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This course looks at the materials about Teaching Writing to the students at the English Department of Haluoleo University. The materials is used for getting students to write both in and outside class, give them more thinking time!, and allows the more opportunity for language processing. The content of this course was decided to have a gradual implementation of the materials.
Thus all the students are completed with the production of the materials focusing on the content of

teaching Writing. "t discussed #$% the genre, #&% The writing process, #'% Writing (e)uence

OVERVIEW OF THE MATERIALS The kind of writing for students to do will depend, as most other things to do, on their age, level, learning styles and interest. "n order to help students write successfully and enthusiastically in different styles, we need to consider three parts of the materials that probably important for the students. $. *enre +ne of our decisions about what to get students to write depend on what genre we thing they need to write. , genre is a type of writing which members of a discourse community would instantly recogni-e for what it was. Thus, we recogni-e a small ad in a newspaper the moment we see it because, being members of a particular group, or community, we have seen many such te.t before and are familiar with the way they are constructed. We know what a poem looks like, a theatre listing or the function and appearance of the

cover copy on the bag of a book. +ne of the decisions that we will need to make, therefore, is which genres are important and/or engaging for our students. +nes we have done this, we can show them e.amples of te.t we think a genre #for e.ample, a variety of different kinds of written invitations% so that they get a feel for the conventions of that genre. (uch genre analysis will have students see how typical te.t within a genre are construct, and this knowledge will help them construct appropriate te.t of their own. ,t lower levels, we may give them clear models to follow, and they will write something that look very much like the original. (uch guide writing will help students produce appropriate te.t even with fairly limited English.

&. The writing process When students are writing for writing, we will want to involve them in the process of writing. real world! this typically involves planning what we are going to write, drafting it, reviewing and editing what we have written and then producing a final #and satisfactory% version. 0any people have though that this is a linear process, but a process e.amination of how writers of all different kinds are involve in the writing process suggest that we do all of these thing again and again. Thus we may plan, draft, replan draft, edit, reedit, replan, etc before we produce our final version.

'. Wring se)uences The three e.amples of writing we are going to look at show a range of level and comple.ity1 a. 2ostcard #pre3intermediate/intermediate%

This guided writing se)uenced shows how students at fairly early level can be helped to write within a certain genre show that when they do the final writing task, they have everything they need to do is successfully. (tudents4 postcard is told that when we write postcards, we often leave out words to save space. They then read the following postcard and decide where the words in the bo. should go1
The be is there we are my is were were well

The students look the postcard and try to circle the words that can be left out.

b. Email interview #pre3intermediate upwards% 0any maga-ines and color supplements contain short celebrity interviews in which people answer a series of inconse)uently )uestions designed to be revealing, amusing an entertaining in e)ual measure. This genre is a highly effective way of getting students to write communicatively. "n this case, the kind of writing activity is a typically boomerang se)uence lesson since one students are engaged, they have to activate their language knowledge before, at various stage, they modify what has been said or what they have written, and in so doing find themselves studying the construction of their te.t. There is no reason why the interviews should be the student4s classmate5 if they can find other people to interview in this way, so much the better. c. Writing a report The following report3writing se)uence is detailed, and will take some time. ,s the se)uence progresses, students analy-e the report genre, look at the some points,

gather information, draft their report, check it and produce a final version. When they have listened to an interview about the position of women around the world, students are asked to read a report and match sections ,3D in it with the following headings1 2ositive comments 6onclusion and recommendations 7egative facts ,im and the report

7ow the students have been prepared they write a report in si. stages1 Stage 1 students are asked to choose one of from a variety of topics such as the benefits/dangers of mass tourism, whether banning things over works, answer to world poverty, freedom to choose or whether parents should be liable for the actions of their children. ,lternatively, they can choose a topic of their own. Stage !1 students are asked to gather information from a variety of sources including in this case of the e.ample above 8 the module of the course book the te.t occurs in, a library, the internet, maga-ines articles, T9 and radio programmes, and anyone they would like to interview. Stage "1 students plan their reports. They should decide what to include, what order to put it in #after looking back at the report they studied% and what their conclusions will be. Stage #1 students write a draft their report.

Stage $1 students check trough the report in order decide how effective it is and correct any language mistakes. Stage %1 students write their final report #they may have repeated stage : and ; more than once

During the stages : and ;, it is important for the teacher to be on hand to suggest changes, )uestions parts of the report and be a useful resource for students so that they can improve their writing as they continue. When the reports are finished, the teacher can collect them for correction, or they can assembled on a class notice board or put up on a class websites. (o that, look at the choosing for teaching writing, a chance for the students to process language in a more considered way that they may sometimes do when speaking. We showed how writing for learning is different from writing as a skill in its own right.

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