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Project Connect Introduction

lor the irst time, the 1oobeez program has been adapted as a useul teaching
tool or utilization in schools and educational orums. 1oobeez are a unique
means o teaching academics, social skills, teamwork and problem soling. 1he
actiities deeloped with 1oobeez are designed to challenge students to
ealuate concepts rom a practical point o iew with hands-on learning

1eachers can use 1oobeez as an innoatie tool to implement aluable
actiities in the classroom. 1he 1eam Series proides excellent resources and
actiities to lead meaningul teambuilding experiences with groups. 1he
Scholastic Series o workbooks includes additional inormation on the current
educational practices listed below and how the 1oobeez scholastic workbooks
address these practices.
Brain-based Research
Multiple Intelligence 1heory
Differentiated Instruction
Problem Solving
Character Lducation 1hemes
1eambuilding & Connections with Others
Collaborative Hands-On Lxperience

1he use o 1oobeez in the classroom can play an important role in establishing
connections between students, peers and teachers!

Sample lesson plans are located on pages 6 - J7.
,Please note: the Actiity Notes` and Actiity Variations` sections hae been omitted,

Project Connect Materials

Project Connect is dedicated to proiding cutting-edge teambuilding actiities
and academic tools or educators. 1hese actiities can be used or exciting
educational days and can reinorce eeryday moments with both youth and

Project Connect offers the following products:

1oobeez are the incredible construction tubes used
to build and create the actiities or your group! A
one-o-a-kind construction system, 1oobeez gie
you the chance to "connect" as a group while
engaging eerybody in constructie play. 1oobeez
are a hands-on, easy-to-assemble and sae product
that captiates the imagination o anyone who uses them. \ou can use them
indoors or outdoors to hold a powerul learning experience anytime!

Activity Workbooks
1he 1oobeez workbooks include detailed lesson plans
with saety reminders, helpul hints, procedures,
debrieing questions, actiity ariations and more to
build and deelop the skills o your group. Other
aailable workbooks include Math, Science, Language
Arts, Physical Lducation, Occupational 1herapy and
Recreational 1herapy.

Multimedia 1raining CD
1his CD is based on the award-winning book by
1om leck entitled 1be Officiat 1oobee 1eav vitaivg
Cave. .ctirit, Cviae. 1his CD contains all o the
inormation ound in the guide plus ideo clips,
audio interiews and other special bonus eatures.

1ested in 2004 by multiple teachers
with amilies, the 1oobeez Interactie
lamily Ldition has won a 1eacher`s Choice Award or 2005. 1he Interactie
lamily Ldition is what you get when you combine a set o 1oobeez with 1om
leck`s book, 1be Officiat 1oobee 1eavbvitaivg Cave. ava .ctirit, Cviae, and
Multimedia 1raining CD.

Project Connect 1raining Opportunities

Project Connect oers two types o training
workshops designed to help any type o group
leader enhance their skills!

J. 1rain-the-1rainer
2. 1LAM Workshop

1rain-the-1rainer Workshop

1his workshop is or you i:
\ou are an educator looking or new ways o teaching team and
leadership skills
\ou like learning in a ast-paced and hands-on enironment

What to expect
In the 1rain-the-1rainer workshop, you will learn how to lead actiities that
deelop team and leadership skills. 1his workshop is un, empowering and
educational. It is also experiential, meaning you will learn by doing.


\ou will learn actiities that promote
trust and creatie problem soling, as
well as encourage purposeul and kind
communication. \ou will experience
physical actiities, as well as actiities
which demand high cerebral skills. \ou
will learn how to design eerything rom
a ie-minute icebreaker to a ull two-day
adenture. Depending on the length o
the program you choose, you can een
learn how to integrate the actiities into an existing curriculum.

\ou will learn how to delier important debrieing ,processing, skills to learn
how to draw out the genius o the group by asking thought-prooking
questions. \hen a debrieing session is deliered properly, groups learn to own
the inormation they generate rom the teambuilding actiities, proiding them
with a sense o empowerment, connectedness and success!

