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Lee Milteer’s Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program

Create Prosperity Using Your Own Internal Powers

By Lee Milteer

REPORT 3: Use Your Mind to Work Smart, Not Hard

Dear Millionaire Smarts® Member:

One of the secrets of success is to not work so hard with
your physical sweat; instead use your mind to work out the
details of how to be the person you want to be. The difference
between average people and outstanding people is the degree
of motivation within them. Are you motivated to spend ten
minutes a day envisioning the future you want to create for
yourself? By deliberately visualizing the experience of success in your mind, you can
turn aspirations into realities. Dare to break away from the old and create an exciting
and rewarding future for yourself. My favorite quote of all time is from Helen Keller, “The
greatest tragedy in life is people who have sight but no vision.”
There is more to visualization than mental rehearsal or suggestion. Our nervous
system reacts to mental images in the same way it reacts to images from the external
world, so the nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined
experience and a real experience. I would like to give you a couple of examples to
prove this point. Have you ever been in a state of mind where your mind was just
wandering, and you started to remember a time that you really were embarrassed? You
started to remember all the things that happened and how you felt. The
more you thought of this situation, the faster your heart started to beat,
your armpits started to sweat, you relived the emotions of that long-
past situation.
This occurs because the subconscious and nervous system
cannot tell the difference between an imagined situation and the real
thing! That is why you suffered stress again over an event in the past.
Another example to prove the power of your imagination: all human beings have sexual
fantasies that are part of our natural state. The next time you have a sexual fantasy,
notice how your imagination affects your body and how your body responds.
Thoughts are our most powerful tools. We can create a rich life filled with love,
rewarding work, satisfying relationships, health, financial prosperity, inner peace, and
harmony. The use of creative visualization gives us a magical key to tap into the natural
goodness and richness of life. Creative visualization is magic in the truest sense of the
word because it involves aligning ourselves with the natural principles of our conscious
and subconscious mind with the universal mind that connects to all life.
I believe that our physical universe is made up of energy. The objects that
appear to be solid and separate from each other, in the way our physical senses

REPORT 3: Use Your Mind to Work Smart, Not Hard 1

perceive them, are just made up of particles that eventually turn out to be pure energy.
We are all part of a large energy field. All forms of energy are interrelated and can affect
one another. Energy vibrates at different rates of speed and light with different qualities,
from very fine to very dense. Matter is compact energy and is relatively dense;
therefore, it is slower to move and change. A perfect example would be a rock; even a
rock is changed over time because of the natural energies of water, light, and wind. On
the other hand, our thoughts, which are made of very light, fine forms of energy, are
very easy and quick to change. When you focus on using your thoughts, you can affect
your external reality.
It's an established universal law that like attracts like. The same principle holds
true with energy, which is magnetic—energy of certain
vibrations attracts energy of a similar vibration. Therefore,
thoughts and feelings have their own magnetic energy which
always attracts energy of the same nature.
By using the unlimited power of the mind to visualize
what you want, your new programs can manifest in your life.
Keep in mind there are no limits except the limits you put on yourself. You have the
power, through your thoughts and imagination, to break through any barriers holding
you back from a rich life.
I would like to share a personal Story with you about the power of using the mind
to create success. Hopefully you can relate this story to how you can also use the
powerful tool of Imagination to create prosperity in your life and business.
Before I got into my current career, I owned an Electronic Service company.
When I was selling electronic equipment to commercial buildings, I always used mental
rehearsal before calling on a new client. When I first woke in the morning, I stayed in
bed for an extra five minutes and imagined myself at the end of my appointment. I saw
myself as confident, knowing all the facts and answering all questions professionally. I
then “saw” the end result that I wanted—the client smiling and signing the agreement. I
had a strong desire to be a prosperous business owner. In the evening, just before I
went to sleep, I played the same scene over and over in my mind, creating as many
details as possible of the sights, sounds, and feelings.
I also did the tangible work of practicing my sales presentation, anticipating
possible questions, and having the backup materials needed to satisfy the clients. In
other words, I did my homework. My favorite motto is it is better to be over-rehearsed
than ambushed!
When meeting a new potential client, I felt confident and comfortable because, in
my mind, I had rehearsed myself getting the sale before I got there. I expected to do a
great job and I did. As the great teachers of all time have said, what you expect in life
often becomes your reality. I had a belief that I was going to be successful. I gave
myself permission to be good at sales. And last but not least, once I mentally imagined
my success, I let go and let God handle all the details.
As I realized that the highest use of the mind is to create our reality, these mental
imaging tools helped me shape my future as a successful salesperson. This eye-

