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Defenition Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a malignant tumor arising in the epithelial coatings room behind the nose (nasopharynx) and

are found with high frequency in Southern China. According to nasopharyngeal cancer % &eratinising squamous cell cancer (type ') Non (eratinising squamous cell cancer (type )) *ndifferentiated carcinomas (type +) orld !ealth "rgani#ation ( !")$ there are three subtypes of

,pidemiology Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (N-C) is a disease with a remar(able geographic and racial distribution worldwide. .his is a rare human malignancy with an incidence below '/'00$000 populations per year in Caucasians from North America and other estern countries. 1n contrast$ the highest incidence is noted in the Southern Chinese population of 2uangdong$ 1nuits of Alas(a$ and nati3e 2reenlanders. -articularly$ among the Cantonese who inhabit the central region of 2uangdong -ro3ince in Southern China$ the incidence is '45)4 cases per '00.000$ but the rate of N-C among ethnic Chinese born in North America is considerably lower than those born in China. An intermediate incidence has been reported in Alas(an ,s(imos and in the 6editerranean basin (North Africa$ Southern 1taly$ 2reece$ and .ur(ey)$ ranging from '4 to )0 cases per '00$000 persons. 1ndependence of race5 ethnicity$ the rates of N-C in men are two to three folds higher than those in women for most population. "3erall$ N-C can occur in all age groups$ but has a bimodal age distribution. .he incidence pea(s at 40570 years of age$ and a small pea( is obser3ed during late childhood. ,tiologies and -athogenesis

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