1his is the perect workshop or you i you
are a:
Classroom teacher
School counselor
Camp counselor
luman Resources director
1rainer or workshop presenter
1herapeutic Recreation Specialist

1LAM Workshop
1ogether Leryone Achiees More

1he 1LAM workshop is for your team if you are ready to:
Moe quickly rom a good` team to a great` team
lae un and be challenged in a dynamic learning enironment
Be treated with respect and dignity while leeraging the strengths o your

Oer the years, we hae worked with thousands o people rom all walks o
lie, including:
- Business teams ,rom such industries as
inesting, communications, and insurance,
- Non-proit organizations ,such as \MCA,
\\CA and Boys & Girls Clubs,
- Lducators ,including public & priate
school teachers, school counselors, college
students, college teaching sta and
international students,
- Alternatie education programs ,including
corrections oicers, ater-school programs and enrichment programs,

What to expect
In this workshop, you will participate in un actiities and engaging hands-on
learning exercises to help your team address ital issues so it can moe orward.
1his workshop ocuses on where you are now as a group and where you are

lor more inormation about attending or scheduling teambuilding training
workshops, call:


Contact the Iollowing websites Ior more inIormation:


Preparation Character Focus

The ChaIIenge
Build the longest bridge possible.

Collaborate with team
members to build the longest
bridge possible
\ork cooperatiely as a team
Communicate and listen to
the ideas o others
Participate in a group
conersation to process and
ealuate the experience

Activity Plan
Group Size: 2 - 5,team
1ime: 15 - 45 minutes
Mental Intensity: 2
Physical Intensity: 1
Space: Lots
1ime: 1 minute
Materials: 1 1oobeez set per team
rope or masking tape
chart paper ,optional,
1. Create one side o a pretend rierbank` by
laying down a long rope on the ground or by
applying a piece o masking tape to the
ground. 1his is the side o the rier where
each group will start building their bridge.
l`! l!I!! l`! l!I!! l`! l!I!! l`! l!I!!
Safety Reminders!

Appropriate caution is important to conduct these actiities in a sae manner.
Be sure to reiew these reminders prior to beginning the actiity, and i
necessary, share reminders with the group during the actiity.

Activity Instructions

1. Circle up the group, and share the ollowing storyline.

lollow general saety procedures
An eccentric billionaire has run the ollowing ad in your local newspaper:
\hat our country needs are people with a ision. 1he ision must be bold
and exciting in order to energize and motiate our community. I am looking
or a team o people to create such a ision. 1o ind the best team or the
job, I hae inented the ollowing challenge. 1he team that builds the
longest bridge ,rom where we are now to where we want to be, will win the
challenge. 1his will proe to me that your team is the one to lead our
community into the uture.`
Do not rush this actiity. Proide at least 15 minutes or
the teams to build a bridge. \hen groups are rushed, they
tend to build sloppy bridges that all oer
Building bridges is a great metaphor or lie. A bridge helps
connect people and resources

2. Read aloud the ollowing Actiity Challenge Box to the group.

3. 1o begin the actiity, hae the participants irst work through the
Problem-Soling Sequence ,proided in the ull ersion guide,.
4. I participants get stuck, hae the students circle up again. Use questions
to help guide the group back on track, but do not proide the
participants with answers. Allow them to work together.
5. I your group is still struggling OR i you eel your group would beneit
rom an additional challenge, present the ariation proided on the next
6. Ater the actiity, moe to the Actiity Discussion and Processing`
section o the actiity.

Challenge: Build the longest bridge possible. lollow the guidelines
1he length o the bridge will be measured rom the rierbank
to the closest bridge support. 1he team with the greatest
measurement wins
Only the 1oobeez can be used to construct the bridge
1he bridge must span rom one rierbank ,rom the starting
side, to a distance out rom the rierbank
1he bridge must be perpendicular to the rierbank
1he bridge must be ree-standing
I any guidelines are broken, the group must begin again

Activity Discussion and Processing

Discussion 1opic: Connecting with others
Building a bridge is the perect metaphor or setting an intention ,setting a goal
and a ision, and then taking action to experience your intention.

Discussion Questions
People build bridges to connect people and aluable resources ,other
people, places, things, etc.,. \hat is a resource your team needs to
experience a greater leel o success
In this actiity, your bridge-building supplies consisted o 1oobeez.
\hat supplies or resources do you need to experience a greater leel o
team success
Some people say, Do not burn your bridges.` \hat do they mean by

1he ollowing quotes all mention the word bridge.` Read the quotes ,one,
some or all,, and discuss them with your group.
\hat are the authors o these quotes really saying
\hy do they use the word bridge`

\e build too many walls and not enough bridges.` - .aac ^ertov ;11212),
vgti.b vatbevaticiav ava b,.ici.t; atber of voaerv .cievce

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.` - ]iv Robv,
avtbor ava .ea/er

Sometimes, i you stand on the bottom rail o a bridge and lean oer to watch
the rier slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know eerything
there is to be known.` !ivvie tbe Poob

I am where I am because o the bridges that I crossed. Sojourner 1ruth was a
bridge. larriet 1ubman was a bridge. Ida B. \ells was a bridge. Madame C.J.
\alker was a bridge. lannie Lou lamer was a bridge.` Orab !ivfre,,
.vericav teteri.iov er.ovatit,, actre.. ava roavcer


Preparation Character Focus
1rust & Caring

The ChaIIenge
1he entire group must work as team to earn points by moing through the
cube through unique pathways.