REPORT 3: Use Your Mind to Work Smart, Not Hard 2

opening concept has guided me since that day, to where I am now a successful and
sought-after coach, speaker, and author.
Believe me: I realize I could have never had the confidence to go for the goals in
my life without mental rehearsal or mental imaging. This tool allowed me to break
through barriers that I had set up in my own mind of what I could and could not do.
Research shows that the mental practice of making a sales presentation has the same
effect as real practice. Using this powerful tool, I worked out kinks in my sales
presentations before I got in front of the clients. Mental imaging can be used in all areas
of your life, from making a sale to attaining your life's dream. All areas of your life can
benefit from imagery. It doesn't matter what level your goals are on: physical, emotional,
mental, or spiritual.
According to Dr. David Thornburg, who teaches creativity at Stanford’s business
school, “In mental rehearsal you're engaging your subconscious as an ally in pursuit of
goals. With imaging reinforcing the goals’ importance, the subconscious will put that
goal very high on your priorities, making it far more likely that you'll unconsciously begin
adjusting your actions in ways that will make that goal happen for you.” The mind is a
marvelous tool. When freed, it will find so many ways for us to achieve what we want.
We are always creating our reality from our thoughts. Our thoughts act like
blueprints of the image we want to create. The image
magnetizes and guides the physical energy to flow into Special For Millionaire Smarts
the form we have imagined and allows us to manifest our
desires into reality. Mental imagery is often called the
Law of Radiation and Attraction. This is simply the
principle that as you sow, so shall you reap, in your
thoughts and in your life. We always attract into our lives
whatever we strongly believe, think about, or imagine
most vividly. Keep in mind that there are no limits except
the limits you put on yourself. You have the power
through your thoughts and imagination, to break through
any illusionary barriers holding you back from a
prosperous and successful life.
Please come check out my
brand-new book just released
Get honest with yourself about areas POWER—only available on
Amazon. When you invest in
of your life that you just have not been as this book, get a special gift
successful as you would like. Yes, you worth $75: Reinvent Your Life:
have tried but seem to fall short or you get so frustrated Success Self-Programing which
has sold over one million
you just give up. Give yourself permission to try again but
copies! Go
ONLY after you have spent 30 days imagining yourself, to
morning, and evening, as the person you want to -your-inner-power-lee-
become or succeeding at the task you want milteer/ to find out more about
the Book and how you can
accomplished. receive this free gift to add to
your Success Tools.

REPORT 3: Use Your Mind to Work Smart, Not Hard 3

Blessings and Love to you,
Your Coach

Lee Milteer

P.S. IMPORTANT: Be sure to go to the Millionaire Smarts® member site at least once a
month to download the materials. They’re great to refer to, specially when you’re dealing with
setbacks and need encouragement.
You should also send your top staff to the site so they, too, can be on the same page as
you. Remember, success doesn’t come by yourself; it comes from others helping you. The more
you SHARE the Millionaire Smarts® program with your spouse, teenagers, and top office
people, the more you will all come from a common place and the more you will manifest.

BONUS: Please also be sure to download the your

Millionaire Smarts December 2022 FACULTY REPORTS:

How Sales Coaching Changes Your Belief System and Helps You Develop a New
Mental Paradigm for Success| By Steve Clark – The Sales Psychologist

The Fastest 5 Quick-n-Dirty Secrets To Writing Great Email Subject Lines | By

Jack Turk – World’s Fastest Copywriter

The First Seven Things to Do When You Get Promoted | By Kevin Eikenberry –
Leadership Coach

Time for a Sales Turnaround (Yes. I’m talkin’ to you!) Transform Your Bottom
Line by Year-End | By Melanie Rembrandt – PR Wizard

United’s Unfriendly Skies | By Keith Lee – Customer Services Expert

Powerful Words and Phrases in Marketing | By Travis Lee – Direct Mail Expert

Here’s how to get them:

 Go to
 In the menu, click on the tab “Millionaire Smarts® SPONSORS Sign In”
 Click on the red “SIGN IN” button
 Type in your code – NEW for Dec. 2022: 394058#

REPORT 3: Use Your Mind to Work Smart, Not Hard 4

Once on the membership site, you can also access:
 Lee’s mindset-altering video
 The audio portion of the interview (downloadable)
 A transcript of the interview (downloadable)
 4 Reports from Lee (downloadable)

Lee Milteer Inc. |

Reprint permission granted for Lee Milteer Inc. sponsors and their members, for personal use only.
© 2004-2022 Lee Milteer Inc.

REPORT 3: Use Your Mind to Work Smart, Not Hard 5

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