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While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had one of those life-changing experiences that you hear other people talk about the kind that sneaks up on you unexpectedly. This one occurred a ere two feet away fro e. !training to locate y friend a ong the passengers deplaning through the "et way, I noticed a an co ing toward e carrying two light bags. #e stopped right next to e to greet his fa ily. $irst he otioned to his youngest son % aybe six years old& as he laid down his bags. They ga'e each other a long, lo'ing hug. (s they separated enough to look in each other)s face, I heard the father say, *It)s so good to see you, son. I issed you so uch+, #is son s iled so ewhat shyly, a'erted his eyes and replied softly, *-e, too, .ad+, Then the an stood up, ga/ed in the eyes of his oldest son % aybe nine or ten& and while cupping his son)s face in his hands said, *0ou)re already 1uite the young an. I lo'e you 'ery uch, 2ach+, They too hugged a ost lo'ing, tender hug. While this was happening, a baby girl %perhaps one or one-and-a-half& was s1uir ing excitedly in her other)s ar s, ne'er once taking her little eyes off the wonderful sight of her returning father. The an said, *#i, baby girl+, as he gently took the child fro her other. #e 1uickly kissed her face all o'er and then held her close to his chest while rocking her fro side to side. The little girl instantly relaxed and si ply laid her head on his shoulder, otionless in pure content ent. (fter se'eral o ents, he handed his daughter to his oldest son and declared, *I)'e sa'ed the best for last+, and proceeded to gi'e his wife the longest, ost passionate kiss I e'er re e ber seeing. #e ga/ed into her eyes for se'eral seconds and then silently outhed. *I lo'e you so uch+, They stared at each other)s eyes, bea ing big s iles at one another, while holding both hands. $or an instant they re inded e of newlyweds, but I knew by the age of their kids that they couldn)t possibly be. I pu//led about it for a o ent then reali/ed how totally engrossed I was in the wonderful display of unconditional lo'e not ore than an ar )s length away fro e. I suddenly felt unco fortable, as if I was in'ading so ething sacred, but was a a/ed to hear y own 'oice ner'ously ask, *Wow+ #ow long ha'e you two been arried3 *4een together fourteen years total, arried twel'e of those., he replied, without breaking his ga/e fro his lo'ely wife)s face. *Well then, how long ha'e you been away3, I asked. The an finally turned and looked at e, still bea ing his "oyous s ile. *Two whole days+, Two days3 I was stunned. 4y the intensity of the greeting, I had assu ed he)d been gone for at least se'eral weeks 5 if not onths. I know y expression betrayed e.

I said al ost offhandedly, hoping to end y intrusion with so e se blance of grace %and to get back to searching for y friend&, *I hope y arriage is still that passionate after twel'e years+, The an suddenly stopped s iling.

#e looked e straight in the eye, and with forcefulness that burned right into y soul, he told e so ething that left e a different person. #e told e, *.on)t hope, friend6 decide+, Then he flashed e his wonderful s ile again, shook y hand and said, *7od bless+,

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