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Lord Brahma The Divine Creator of the Trinity topping the Hindu Pantheon, the universe we live in and

the many parrallel dimensions are but the dream of Lord Brahma He was born fully formed on a lotus from the navel of Lord Vishnu the Divine Protector His consort, aptly, is the Goddess of Wisdom, Saraswati The divine sage Narada, Lord Vishnu's most devout devotee, is Lord Brahma's son Lord Brahma is beleived to inscribe a person's destiny on their forehead at birth The perfect man - Manu - was his son, he gave to him the Manu Smriti, a list of morals and mores to live by Lord Brahma was cursed by a powerful sage that he sould not be worshipped in temples, hence with the exception of Pushkar in Rajastan, Lord Brahma is never the presiding deity in temples nor do you find temples with idols of Brahma being worshipped.

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