 390 ohm R-FU_0207/2v R3, R4, R
m328p, 6Mz, v ARDUlNOMlNlPRO US
3 C48 C48-NPN-1O92-FC 1, 12, 13
3 Pinheader PlND-X2 JP, JP2, JP3 = connecLors or LFD,2,3
6 Pinheader MA03- vOU1, RFCFlvFR, RS232, SFRvO, UAR1, A11
MAX232 CPF MAX232 lC3
lot tbe mlol etsloo. Oeo scbemotlcs lo oqle, too ul sctlt 8OM.ol. 1bls wlll qeoetote o llst llke tbe ooe oboe.
IMU {inertial measurement unit] Cube
1he nexL sLep ls Lo make Lhe M cube. L conslsLs of Lhree gyroscopes (A8S10, Sparkfun breakouL
board) and a Lwo axes acceleromeLer (AL322, Sparkfun breakouL board). 1he sensors are noL puL
dlrecLly onLo 1rlC so LhaL you can use Lhese (expensle) sensors for oLher proecLs Loo.
AddlLlonally, Lhls enables a beLLer lsolaLlon agalnsL lbraLlons.
1he lndlldual sensors are glued LogeLher uslng cyano. 1he edges where you puL Lhe glue should be
sllghLly sanded before. lease excuse Lhe quallLy of Lhe lmages. hae Lo use a moblle phone Lo make
Lhe plcLures.
1: Clue Lwo of Lhe gyroscopes
LogeLher. oLe Lhe blue llnes
and Lhe poslLlons of Lhe
solderlng pads.
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
2: 1he Lhlrd gyroscope ls added
llke Lhls. oLe Lhe blue llnes and
Lhe poslLlon of Lhe solderlng
3: Clue Lhe Lhlrd gyroscope.
oLe Lhe blue llnes and Lhe
poslLlon of Lhe solderlng pads.
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
4: onnecL C and +3 of Lhe
lndlldual boards. ay exLra
aLLenLlon LhaL Lhe wlres donL
Louch anyLhlng (lncludlng Lhe
sensor elemenLs).
3: 1he acceleromeLer ls
aLLached llke Lhls. ls nlck and ?
ls roll. recommend marklng
Lhese axes somewhere on Lhe
ouLslde of Lhe cube Loo.
nsLrucLlons & manual page
ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
: Clue Lhe acceleromeLer. oLe
Lhe blue llnes and Lhe poslLlon
of Lhe solderlng pads. onnecL
+3 and C of Lhe
: ALLach wlres Lo +3 and C,
as well as Lo each raLe ouLpuL of
Lhe gyroscopes and Lhe & ?
ouLpuL of Lhe acceleromeLer (
wlres ln LoLal).
nsLrucLlons & manual page
ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
: lose Lhe cube wlLh some
pleces of plywood or l or
whaLeer you hae.
: 1hls ls how Lhe wlres hae Lo
be connecLed Lo Lhe ack. oLe
LhaL Lhls ls a lew on Lop of Lhe
1rlC 8.
3 skeLch of Lhe M cube
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
Connector description
Pere, youll see
Lhe descrlpLlon
and pln
asslgnmenL of
all connecLors
on Lhe board.
1C W
Mlnl erslon
1C W
Serial adapter
n order Lo program Lhe Ardulno pro mlnl, youll need a serlal connecLlon Lo your . 1here are qulLe
cheap S8 Lo 8S232 conerLers aallable. 1hese conerLers work wlLh +-12, Lherefore lL ls exLremely
lmporLanL LhaL you connecL Lhem Lo Lhe correcL connecLor (8S232 connecLlon) ?ou can also use a
nsLrucLlons & manual page 10
ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
Sparkfun l1 S8 Lo serlal breakouL board, ln Lhls case you hae Lo connecL lL Lo Lhe A81
connecLlon. lor Lhe mlnl erslon you hae Lo use a l1 S8 Lo serlal board. f ln any of Lhe aboe
menLloned cases Lhe communlcaLlon doesnL work, Lry Lo Lurn Lhe connecLors 10 degrees flrsL.
