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Wealth & Money Magic

Dave Lee


Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2

Week 1 – Money & Luck Sorcery ..................................................................................... 3

Week 2 – Wealth Psychology ............................................................................................ 4

Week 3 – Money Evocation: The Money Spirit ................................................................ 6

Week 4 – Wealth Invocation.............................................................................................. 8

Week 5 – Designing Your Future .................................................................................... 10

Week 6 – Money Magic & Magical Investment .............................................................. 12

WMWB Sections For Week 1 Of Course ........................................................................ 14

WMWB Sections For Week 2 Of Course ........................................................................ 15

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the magical techniques and approaches
the author has found most useful in enhancing his wealth. The student may treat the period of
the course as a magical retirement aimed at a significant jump in his/her wealth in that time,
or as an accumulation of techniques for future use

Course Book: Dave Lee - The Wealth Magick Workbook (WMWB), attractor 2005

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

Week 1 – Money & Luck Sorcery

Aim for this week: To explore your luck, and magical means of enhancing it.

One of the most basic qualities associated with living magically is enhanced luck. Luck is
closely associated with magical power. Norse warriors used to gamble at dice on the night
before a battle, to get a foretaste of their current luck. The old Norse word for magical power
is hamingja, and it connotes something rather like a field around a person. Powerful
magicians have a larger and more complex field. Carlos Castaneda has Don Juan speak of the
warrior’s ‘cubic centimeter of luck’, a tiny volume indeed, but one that can make all the
difference when it pops up. Wherever chance operates in life, there is room for magical
influence, and luck is important.

When you are working powerful magic, you should find that your luck is enhanced. You may
notice this if it’s your habit to play games of chance, or to rely on chaotic systems in your

You could start to devise ways to ‘measure’ your luck. You could play a game of chance, or
use some more internal method. You could stop yourself a few times a day and ask: Am I
feeling lucky?

Read: P21, WMWB.

Try the following exercise in modeling your own luck:

Recall vividly the last time you felt really lucky. Enter into the scene where you were,
remembering what you saw, what you heard, what you felt, what things tasted like or smelled
like. If you can’t remember the details, make it up. Use that famous principle of magical
action, fake it till you make it. All that matters is that you recapture the feeling of being in a
run of luck.

Imagine that lucky moment vividly enough to really feel what it feels like in your body to be
lucky. You can come back to this visualization in future. Better still, turn it into a talisman for
luck, by evoking that feeling whilst creating or magically charging the material base of your
talisman. Or turn it into an NLP-style anchor, so that every time you (for instance) tug on
your left earlobe, you get that feeling coming up. (Check out the details of anchoring
techniques in any NLP textbook. Some details also in my course NLP for Magicians).

You might want to form a relationship with luck as a spirit or entity. Ramsey Dukes points
out in Uncle Ramsay’s Little Book of Demons that the human brain works best when dealing
with personified entities, rather than with abstract, impersonal patterns. You might negotiate
with Lady Luck, or some similar personification, trying to get her or him into your life more.

Another luck-magic practice is finding things. Back in the 70s there was a book on beginners’
magic that recommended doing an enchantment to find a five pound note. If you try this now,
it’s probably best to take magical inflation into account and enchant to find £20. (£20 notes
are, of course, actually more commonplace than fivers these days!).Please post up your
feedback on any of these ideas and evaluations of any of the exercises.

Good luck!
Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

Week 2 – Wealth Psychology

Aim for this week: To gain understanding of the psychology of wealth and riches.

Let’s unpack a few of the concepts around money and wealth.

First, what’s the difference between wealth and money? I’m not going to go into this in too
great detail, because those of you who have got the Wealth Magic Workbook can read about
it there.

Read: WMWB, pp1-2, 31-32.

To quote my own summary:

Money is a parameter, whose value is arbitrary and impersonal:
Wealth is a skill, whose value is arbitrary, and personal.
Money is a Spirit, an elemental; Wealth is the attribute of a God.

Second, what’s the difference between a rich person and a poor one? I’m using the term
‘rich’ here to denote having lots of money, rather than the more complex description of
wealthy. How come some people are intelligent, creative, hard-working – and skint, and
others are thick and rich? The difference lies in a determination to become rich. Without that
drive, you may achieve wealth – which, for you, may involve making very little money, but
having a lot of freedom – but you are very unlikely to achieve riches.

It’s worth mentioning briefly the connection between effort, laziness and wealth. This is a
very personal thing, and if you’re a natural slacker (at this stage of your life) you may have
already achieved maximum wealth for minimum effort, leaving you free to do the things you
want to do. On the other hand, you may not be able to rest until you have more money.
Between these two positions you may be hard-working, but have other fish to fry, ones that
are far more important to you in defining your freedom and wealth. To locate yourself along
such a spectrum, try asking yourself:

How do I feel now about getting more money?