!! l! !! l! !! l! !! l!
Collaborate with team
members to moe through
the cube in unique ways
Communicate with the
group to complete the
Rely on group members
Participate in a group
conersation to process and
ealuate the experience
Activity Plan
Group Size: 5 - 20
1ime: 15 - 45 minutes
Mental Intensity: 2
Physical Intensity: 3
Space: Medium
1ime: 5 minutes
Materials: 1 1oobeez cube
5-gallon bucket
chart paper ,optional,
1. Create a cube using eight o the 36`
tubes and eight o the 16` tubes to create
our long tubes ,reer to the
2. Balance the cube on the bucket as

Safety Reminders!

Appropriate caution is important to conduct these actiities in a sae manner.
Be sure to reiew these reminders prior to beginning the actiity, and i
necessary, share reminders with the group during the actiity.

Activity Instructions

1. Circle up the group, and share the ollowing storyline.

2. Read aloud the ollowing Actiity Challenge Box to the group ,on the
next page,.

Proper spotting techniques must be reiewed prior to starting this
challenge ,reer to the Saety Procedures` section in the guide,
It is ideal to hae cushions or pads placed under the 1oobeez structure to
minimize the eects o a all
All participants must be spotted as they trael through the cube
I your group is not physically strong enough, mature enough and,or
calm enough, do not attempt this actiity
\our team is enrolled in a special NASA training program. 1he space agency
is looking or a team o astronauts to send into space to ix an expensie
satellite. 1he mission will require a team to work in close proximity to each
other and the equipment. NASA has deised a challenge or your team that
simulates the requirements o the actual space mission. 1he team must moe
in and around a model satellite without touching it. I you pass the test, your
team will be awarded the real mission!
Some groups may want to practice passing people through
the cube prior to actually starting. Note: Allowing the
group to practice on the cube itsel can take away some o
the unknown aspects o the actiity. Consider setting
limitations on the practice ,time, number o tries, etc.,

3. Gather the team around the cube and explain the point system.
One point is earned when passing rom a lower hole to a lower
1wo points are earned when passing rom a lower hole to an
upper hole
1hree points are earned when passing rom an upper hole to an
upper hole
4. 1o begin the actiity, hae the participants irst work through the
Problem-Soling Sequence ,proided in the ull ersion o the guide,.
5. Be sure to monitor the group or saety as they attempt the actiity.
6. I a touch occurs, choose one o the ollowing penalties: A, eeryone
starts again, B, only one person has to trael back through, C, the group
may not communicate erbally or ie minutes, or D, a combination o

Challenge: 1he entire group must work as team to earn points by
moing through the cube through unique pathways. lollow the
guidelines below:
Lach team member must pass through the cube using a
unique pathway. Once a pathway is used, that unique
sequence o trael cannot be used again
1he cube may only be supported by the bucket base, and it
may not all oer
Anyone traeling through the cube must be spotted
Participants may not jump or die through cube pathways
1eam members may not be launched through the cube
No additional equipment may be used
1he group M|1 complete this actiity in a sae manner or
the actiity will be stopped
I any guidelines are broken, the group may be gien a
penalty ,see Step 46,

. I participants get stuck, hae the students circle up again. Use questions
to help guide the group back on track, but do not proide the
participants with answers. Allow them to work together.
8. I your group is still struggling OR i you eel your group would beneit
rom an additional challenge, present a ariation proided below.
9. Ater the actiity, moe to the Actiity Discussion and Processing`
section o the actiity.

Activity Discussion and Processing

Discussion 1opic: 1rusting One Another
In this storyline, you were to imagine yoursel as a team o astronauts in space
working on a satellite. 1his would be a dangerous and challenging mission.
Use your imagination. In what type o rescue mission would you like to
see your team inoled
\hat new skills would you need to learn to successully complete the
rescue mission

Discussion Questions
\hat role did trust play in this actiity
\ho did you trust
At what leel did you trust them Rate your team on a scale rom 1 - 10
,where 1 means you do not trust them at all and 10 means you trust
them a lot,

In the storyline, you hae an opportunity to be selected or a mission in outer
space. 1eachers throughout the ages hae studied and written about our lie`s
mission. In the quotes below, the word mission` is mentioned.
\hat are these authors saying to you

"1o succeed in your mission, you must hae single-minded deotion to your
.bavt Katav ;borv 11), Pre.iaevt of vaia

\hen you discoer your mission, you will eel its demand. It will ill you with
enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it." !. Ctevevt tove ;102
2002), .vericav be.t.ettivg avtbor ava fovvaer of Covbivea v.vravce Co. ;vor a art of
.ov Cor.)


