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Lesly Bee 3B October 25, 2013 Sophomore English Quarter 1 Writing Sample

In this unit I learned about what my mom, Mindy, and what my best friend, Cassidy, think my best characteristic is. First off, my mom says my best characteristic is my kindness. She told me Ever since I was able to understand peoples feelings I have tried to help them whenever they were down. By saying this, my mom showed me that she thinks my best characteristic is my kindness. Cassidy told me that she thinks my best characteristic is my liveliness. She told me that I am the only person in our group that can keep the conversation going and interesting. By saying this she showed me what she thinks my best characteristic is. Another thing I learned in this in this unit is what my mom and Cassidy think my greatest fear in life is. My mom told me that she thinks my biggest fear in life is losing someone in my family. In the letter she said I think that you are most afraid of losing your family because when you lost your aunt you went into a state where you were very paranoid about what your brother and I did. This showed me what my mom thought my biggest fear in life was. Cassidy thinks my biggest fear in life is being alone. She thinks this because I cant do anything by myself except go to the bathroom or else I am really jumpy and paranoid. This shows me what Cassidy thinks my biggest fear in life is. The last thing I learned about this unit is how accurate my zodiac really is. The paper said that people like being around me not only because I am amusing but I am also always there for them. I know this is true because I asked my friends why they liked me and they all said the same thing or something close to that. This proves that my zodiac sign is very accurate. Another example of how the zodiac is accurate is that it said that I am often misjudged. I am almost always misjudged because of what I wear and how I look. This helps show the accuracy of my zodiac sign.

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