• That I want it and I’ll go out and get it?
• That it would be nice but it’s too much bother to work more?
• That I deserve it?
• Some other response.

Note that response about ‘deserving it’. One of the chief barriers to wealth and money is low
self-esteem. If, at some level of your internal monologue, there is a voice saying 'I don't
deserve to be well off, I don't deserve to have more money' and so forth, then however
sophisticated your magics, they will mostly fail. Therefore, work on your self-esteem, your
sense of worth.

You could try ‘Ego-magic’ exercises – glorifying your own self and existence, building up
your self-image.

Some people find ‘affirmations’ useful. This purely psychological technique has value if used
wisely. If that approach interests you, check out any number of resources on the subject

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

• Exercise: find any limitation you have on your attitude to wealth or money, and decide if
you want that limiting belief. If you don’t, find a way (magical or psychological) to
change it into a belief more useful to you.
• Please post up any evaluations of exercises and feedback.

I love money and money loves me!

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

Week 3 – Money Evocation: The Money Spirit

Aim for this week: To use the magical idea of the money spirit.

I’ve already mentioned (Week 1, Ramsey Dukes reference) how the human brain seems to
work at its subtlest and most powerful when dealing with conscious entities. The magics of
evocation – of dealing with spirits – are wonderfully ‘organic’ ancient approaches to magic.
Negotiating with a spirit, you exchange energy and information with it, to both your benefits.
The tradition that some spirits don't mind being ordered around by sorcerers because they
want to evolve is no mere bit of superstition, but an ancient awareness of the same principle
that Ilya Prigogine won the Nobel Prize for – that evolution towards greater complexity is
part of the basic pattern of nature.

There are two aspects to money evocation: the evocation of the money spirit itself, and the
creation of servitors as part of our money and wealth magic.

Read: WMWB, pp23-29.

To contact the money spirit, begin to talk to it. Think about it too – what does it like, what
does it dislike, what are the best conditions for you to communicate with it? Make friends
with it.

You can make a money-spirit sigil, using all sorts of approaches.

One is to doodle currency signs whilst focusing on the desired result. Eventually, refine your
doodle until it becomes a sigil, which represents the spirit of money to you.

Or you can gaze at a banknote, close your eyes and doodle. Repeat the sequence until it feels

Here is a working for Money in the Spirit Vision:

• Prepare your Temple, or find an outdoor working space where you will be undisturbed.
Prepare yourself with exercises such as those above.

• Prepare a simple chant addressed to the Money Spirit, such as: I LOVE MONEY AND
MEET YOU, etc etc..

• Make a Money Sigil as outlined above.

• Ready yourself for trance. Close your eyes. Prolonged pranayama or brief
hyperventilation are useful. Use a rattle or a drum, or simply two sticks, to produce a
hypnotic repetitious rhythm.

• Begin your chant, repeating it continuously, letting it change and develop as inspiration
dictates. Begin to visualize yourself in darkness, with swirling forms just beyond your
sight. Feel that you are passing underground, into the realm of spirits.

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

• When the trance feels deep enough, visualize the money sigil like a doorway, continue
your chant, and pass through it. You are in the realm of the Money Spirit.

• Now describe what you see, out loud. This will help to focus your attention, prevent you
drifting off, and facilitate recall of the details at the end of the rite.

• As your inner senses lock into the feeling of the Money Spirit, begin to talk to it,
addressing it out loud. Make friends with it. Listen to its replies and repeat them out loud.
Make requests of it, if you wish.

• When you are satisfied with the working, or cannot go any further, thank the Money
Spirit, and depart from its world, talking yourself back into the outer world.

• You may also like to try making a servitor for helping you with some aspect of your
wealth or money magic.

The sigil in WMWB is a world-money spirit, created from a combination of major currency
symbols in an intense working involving 30 magicians from various countries. I’d be
interested to hear how anyone else gets on with it.

Please post up any feedback about how these working went, or any thoughts about the ideas

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

Week 4 – Wealth Invocation

Who do you want to be like?

Aim for this week: To select deities and human models for increasing our wealth.

In magic, invocation is the art of calling-in entities that are ‘larger’ than us yet, from the
perspective of the modern magician may be no greater. We invoke gods and goddesses, and
Chaos Magicians sometimes invoke the spirit-patterns of humans, living or dead. This crosses
over into the NLP practice of modeling, of choosing to emulate the practice of a master in
order to acquire his skill.