Preparation Character Focus

The ChaIIenge
1he entire group must create a channel using the 1oobeez to transport a ball
into a bucket.
!.``!l !.``!l !.``!l !.``!l
Collaborate with team
members to create a channel to
moe the ball
Communicate with team
\ork cooperatiely as a group
Participate in a group
conersation to process and
ealuate the experience
Activity Plan
Group Size: 6 - 20
1ime: 5 - 25 minutes
Mental Intensity: 1
Physical Intensity: 1
Space: Medium
1ime: 1 minute
Materials: 2 1oobeez tubes per person
1 1oobeez ball
1 bucket
chart paper ,optional,
1. Proide each person with two tubes o
equal length.
2. Place a bucket a distance rom where
the group will set up.

Safety Reminders!

Appropriate caution is important to conduct actiities in a sae manner. Be sure
to reiew these reminders prior to beginning the actiity, and share reminders
with the group i necessary.

Activity Instructions

1. Circle up the group, and share the ollowing storyline.

Read aloud the ollowing Actiity Challenge Box to the group.

lollow general saety procedures
\ou are a team o disaster relie workers attempting to transport desperately
needed ood and medicine ,in the shape o yellow balls, to a illage that needs
your help. \our team must ind a workable solution or transporting the ood
and medicine oer a great distance.

Challenge: 1he entire group must create a channel using the
1oobeez to transport a ball into a bucket. lollow the guidelines
1he ball may not touch anything other than the channels and
the bucket
1he channels must remain in the air at all times
\hen a ball is in your channel, your eet must remain still
People may moe when the ball is not in their channel
1he ball may not be touched once the actiity has begun
I any guidelines are broken, the group must begin again
Lncourage groups to start out moing slowly. 1he leap
rogging` requires timing, communication and ocus
Groups that rush can hae an extremely diicult time with
this actiity
3. 1o begin the actiity, hae participants irst work through the Problem-
Soling Sequence ,proided in the ull ersion guide,.
4. 1he group will begin at an arbitrary starting point. Set a bucket
approximately 30 eet rom the group so the group must leap rog`
each other to successully drop the ball in the bucket. 1he greater the
distance, the harder the challenge.
5. I participants get stuck, hae the students circle up again. Use questions
to help guide the group back on track, but do not proide the
participants with answers. Allow them to work together.
6. I your group is still struggling OR i you eel your group would beneit
rom an additional challenge, present a ariation proided on the next
. Ater the actiity, moe to the Actiity Discussion and Processing`
section o the actiity.

Activity Discussion and Processing

Discussion 1opic: Communication
In this actiity, you were attempting to get the ball,s, to low` rom one point
to another.
Describe the skills you used to make the ball low easily rom one point
to another
Can you use these same skills to help things low in your group low
\hat would you like to hae low easier in your group ,Ideas, money,
leadership, kindness, etc.,

Discussion 1opic: Disaster
I appropriate, discuss disaster relie with your group.
\hat is a disaster` low is it dierent than any other kind o tragedy
las anyone eer come to the aid o someone who has experienced some
kind o disaster low \hat did it eel like to help \hat was the
response o the person,people receiing the help
Other than basic liing necessities such as medical attention, ood,
shelter, water and clothing, what do people who hae experienced a
disaster also need
\hat skills can you bring to a real disaster relie situation \ould you
like to learn new skills that you could use in a disaster relie situation I
yes, what kind o skills

In the storyline, your team is inoled in disaster relie. In the ollowing quotes,
disaster is mentioned. Discuss the message these authors are trying to
communicate to you.

"lappiness and strength endure only in the absence o hate. 1o hate alone is
the road to disaster. 1o loe is the road to strength. 1o loe in spite o all is
the secret o greatness. And may ery well be the greatest secret in this
unierse." . Rov vbbara ;1111), .vericav .cievcefictiov rriter ava voreti.t

"I always tried to turn eery disaster into an opportunity." ]obv D. Roc/efetter
;11), .vericav ivav.triati.t ava bitavtbroi.t; fovvaer of tbe tavaara Oit

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