Peres a plcLure LhaL shows how Lo make a cable for Lhe S8 - 8S232 conerLer.
ln 2 & 3 are 8x & 1x, pln 3 ls ground.
Receiver wiring
?ou can elLher use a receler LhaL dellers a slngle-pulse-Lraln slgnal (buy one or conerL an exlsLlng
receler), or you can use a Lhlng called 8ec-nc (, LhaL generaLes a slngle-pulse-Lraln
slgnal ouL of any sLandard receler. noLlced LhaL Lhere seem Lo be many deflnlLlons of Lhe
expresslon "slngle pulse Lraln". f you are noL sure abouL Lhls, or lf you would llke Lo aold poLenLlal
problems, use a 8ec-nc. slng a 8ec-nc mlghL resulL ln a shorL Llme delay beLween your commands
on Lhe LransmlLLer and Lhe reacLlon of Lhe LrlcopLer.
1hls plcLure shows how Lo wlre
Lhe 8ec-nc. +3, C and
Slgnal go from Lhe 1rlC Lo
8ec-nc. hannel 1 of Lhe
receler ls connecLed Lo 3,
C and Lhe flrsL channel [
8ec-nc, channel 2 of Lhe
receler ls connecLed Lo channel
2 [ 8ec-nc eLc.
|ease note: oo boe to
coooect slx cboooels of yoot
tecelet wltb tbe kec-oc! 1bot
ls oot yet sbowo lo tbe lctote
oo tbe left bot l sttooqly
tecommeoJ tbls!
Power wiring
ach of Lhe Ss and Lhe 1rlC 8 hae Lo be connecLed Lo Lhe baLLery. recommend noL uslng a
power swlLch for safeLy reasons.
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
Ss and 1rlC are all connecLed Lo Lhe same
3S llpo baLLery.
A cheap way Lo bulld a chassls ls Lo use plywood (1mm Lhlck, Lhls doesnL seem Lo be ery sLlff aL flrsL,
buL walL unLll you bullL Lhe sandwlch sLrucLure) and square alumlnlum proflles (10x10mm). 8uL
eeryone ls free Lo bulld more sophlsLlcaLed chassls. 1he chassls conslsLs of 4 plywood layers: 1he
Lop layer slLs on Lop of Lhe 1rlC 8 and proLecLs Lhe pcb, or can be used Lo aLLach a camera eLc.
1he mlddle Lwo layers sandwlch Lhree alumlnlum proflles. 1he boLLom layer holds Lhe llpo. 1he
lengLh of Lhe arms doesnL really maLLer. 1ry Lo bulld someLhlng beLween cm and 30 cm (dlsLance
moLor shafL - cenLre of gralLy).
A slmple chassls (mlddle Lwo layers) made from
plywood and square alumlnlum proflles.
Layer sLrucLure: 1he gray Lhlngs are plywood
eLc., blue = alumlnlum proflle, purple =
1rlC, red = baLLery. 1he Ss should be
placed beLween Lhe mlddle Lwo layers nexL Lo
Lhe alumlnlum proflles.
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
Rear servo
rlnclple: 1he moLor ls mounLed Lo a block of elrln (CM or someLhlng else). A sero ls mounLed
below Lhe moLor. 1hls elrln block ls aLLached Lo Lhe alumlnlum proflle wlLh Lwo ball bearlngs. ?ou
should alm for an angle of abouL +- 30 degrees. lmportont note: l jost foooJ oot tbot lo otJet to ose o
Jlqltol seto, yoo boe to ot o teslstot lo setles wltb tbe slqool lloe (tbot ls olteoJy locloJeJ oo tbe
1tlCulu mlol)! Otbetwlse tbe seto wlll lbtote sllqbtly. use o teslstot of oboot 1 kllo Obm. l boe oo
exloootloo fot tbls bebolot, l ootlceJ tbot by cbooce Mlqbt be o qooJ lJeo to ot o teslstot too
wbeo osloq oooloq setos. 1be best seto l foooJ tlll toJoy ls tbe 8loebltJ 8M5-J1. Altbooqb l llke
blqb poollty comooeots, llke lotobo Jlqltol mlcto setos, tbls low-boJqet seto qoe tbe best tesolts
ootll oow. lf yoo boe to otJet tbem, moke sote to otJet ot leost tbtee. lf yoo ctosb, tbey eoslly bteok
(bot otos lso't too mocb fot o seto, tlqbt).
