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Ask Santa
It is December. That means it is Christmas time. Christmas time means Santa Claus is coming. Sara and Billy love Christmas. They love Santa Claus. They love the gifts from Santa. Last year they got nice gifts. Sara got a teddy bear and a rubber duck. Billy got a green boat and a rubber duck. The rubber ducks float. When Sara takes a bath, her ink duck floats in the !ater. When Billy takes a bath, his blue duck floats in the !ater. "ne time Billy ut a goldfish into the tub. It s!am for a !hile. Then it died. #e buried it in the back yard. #e !as sad. This year Sara and Billy !ant bicycles. Sara !ants a red bike. Billy !ants a blue bike. $ama said she !ould talk to daddy. Sara asked mama, %Why don&t you talk to Santa'% $ama said, %That&s a good idea. When daddy comes home, he and I !ill talk to Santa.%

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