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Does Hobgoblins exist?

I shall examine the case of if hobgoblins are real or not. This is of course an controversial subject and the result may or may not chock you. Firstly, has someone ever seen a hobgoblin? And no, your mother-in-law does not count. Unless she harp teeths, pointe ears and large nose, well that could describe almost every mother-in-law so lets add the demand of an DNA-analysis that must determine her not to be human. I dear say that no one will ever be able to fill out these requirements and thus no one has ever seen a hobgoblin Secondly, hobgoblins are refers to as magical creatures and no such thing as magic exist, it has never been proven in ant way, although many great sorcerers and mages have tried to they have all ben disproven. And thirdly and last, seriously, who believes in hobgoblins? Look at them and then judge them, judge them with all of your hearts intent. They believe that stories made by people that believes in all sort of things and that rarely left their homes, are true! Come onits not like in reality its a hobgoblin writing this to make them all look like fools and stop searching for him. -mr. Nilbogboh

The end

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