MoLor mounL (fronL) and ball
bearlng brackeLs. Agaln, Lhls ls usL
an example. 8e creaLle Lo adapL
your own moLor mounL. can
lmaglne LhaL lL would also work
wlLhouL any ball bearlngs.
8uL make sure LhaL you hae only
ery llLLle play ln Lhe llnkage.
An addlLlonal lew on Lhe mounL.
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Sero ln place. 1op lew.
8oLLom lew.
?our sero has Lo be mechanlcally adusLed for Lhe rlghL poslLlon durlng fllghL. f you swlLch from acro
Lo hoer mode durlng fllghL, Lhe Lall shouldnL moe. f lL does, LhaL means LhaL your sero ls noL seL
up correcLly (ln neuLral poslLlon durlng fllghL).
Radio settings
Sero Lhrow on Lhe LransmlLLer for roll, nlck, yaw and LhroLLle should be +-130 (Craupner/ 8) or +-
130 (8obbe/luLaba) on all channels. No mlxers musL be acLlaLed, all Lrlms musL be zero.
oncernlng channel 3: ?ou hae Lo connecL a 3-sLages swlLch Lo Lhls channel. L musL be conflgured as
a regular channel. 1haL means, lf you would connecL a sero Lo channel 3 of your receler, lL should
moe ln one dlrecLlon when Lhe swlLch ls ln poslLlon 1 (moLors off), Lhe sero should be cenLered
when Lhe swlLch ls ln poslLlon 2 (acro mode), and lL should go Lo Lhe oLher dlrecLlon when your
swlLch ls ln poslLlon 3 (hoer mode). f you arenL sure abouL your radlo seLLlngs, please flash Lhe flle
"1rlcopLer_8ecelerheck.hex" Lo Lhe ardulno and check your channels. And read Lhe readme called
Transferring tbe firmware
llrsL of all, you hae Lo lnsLall Lhe C. CeL Lhe laLesL erslon from my blog. ?oull also need Lhe laLesL
flrmware. xLracL Lhe C Lo a folder of your cholce and puL Lhe flrmware (.hex) lnLo Lhe same folder.
1he hex flle has Lo hae Lhe name "1rlcopLer_m32p_11.hex". onnecL your S8 Lo serlal conerLer.
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
1hen flnd ouL whlch CM porL lL uses. n lsLa Lhls can e.g. be found ouL by golng Lo Lhe conLrol
panel, Lhen cllck delce manager, and Lhen search for your serlal conerLer. L should be somewhere
ln lnLerfaces (CM & L1) or someLhlng slmllar (sorry, only hae a german Wlndows release). L
wlll Lell you whlch CM porL lL uses. 8efore aLLempLlng Lo connecL Lo Lhe C, lnsLall Lhe receler, Lhe
M-cube and swlLch on your LransmlLLer. 8emoe any propellers from Lhe LrlcopLer.
1hen, open up 1rlC, selecL Lhe com porL of your conerLer and cllck coooect teoJ oot. 1he C
should say someLhlng llke "5eotcbloq". L wonL flnd Lhe LrlcopLer, because Lhe LrlcopLer doesnL
know how Lo answer Lhe connecLlon requesL (no flrmware on lL yeL). Co Lo Lhe Lab lltmwote
updaLe and cllck llash oew fltmwote. 8ead Lhe message boxes 1hey Lell you LhaL you hae Lo press
Lhe reseL buLLon on Lhe Ardulno Lhe same momenL LhaL you press ok on Lhe second message box. L
mlghL be LhaL Lhls doesnL work Lhe flrsL Llme you Lry lL, buL afLer maxlmally Lhree Lrlals lL should
work. CLherwlse Lry Lo Lurn around your 8S232 cable. f LhaL sLep was flnlshed successfully, power off
your LrlcopLer and power lL on agaln. ow lLs lmporLanL LhaL you mounLed Lhe Ls. 1hey wlll Lell
you seeral Lhlngs abouL Lhe LrlcopLer:
LL code Message
1wo Ls flashlng slmulLaneously afLer Lhe
baLLery was connecLed
1hroLLle sLlck and/ or channel 3 (Lhe 3-sLages
swlLch) are noL ln ldle poslLlon. ShredlqueLLe |||
not |n|t|a||ze unLll Lhese Lwo are ln Lhe correcL
poslLlon (LhroLLle and swlLch aL mlnlmum).
