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Enochian Entities: Entities: The Ohorela Papers Volume 3 Talisman Talisman By SaToGa
Copyright1995-2011 SaToGa Salvatore Tommy Ganci
Release Date: January 20, 2011

This Volume will be [very] different.

This Book is Divided into Two Distinct and very separate parts. You probably already noticed the format is different. The margin is on the left side of this book, rather than being centered as I usually have my books. I did this for a reason. This first part of the book reads like a normal book. However, the other half of it is written in the Enochian Language. This language is similar to Hebrew as it is written and read Left to Right. As far as I know, it is the only book written [and read] in Enochian that is currently online and constructed correctly. The Enochian Language is read this way: The back cover is now the Front Cover. The book binder is on your right, and the pages are on the left. When you open the cover, you will be reaching across the front of you with your right hand. You open the cover & that is the First Page. You Read from the Right and your eyes follow Left Right to Left and Downward After reading the Preface- a Note will tell you to Scroll down to the Last PageThat will then be the Front Cover. When you scroll up, the next page [on top] will be page #2. You will start reading from the top of the right column, and read to the left- downwards. When you get to the last sentence, the last word will be on the lowest left side. You again scroll upwards to Page #3. [See My Chart Next Page]

If you have been reading my books, this is now the 5th Book. I enclosed the Names and ISBN Digits as well as the ISBN Bar Codes for easy reference as the amount of my Volumes are climbing and some people are getting confused and losing track. [Me too!] This should make it all a little easier. The Enochian Entities definitely have an agenda that is aligned to our current time line. I have been releasing the Volumes in accordance with Their instructions and release dates.

.:..:. :.

This small tome in the Enochian Language [available @ this date of 19/01/11*] is to be considered a Talisman. You can reference my Enochian Font Chart on the prior page, and translate the Talisman into your own language so you will know what it says. Do Not Trust Anyone To Write Rituals For You Especially in Enochian! From what I can personally ascertain, this work was long overdue. There is much confusion on how to format, read and write correctly in Enochian. Many Mages want to construct their own rituals in the Enochian Language and it seems there are many incorrect notions being given out in the advice department.
*B Cocasg de Eno Domini [NOTE: If the Enochian Script is not used, it is not necessary to read right-to-left. You can translate from English into Enochian and still read left-to-right- as long as the Enochian Script/Font is not utilized.]

I will state that this EE Talisman is extremely powerful all by Itself. By that, I am stating --just by printing it out, as It is- and placing It in your Temple space, should help you in your Enochian Vision* works. *Legitimate Enochian Contact to Apparition [See My Other Volumes] ___________________________________________ DISCLAIMER! Of course, I make no guarantees, as these books I write are never sold- but offered to the Public for FREE. All My Works Are Altruistic! -My Own Research, My Own Experience & My Own Opinions___________________________________________ That being said... I will divulge:

Segments of this Talisman does contain: EE Holographic Glyphs, Choronzon, Babalon, Lam, Demiurge, the Unknown Key #0 [which is actually The First Missing Enochian Call] & The Watchers from the Original Book of Enoch



Habakkuk 3:3 "God came from Teman Te'-man [Thaiman]- The name of a district and town in the land of Edom


Page #5





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