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Lord Vishnu He is one on the divine trinity of the Hindu Pantheon He is the protector of creation: whenever evil threatens

the world he takes it on and vanquishes it His ten avatars make for compelling reads and are central to Hindu Mythology Ramayan the epic poem is a narrative of the Ram avatar of Lord Vishnu Mahabharat the other famed Indian epic stars the avatar Krishna as a main mover and shaker The Bhagvad Gita - an important religious and moral text for all Hindus was narrated by Krishna in the middle of the war in the Mahabharat He is married to the goddess of wealth Lakshmi The Divine Creator Brahma is his son The Goddess Parvati - the Divine Mother and consort to the Destroyer Lord Shiva is his sister His abode in heaven is called Vaikundam He rests on the multi-headed serpant Adhi Shesha The richest Hindu temple - Tirupati - is dedicated to him in the form of Perumal Narayan is another name for Vishnu The most powerful chant for Lord Vishnu is "Om Namo Narayanaya" Devotees observe the Sathyanarayana fast and chant his 1001 names on Full moon days. The Hindu sect of Vaishnavaites believe him to be the Supreme Being The Iyengar sect of the Brahmin caste also pray exclusively to Lord Vishnu Lord Vishnu has taken the female form of the divinely pretty Mohini - she tricked the Asuras of their share of the nectar of Immortality - Amrit, after they churned the Milky Ocean with the Devas. The Lord Ayyappa is beleived to be the son of Mohini and Lord Shiva, thus doubly powerful Lord Vishnu likes to test the devotion of his devotees but in turn can easily be enslaved by their love and devotion

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