L1 flashlng ery fasL, Lhen L2 flashlng, Lhen
L3 flashlng
ShredlqueLLe ls measurlng Lhe offseL of Lhe
gyroscopes. o C1 moe Lhe LrlcopLer durlng
Lhls callbraLlon.
ote. lo tbe oext fltmwote, tbls wlll be cbooqeJ. 1be ttlcotet wlll
ootomotlcolly Jetect lf lt ls oot moloq ooJ lt wlll tbeo Jo tbe
collbtotloo. lf lt ls boweet moeJ, lu2 wlll flosb wltb otoooJ 2z
ooJ lt wlll O1 loltlollze.
Creen L on Lhe Ardulno ls green 3 of Lhe
Llme, L1,2,3 flashlng Lwo Llmes sllghLly Llme
shlfLed, Lhen pause.
ShredlqueLLe ls ln hoer or ln acro mode
L1,2,3 flashlng slmulLaneously 3 Llmes, Lhen
pause. Creen L on Lhe Ardulno flashes
LogeLher wlLh Lhe oLher Lhree Ls
Shred|quette |s ready for the connect|on |th
the UI. Cn|y no you can connect to the UI.
All Ls flash slmulLaneously and fasL, green L
8aLLery ls empLy (or olLage ls below low olLage
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f Lhe flrmware was flashed successfully and ShredlqueLLe ls ready for a connecLlon wlLh Lhe C, go
back Lo Lhe Lab coooectloo and press coooect teoJ oot. 1rlC should flnd Lhe LrlcopLer. ?ou can
now wrlLe Lhe sLandard parameLers Lo Lhe LrlcopLer: llck looJ flle ooJ wtlte to c and selecL
uefou/ts.shr. (oLe: lf you dldnL Lransfer Lhe sLandard parameLers, noLhlng wlll work as expecLed. So
do Lhls flrsL). ow you should check your LransmlLLer seLLlngs. llrsL, selecL Lhe correcL channels ln Lhe
Lab koJlo settloqs under k/1 cboooel osslqomeot. WrlLe Lhese parameLers Lo Lhe LrlcopLer (Lab
coooectloo, press tlte oll otometets to c). ow hae a look lf your channels work ln Lhe correcL
dlrecLlon. Co Lo Lhe Lab keoltlme Joto and hae a look aL all Lhe alues. 1he sllders should moe
accordlng Lo your sLlcks. CLherwlse enable sero reerse ln your LransmlLLer (noLe LhaL Lhe moL on/
moL off sllder mlghL noL work correcLly lf Lhe checkbox Jlsoble motots ls unchecked, because daLa
Lransfer from Lhe LrlcopLer ls sLopped lf moLors are runnlng). Also Lhe gyros should reacL lf you moe
Lhe copLer. When you LllL Lhe copLer Lo Lhe lefL, Lhe sllders should moe Lo Lhe lefL Loo. When you LllL
Lhe copLer forward, Lhe sllders should moe up (= forward) eLc. f Lhey work ln Lhe wrong dlrecLlon,
go Lo lu loo and reerse Lhe gyros/ A. f you dld some changes, r|te the parameters to the C
and check agaln ln keoltlme Joto. f eeryLhlng seems Lo work flne, you can enable Lhe moLors (Lab
toJlo settloqs, uncheck Jeoctlote motots). C 1nIS CNL II CU'kL 100 SUkL 1nA1 CUk
1kANSMI11Lk WCkkS CCkkLC1L! CLherwlse you wonL be able Lo reconnecL Lo Lhe C wlLhouL
eraslng Lhe prom.
