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APHRODITE was the great Olympian goddess of love, pleasure and and procreation. Love and beauty are ideas essentially connected, and Aphrodite was therefore also the goddess of beauty and gracefulness. She was much adored; there were shrines to her everywhere. And she had the added advantage of being exotic. But as goddess of love she was unreliable, sometimes perverse. Yes, she brings people amorously together, but when things go wrong, watch out: Like a windstorm/Punishing the oak trees, /Love shakes my heart. So wrote the poet and worshiper of women, Sappho, who knew. Through the dress Your inner goddess reign supreme The design features a gown that is dip-dyed mauve with a beautiful neckline and an empire waistline that has three bands of black trim. The bottom part of the dress is golden shear to highlight the perfect beauty of the dress.

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