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Joseph Scott Drenski Jr. 13013 Cherry Lane Chesterland, Ohio, 44026 Phone: (440) 391-8625 !

ail: "d13#011$ohio%ed& Summary 'ard (or)in*, res+onsi,le, and sel--startin* that is hi*hly !oti.ated to +rod&/e +ositi.e res&lts -or his or*ani0ation% Pro.en to e1/el in leadershi+ and !oti.ation o- entire tea! to a/hie.e a /o!!on *oal% n"oys (or)in* in a -ast +a/ed, hi*h +ress&re en.iron!ent% Education 2&nior at Ohio 3ni.ersity (4thens Ca!+&s) 1+e/ted 5rad&ation in the 6&!!er o- 2015 7ean8s List e.ery ter! eli*i,le on Ca!+&s C&!&lati.e 5P4 o- 3%## 9a"orin* in 6+orts 9ana*e!ent 9inor in :&siness 9e!,er o- Ohio 3ni.ersity8s ;nternational 6+orts 4*ent Or*ani0ation 5rad&ate o- <est 5ea&*a 'i*h 6/hool (ith 3%8 5P4 9e!,er o- =ational 'onor 6o/iety 2# O.erall 6/ore on 4C> Community Activities 3 ?ear @arsity Aoot,all Letter B&arter,a/), @oted Ca+tain ,y Aello( >ea!!ates ?o&th Aoot,all Coa/h 4nno&n/er o- ?o&th Aoot,all 5a!es 1 ?ear @arsity :as)et,all Letter ?o&th :as)et,all Ce-eree ?o&th :as)et,all Coa/h Chesterland Lions Cl&, Co!!&nity 6er.i/e Professional Experience Ohio University ntramurals (Athens, Ohio) !"#$ January !"#$%April

Ce-eree o- ;ntra!&ral ,as)et,all *a!es, (or)in* in hi*h +ress&re sit&ations, )ee+in* the *a!e &nder /ontrol and !a)in* s&re the *a!e o+erated s&//ess-&lly% Cleveland ndians (Cleveland, Ohio) !"#$ June !"#$%Au&ust

6&r.eyor -or the ,rand de+art!ent, s+e/iali0in* in -an intera/tion and relayin* the in-or!ation /olle/ted to !y s&+er.isors% Campus 'ecreation (Athens, Ohio) Present January !"#$%

Aitness assistant at Pin* Center intera/tin* (ith /&sto!ers and assistin* in the s&//ess-&l o+eration o- the entire -a/ility%

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