?ou could now Lry Lo sLarL Lhe moLors wlLh Lhe 3-sLages swlLch. 8uL do noL mounL Lhe propellers yeL
heck lf Lhe LrlcopLer reacLs Lhe rlghL way.
UI parameterization
arameter Lffect
A8C: SLlck senslLllLy roll & nlck SeLs Lhe aglllLy of Lhe LrlcopLer ln Acro mode.
Poer: SLlck senslLllLy roll & nlck SeLs Lhe aglllLy of Lhe LrlcopLer ln Poer mode.
?aw senslLllLy SeLs yaw aglllLy for boLh fllghL modes.
A8C: xponenLlal aglllLy boosL
f you plan Lo fly looplngs eLc., Lhls mlghL be handy: When
Lhe sLlck ls far ouL of Lhe cenLre, Lhe aglllLy of roll and nlck
geL an exLra boosL.
Mlnlmum LhroLLle
Mlnlmum LhroLLle of Lhe moLors. Should be low enough noL
Lo Lake off wlLh Lhe LhroLLle sLlck aL mlnlmum, and hlgh
enough Lo enable a smooLh sLarL of Lhe moLors.
onLrols (8/1 channel asslgnmenL) Asslgn your LransmlLLer conLrols here
eacLlaLe moLors
When Lhls ls checked, Lhe moLors wonL sLarL. AL leasL Lhey
shouldnL. f someLhlng goes really wrong, Lhey could
eenLually sLlll sLarL. So always be careful and always
dlsmounL Lhe props when Lrylng someLhlng new.
8oll/ lck/ ?aw gyro reerse oes whaL lL says
/ ? acc reerse oes whaL lL says (surprlse)
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arameter Lffect
A lnfluence
Pow much Lhe angle esLlmaLlon from Lhe gyros ls affecLed by
Lhe acceleromeLer. ShouldnL be changed unless you use a
dlfferenL acc/ gyro.
/? acc scale
1he galn of Lhe accs. A reacLlon Lo LllLlng Lhe LrlcopLer
should be slmllar Lo gyro reacLlon. ShouldnL be changed
unless you use a dlfferenL acc/ gyro.
/? acc offseL
1h|s |s a pretty |mportant parameter: ?oull
hae Lo flnd Lhe correcL alues ln order Lo make Lhe copLer
leel correcLly ln hoer mode. f your copLer flles Lo Lhe
lefL/rlghL/fronL/back, youll hae Lo adusL Lhese alues ln
small sLeps. Cnce you found Lhe rlghL offseL, your copLer wlll
exacLly know when lL ls leeled and only Lhen lL can hoer ln
place. ?ou wlll also noL need Lo Lrlm Lhe LrlcopLer anymore.
Poer mode
onLrol loop reacLlon Lo errors ln angle. 1hls parameLer has
Lo be adapLed Lo your seLup.
Poer mode
8eacLlon Lo a prolonged error ln angle. 1hls parameLer has Lo
be adapLed Lo your seLup.
Poer mode
8eacLlon Lo errors ln angular eloclLy. 1hls parameLer has Lhe
mosL noLlceable effecL. 1oo hlgh and Lhe copLer wlll swlng up
(deadly for Lhe copLer), Loo low and lL wlll be lmpreclse.
1hls parameLer has Lo be adapLed Lo your seLup.
Poer mode
8eacLlons Lo angular acceleraLlon. 1hls parameLers makes lL
posslble Lo lncrease Poer mode furLher wlLhouL
osclllaLlon. f ls Loo hlgh, Lhe LrlcopLer wlll be ery nolsy
ln Lhe alr. 1hls parameLer has Lo be adapLed Lo your seLup.
Acro mode 8eacLlon Lo errors ln angular eloclLy
Acro mode
8eacLlon Lo errors ln angle. 1hls parameLer has Lo be adapLed
Lo your seLup.
