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Lee Milteer’s Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program

Abundance is a Mindset
By Lee Milteer
I. Defining Wealth

Dear Millionaire Smarts® Members:

Open your mind to the perspective that creating wealth and abundance has a lot to do
with internal decisions and external knowledge, and little to do with the state of the
national economy or what the media and others say. We must rise above the popular
belief that it is necessary to be affected by the economy. Abundance is a mindset, not
an external condition that controls your destiny. There are no limits to what we can create
because we have unlimited resources around us.

Let’s begin by defining wealth. Wealth is not just money, because creating money alone
will not always bring you happiness. Wealth is being at peace with yourself and feeling
fulfilled in what you do. It is enjoying and appreciating your life, your family, and your
career. Being Rich is more than money or power.

Catherine Ponder, a woman who is greatly admired, has written a number of successful
books on prosperity, which I recommend. She says that

“Prosperity is more than money, wealth, and financial security, it

is the way you live your life and the way you focus your life energy, it
is the balance of what you can and cannot control, it is loving
yourself and others, it is counting your blessings and enjoying who
and what you currently are now.”

One of the main reasons for being part of this Millionaire Smarts® Program is to program
“prosperity consciousness” in your life. Increasing this level of awareness enables you to
create more self-confidence, self-trust, and self-esteem. These new empowering traits
will help you generate and create wealth and financial security no matter what is going on
in the world.

The definition of the word “prosper” is to flourish, succeed, and thrive, to experience
favorable results, to get what you want out of life. It is more than wealth and financial
security. Ralph Waldo Emerson described prosperity as the law of compensation,
whereby like attracts like, and what you radiate out in your thoughts, feelings, mental
pictures, and words, you also attract into your life. The truth is that we are where we are
in our life at this moment because of our past programming and because of the
information we put into our heads daily to program ourselves to look for opportunities and
solutions for our customers, clients, and patients.

Our educational system does not offer courses on creating prosperity or abundance, so we are
basically left to guess at what the best ways are to create wealth. Unless you have deliberately
sought out books, CDs and DVDs, seminars, or been fortunate enough to have had mentors in
your life who have shared with you this valuable information, you were on your own. You may
have thought that just being lucky, working hard, or investing wisely would create wealth. You will
agree that all these things are clearly helpful, however, I would like to share with you the
knowledge I have learned from being a sincere student of prosperity. After reading every book
possible on prosperity, attentively listening to every expert, going to countless seminars, and
experimenting with many different techniques, I can tell you that this month’s program is from my
personal experiences that have worked for me. If you are willing to try them, they will also work for

To benefit from this information, you must have an open mind to

consider new concepts. These concepts are not really new, but they
may be new to you because they were not taught in school and people
are generally not exposed to them by other influential environments.
We have to start by letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve us.
You see, the more open-minded you are, the more opportunities,
thoughts, feelings, and perceptions can come to you. The better you
feel, the more creative you will be in finding new services, products,
and ways to assist the folks you serve.

I do want to remind you that history has recorded that more millionaires were created during the
Great Depression than at any other time because of the infamous “poor economy.” The people
who believed in themselves were willing to take calculated risks. These people made tremendous
amounts of money not only because they believed in themselves, but because they looked for
opportunities and had prosperity consciousness. They did not let fate control their future -- they
took charge of their own destiny with their thoughts and actions!

We are all victims of old programming, and our self-image is created between the ages of 3-7
years by our teachers, parents, peers, and society. Some of the limiting programming we
received on a daily basis were statements like “the rich only get richer” and “this is a tough world”
and “money is the root of all evil.” You may not even be conscious of it when you hear yourself
talking and saying things like “everything happens to me,” “the other guy is always lucky and gets
all the breaks,” or “I can’t win for losing.” Please stop yourself from any negative SELF-TALK and
start to say things that give you confidence in yourself. For prosperity consciousness to work, start
to pay attention to the quality of information you put into your computer, your brain, as it truly is
your success mechanism. Pay even closer attention to your self-talk because it is your self-talk
that programs you for either poverty consciousness or prosperity consciousness. When you find
yourself talking or thinking negatively, ask yourself: “Do I really want to create this for my future?”


There is so much fear-mongering going on, not only by the media, but also by
everyday people who have been brainwashed. If you allow this in your life and
in your mind, I promise you that it will not only affect your success, abundance,
wellbeing and your view of the future, but it will cost you big in your profits
bottom line. Remind yourself daily that only you are in charge of your reality-
not the media, special interest groups, government agencies, and
environmental groups. Many of them have agendas to have power over you
and to scare you to enact and support their agendas.

Please take back your personal power and stop letting others continually give you the idea that
your future is not good. Stop being a sheep and allowing negative information from the media to
program you that everything is bad. Please folks, take your power back and don’t let the Media
convince you that there is only gloom and doom. Even though it doesn’t make the news, there is
much to be thankful for in our world and lives! There are always pockets of every economy that
don’t do as well as others. The media is programming you to lose hope, lose enthusiasm, lose
sight that you have the power to focus on what you want in life and your energy, thoughts and
actions creates your reality.

For the next THREE weeks since it only takes 21 to 28 days to create a new habits, take back
your life and cut out the media except for the information that is critical for you to have. Limit all
discussions on what the economy is doing and start to focus on what is good in your life.

Daily Improve your Abundance with your Thoughts and Actions.

Work Smart,

Lee Milteer
Business and Life Strategist

P.S. Be sure to go to our Millionaire Smarts® Membership site where you will find Free Bonus reports
from our Millionaire Smarts® Faculty and suggest that you print these reports out to share with your staff
and use for valuable information to improve your mindset and profits.
On the membership site you can also download the interview for your portable devices, a transcript of the
program, and all four reports. Plus there is a video series called the FIVE TYPES OF ENERGY. that is free for you. A $97.00 Gift for you.

How to Access the Millionaire Smarts® Membership Site: Go to and put in your code for
the month, 358263 at the bottom of the web page where it says COACHING SIGN IN. It will take you to
the private and password protected Millionaire Smarts® Coaching membership site.

I invite you to send feedback and requests for topics you would like to see covered to We always appreciate the opportunity to hear from our members.

Lee Milteer Inc. (757) 363-5800 Fax: (757) 363-5801
Permission granted for reprint for Lee Milteer Inc., Sponsors and their members only for personal use.
©2004-2018 Lee Milteer Inc.

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