One of the main uses of invocation is to absorb the qualities of the deity or genius you are
calling. For female beauty and desirability you could invoke Freyja, or, if it seemed more
appropriate and effective, Marilyn Monroe.

Similarly, to achieve the skills you need to increase your wealth, you can choose as your
deity maybe Ganesha, Lady Luck, Mamiwater, Frey and so forth. Choose a deity you
resonate with.

Or choose an exemplar, a model to learn from. Choose a person who matches what you want
in the area you want to model.

How rich is this person? Rich enough? How free is he? How creative is she?

Is it someone you know, or have met, or some distant famous rich person?

It could be Donald Trump, your Uncle Joe, Eminem, Anita Roddick or whoever. Remember
that when you select a person to model, you don’t want to be modelling their entire
personality and life, just the wealth part.

Read: WMWB, pp 40-41.

If you really want to power this type of working up, work daily. In advising his students on
invocation, Crowley would enjoin them to ‘invoke often’ – repetition really works. If you are
working with a diety, find out what pleases him or her and give them that. Devote to them
daily. Build up a real attitude of love in yourself for that deity.

If you are working with a human exemplar, imagine you are interviewing them and attaining
the secrets of their success. Imagine them at work, and the essence of their skill passing to
you. You might study their movement style or speech patterns and maybe adopt one of these.
Find the aspect of your role-model that you need to bring into yourself – maybe his drive, or
her persistence, or their foresight and judgment.

You can of course combine these approaches and pick a human exemplar and deify him or
her. Then you would be dealing with an idealized, grand version of a human, someone who is
or was so great that they have become the archetypal exemplar of that cosmic principle. This
is commonplace in Voudon worship, an exceptional person being seen to add after his or her
death to a family of loa, to become a new god.

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

Please post up any adventures you have in this domain.

Another approach to invocation is sex magic. Basically, you have sex with the god/dess you
are invoking, and use the power raised to do your magic.

This might become a bit bizarre when we consider using humans as our invokes. In Week 1
we discussed how commitment to riches is a prerequisite of riches; imagine – there are
probably those who would make love to an image of Bill Gates... That’s true dedication to
getting rich.

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

Week 5 – Designing Your Future

Aim for this week: To discover the ideal future for you to enchant for.

What life would you love to live?

Desire is the key to wealth-motivation, and gives you the direction to aim in. Only if (a) you
really want something and (b) you can convince yourself that you can attain it are you likely
to make a sustained effort. Therefore, to change your life in the long term, you need to find
something that inspires you to action, and represent it powerfully to yourself. This then
becomes a driving force in your life.

Glancing back to Week 2, we discussed what the difference is between a rich person and a
poor one, in terms of

determination to be rich. The identification and nurturing of a driving desire is what will
make you want to change your life. If you can also believe strongly that you are capable of
achieving that change, then the odds are you will go ahead and do so.

So the first step is to discover your motivating dream. Daydreaming is the basis of this
exploration. You can structure it in various ways, to give it boundaries.

You can daydream your ideal day, with or without the work involved.

You can ask yourself what activities you like doing. Try the exercises under The Cost of
Money, WMWB p33, ‘Wealth and Money’ and ‘Time and Wealth’.

You can ask yourself what possessions you want, or what experiences you want to have. Try
the exercises under Enchanting for Possessions on pp35-39, WMWB.

Having got desire-loaded images of experiences and possessions you want, or of the style in
which you want to live your days, now proceed to giving these motivating images pride of
place in your future. This is the basis of your magical approach for achieving your desired

You may create sigils or other simple enchantments for the target states.

You may create a servitor to bring you the desired conditions, or to keep your efforts on track
until you achieve them.

You may place images – the more vivid and compelling the better – at future locations on
your visualized timeline. (For details of timeline work, see my course NLP for Magicians,
books by Tad James or general NLP manuals). What you are doing here is creating attractors
that organize your future.

You may wish to embark right now on a long-term wealth enchantment, something tailor-
made to your own desires. Once you have a clear and fairly consistent idea of what you want

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

your future to be like, you could construct a series of daily magical workings – a ‘magical
retirement’ – that is designed to bring you just those conditions. You work at it for some
predetermined period of time, or until certain of your goals are achieved. Read the Appendix
‘A Magical Retirement’, p52, WMWB.

The magical retirement is a great way of focusing yourself on your goals over a prolonged
period, and may also provide a time for your own attitudes to change and develop, if you
have decided that this is necessary.

Another long-term approach – which can be incorporated into the magical retirement – is the
creation of a powerful servitor for long-term use in wealth in general, a Blue Magic servitor.
You may wish to create something that will remain with you all your life, that you can re-call
and re-program from time to time.