Acro mode
8eacLlons Lo angular acceleraLlon. 1hls parameLers makes lL
posslble Lo lncrease Acro mode furLher wlLhouL osclllaLlon.
f ls Loo hlgh, Lhe LrlcopLer wlll be ery nolsy ln Lhe alr.
1hls parameLer has Lo be adapLed Lo your seLup.
8eacLlon Lo errors ln angular eloclLy. f Loo hlgh, Lhe sero
wlll be ery nolsy. 1hls parameLer has Lo be adapLed Lo your
8eacLlon Lo errors ln angle. f Loo hlgh, Lhe sero wlll be ery
nolsy. 1hls parameLer has Lo be adapLed Lo your seLup.
olLage warnlng
f Lhe olLage drops below Lhls alue, all Lhree Ls wlll begln
Lo flash fasL. Ls Llme Lo land 1hls alue depends ery
much on Lhe baLLery you are uslng. recommend anyway Lo
use a Llmer ln your LransmlLLer.
r. of receler problems ounLs Lhe number of "errors" LhaL were deLecLed.
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ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
Tbings to consider before taeoff
When Lhlnklng abouL Lhe flrsL Lake-off of Lhe LrlcopLer you hae Lo conslder some speclalLles ( Lhlnk
Lhese apply Lo all mulLlcopLers):
When sLarLlng Lhe moLors, ShredlqueLLe lnsLanLly Lrles Lo conLrol lLs aLLlLude. f Lhe floor ls noL 100
leeled (Lhls wlll always be Lhe case), Lhe LrlcopLer Lhlnks LhaL lL ls noL ln leel fllghL. L wlll Lry Lo
correcL for LhaL, buL Lhe poor Lhlng canL Ls sLlll on Lhe ground and leellng ls only posslble ln fllghL.
1he lnLegral parLs of Lhe conLrol loop are responslble for Lhls behalor. 1he measured error sums
up and becomes blgger and blgger. 1herefore Lhe LrlcopLer Lrles Lo correcL more and more. 1here are
Lwo work-arounds: ?ou can sLarL Lhe moLors and lmmedlaLely Lake-off, or you can slmply geL used Lo
Lhls behalor and accepL LhaL Lhe LrlcopLer wonL leel perfecLly durlng Lhe flrsL 1-3 seconds of fllghL.
1he laLLer ls whaL do.
When swlLchlng from hoer mode Lo acro mode and lce ersa, Lhe lnLegrals are deleLed (or replaced
wlLh Lhe angle esLlmaLlon from Lhe acceleromeLer). So lf you Lhlnk LhaL ShredlqueLLe was desperaLely
Lrylng Lo leel wlLhouL succeedlng, swlLch Lo acro mode and back Lo hoer mode Lo leL lL Lry agaln.
f you wanL Lo Lurn off Lhe moLors, brlng Lhe 3-sLages swlLch Lo Lhe off poslLlon. ?our moLors
wonL Lurn off unLll you also broughL Lhe LhroLLle sLlck Lo a poslLlon close Lo mlnlmum. 1haLs
a safeLy feaLure, because already managed Lo accldenLally Lurn off Lhe moLors whlle was
flylng preLLy hlgh. ShredlqueLLe ls noL a good gllder musL admlL.
llrsL fllghL should be done ln hoer mode by holdlng Lhe LrlcopLer ln your hands and
lncreaslng LhroLLle slowly. eep ln mlnd: onL grab lL Loo hard, Lhe LrlcopLer musL be fully
able Lo conLrol lLs aLLlLude ln all axes, oLherwlse "sLrange" Lhlngs mlghL happen.
oe foo wltb yoot ttlcotet ooJ leose olwoys qle me some
feeJbock ot lJeos lctotes!
All tbe best,
nsLrucLlons & manual page 1
ShredlqueLLe, a LrlcopLer by W. 1hlellcke shredlqueLLe[ hLLp://
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16 mm
20 mm
D=6 mm
10 mm
BB bracket

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