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Through my work experience and my post secondary education, my personal philosophy has grown and changed over the

years. A main influence has been learning about Bronfenbrenners Ecological ystem, the different levels of environment that influence childrens growth and development. The four levels of the ecological system are microsystem, mesosystem, ecosystem, and macrosystem. !hildrens microsystems include any immediate relationships or organi"ations they interact with, such as their immediate family, childcare centres, and educators. As an educator, it is important to remember that we have a vast impact on childrens development. The more encouraging and nurturing these relationships and places are, the better the child will be able to grow and develop. Each level consists of different communities that are formed in everyones life, for example students and teachers are part of a school community. #ithin a community, trust, respect, understanding, collaboration, sharing ideas and assistance are visible. $n !ommunities of practice for professional development %&''(), !arter states, *+or a group of people to truly function as a learning community, they need to feel physically and emotionally comfortable so that they can take risks and work through the dise,uilibrium that often accompanies new learning- %p.&.). $ feel this applies not only to children but to all individuals. Educators should remember that children need to feel a sense of belonging, and that every child learns differently. $n /ultiple 0nderstanding, we learned about 1oward 2ardener who created the /ultiple $ntelligences, which helps individuals understand what ways and how they learn best. $ believe educators need to acknowledge, adapt, support and learn about each individual 3 *including that individuals learning styles,

interests and preferences, personality and temperament, skills and talents, challenges and difficulties- %/ac4aughton, &''5, p.&6&). Through my !harles turt experience, $ have learned about the 7eggio Emilia approach emphasi"ing the importance of creating a sense of belonging within the classroom and centre. %+raser, &''8) $n addition, $ believe the relationship between teacher, child and parents are 9ust as important as teacher student relationships. /ac4aughton %&''5) notes that we should include *families as :partners or :collaborators - %p. &(;) which goes hand in hand with Bronfenbrenners theory as families, educators and child are all on the same level, microsytem. The 7eggio Emilia approach also ties in, *+or the program to function successfully everyone involved 3 children, families, and teachers 3 need to feel that they play an integral part in<the circle of we- %+raser, &''8, p. =>). #enger %&''8) states under the description of community that *they build relationships that enable them to learn from each other- which is critical. ?astly, *learning occurs with the context of social relationships with other members of the community who have similar, if not identical, issues and concerns from the realm of practice- %Buysee, parkman, @ #esley, &''5, p. &8=) This seems to be a common factor among theorist, philosophy, and author that $ have adapted into my own philosophy. Averall my personal philosophy is forever evolving. Taking what $ have learned about Bronfenbrenner in my college setting and adding the 7eggio Emilia approach from !harles turt, $ will continue to add and adapt my personal philosophy. Best described by /ac4aughton %&''5), *seeking multiple sources of knowledge and perspectives is ongoing- %p. &(()

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