Please post up evaluations and other feedback on these practices and ideas.

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

Week 6 – Money Magic & Magical Investment

Aim for this week: To explore how investment fits into your wealth magic.

As I mention at the start of WMWB, the bad news for the slacker magician is that magic
alone is unlikely to make you rich. Wealth magic is a fine-tuning, and a special
empowerment of our mundane work, and occasionally an incursion of outright, outrageous
luck into our lives. One of the more reliable methods of achieving additional income in the
long term is investment.

Try this exercise from WMWB:


It is not suggested for a moment that you regard this statement as true for longer than it takes
you to understand the mind-set of the investor. Many people are uneasy about investment,
either because they don’t understand it (because they’ve never done it, or have done it and
haven’t thought about it), or out of reservations about the ecological or humanitarian effects
of it, or even because they believe the financial system that supports it will have collapsed
before they are able to draw their pension. For better or worse, we are all embedded in

economics, and it is important to understand this cornerstone of capitalism – investment –

and evaluate its usefulness to yourself.

You may like to ask yourself what your reservations (if any) about investment are. Are they
strong enough to stop you using this tool?

If you decide you want to go ahead and invest, you need to decide what in.

At the conventional, market end of the spectrum there are various ‘financial products’
(bizarre term!) which strain the dividends of a group of consistently-performing companies
through mindwrenchingly complex and arbitrary systems to emerge at the other end as a
monthly income or growth fund for you.

Then there is investing in companies you don’t personally know, but whose success you
understand the reasons for. An example would be following the share performance of high-
tech companies in an area you are well-informed in.

Then there is close-up investment, such as investing in your colleagues’ and friends’

Finally, and perhaps most rewardingly for the independent-minded magician, there is
investment in your own efforts. That is to say, starting your own business and growing it by

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

Your long-term work here will involve doing a magical working to support your own
business or give you information about how and where to invest, or the place of investment in
your life.

Please post up feedback and evaluations of all and any experiences on the course. Let us
know if you have done any long-term work, and the effects of it, which are often inspiring to
you and to others.

Good luck and power to you!

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

WMWB Sections For Week 1 Of Course



The character of Jupiter is kingly, benign, expansive, and confident. The Jupiter current itself
therefore belongs more in the magicks of Wealth than that of Money, and so I’ll deal with it
later. In money magicks, Jupiter appears as the Lord of Luck.

Luck is one of those elusive qualities which a magician should be interested in; wherever
chance operates in life, there is room for magickal influence.

For those who are thinking of setting up a magickally-run business which has a very public
face: Jupiter is traditionally associated with the world of publishing.


Learn to attune yourself to your feelings, the signals in your body, around the issues of luck,
using the following approach:

Ask yourself whether a particular action or plan is a good idea, and 'listen' for the sensations.

Ask yourself how lucky you are feeling, and feel what happens. Learn what these body-
sensations mean in terms of your luck.

Experiment with trusting your 'lucky' feelings.

One form of money magick which gets written about a lot, usually in the more primitive and
superstitious books on the subject, is gambling magick. The people whom such books are
directed at may view gambling as the only possible source of additional money. This is
almost total nonsense: it makes sense to do the Pools or enter a big lottery only if you don't
rely on it to make you rich. It's not only fantastically unlikely that you'll win such a lottery
and get rich, but your very dependence on such a hope will vitiate your attempts to get money
by more certain means.

Wealth & Money Magic Dave Lee

WMWB Sections For Week 2 Of Course

On that thing about the lure of gambling...

I once had a go at spread betting on the Internet. Aware of the warnings about only betting
money one can afford to lose, i decided to allow myself to lose £500, but that i would use the
expereince as an exploration of my attitudes to luck and decision-making. So that, if I lost it
all, then instead of bemoaning my bad luck i would treat it as if I had paid £500 for a course
on money magic and ask myself "how much have I learnt for that £500 course fee?"

Of course I did lose it all, but learned several useful lessons along the way. The one I
remember best was about planning. In those days unless one spent a fortune on special feeds,
you only had FTSE data 15 minutes out of date. So a decision whether to buy or sell was
based on movements up to 15 minutes ago. So I would very carefully plan my purchase then
phone the company to place a bet - only to find the market had turned suddenly. Then I
would freeze from surprise and still place the bet because I'd planned it so carefully. So I
learnt that strategic thinking must cover all options possible options: instead of just "I'll place
this bet if the price is between X&Y" I have also to decide what I'll do if the market has

It sounds frightfully obvious when I write it now - but the point was that i discovered
something about my own psychological reaction to sudden choices, and learned how to
temper that reaction.


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