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Black Narcissus (Dirs.

Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger) 1947 film review

Black Narcissus, written, produced and directed by the British team of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger in 1947. This is a story about the nuns went to a place where surrounding by the mountains and they are going to build school and hospital for the people live there. By the isolation of the environment and the people, that was a place full of sexual temptations. (Kehr, 2001) It was noticeable that the common format of isolation in horror films. (Fig1) poster of black Narcissus, 1947

(Fig2) production of the bell scene The cinema of Isolation is for anyone interested in such topics as the ever-changing concerns and lifestyles of people with physical disabilities, the relationship of film and society, movies as political commodities, and media stereotyping.(Norden, 1994:xi) According to Nordens written, it can be seen that the isolation could affected by the background of the reality and Black narcissus was produced after The World War II, for the further study of the isolation that could seen as a influence of this film.

(Fig3) symbolism of the woman red lip

Lipstick: It's an icon, a turn-on, an international symbol of the feminine mystique. Today it
finds its place in history. (Ragas, Kozlowski, 1998:94)

It can see that the red lips of woman symbolize to sexual relation and gave a back supporting the whole film.

Kehr, Dave,(2001), black narcissus, the criterion collection (Accessed on 14.11.2013)
Meg Cohen Ragas, Karen Kozlowski (1998), Read My Lips: A Cultural History of
Lipstick Chronicle Books, UK

Martin F. Norden, (1994 ), The Cinema of Isolation: A History of Physical Disability in the
Movies Manufactured, US

poster of black Narcissus, 1947 , Accessed on 14.11.2013


(Fig2) production of the bell scene, Accessed on 14.11.2013 (Fig3) symbolism of the woman red lip,, Accessed on 14.11.2013

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