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Committee Topics Human Rights 1. Establishing gender equality in education systems 2.

Combating human trafficking throughout South East Asia 3. Establishing Cyber Rights for individuals

Environment 1. The implementation of sustainable renewable energy in LEDCs 2. The protection of indigenous peoples in South America affected by deforestation 3. Ensuring access to clean water in Sub-Saharan Africa ECOSOC 1. The question of countries with poor human rights records hosting international events 2. Establishing government transparency in LEDCs 3. Development of sustainable tourism in tropical regions Disarmament 1. The control of civilian gun possession after a civil war 2. The question of continued use of drones in warfare 3. The question of non-proliferation in Iran Legal 1. The question of maritime borders in the South China Sea 2. The question of the rights of political refugees 3. The question of piracy in the Straits of Malacca Security Council 1. The situation in Egypt 2. The situation in DPRK 3. The situation in Syria

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