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The Meaning of Semantics According to Cruse (2006), semantics is the major division in treatments of linguistic meaning between semantics and pragmatics (although the term semantics also sometimes has a general sense which covers both). According to homason (!""6), semantics is the stud# of the meaning of

linguistics e$pression. According to %riffiths (2006), semantics is the stud# of word meaning, abstracted awa# from conte$ts of use, is a descriptive subject. According to &aeed, semantics deals with conventional meaning, those aspects of meaning that do not var# much from conte$t to conte$t. 2. The Meaning of Pragmatics According to curse (2000), pragmatics is concerned with aspects of information conve#ed through language which are not encoded b# generall# accepted convention in the linguistic forms used, but which none the less arise naturall# out of and depend on the meanings conventionall# encoded in the linguistic forms used, ta'en in conjunction with the conte$t in which the forms are used. According to &aeed, pragmatics deals with the individual, conte$t dependent usage.

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