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At the end of the session, the participants will be able to: 1. Learn the 5 steps to having miracles in their life using the story of the Wedding at Cana as a guide 2. Understand the importance of following Jesus in receiving blessings 3. Realize the role of intercession in miracles

Talk Plenary Sharing

35 minutes 25 minutes


I. Introduction

A CFC SFL Household Servant living out the principles mentioned in this talk

Do you want miracles to happen in your life? During the time Jesus walked on earth, He performed numerous miracles. From making the lame walk, giving sight to the blind, restoring a deaf persons hear ing and even raising a dead person to life, Jesus did them all. Not only that He performed healing miracles, He also exorcised demons and nature miracles calming the storm and turning water into wine. Indeed, Jesus is a miracle worker. But what are miracles? In ancient times, miracles are events that defy the law of nature. Examples of these are the plagues, manna and of course, the deeds of Jesus. These are miracles because they break the natural law and makes the impossible possible. But nowadays, miracles has taken another meaning. When we fulfill a task that is not really impossible but improbable, we call these as miracles (i.e. passing an exam, going to a place weve never been to, forgiving of someone who has offended us, etc.). Surely, in this world of chaos, all of us need miracles. II. The 5 Is in Having Miracles

Read: John 2:1-11 For us to have miracles in our lives, we will look at the story of the first miracle in the Gospel of John - the Wedding at Cana. In that story, we can find five (5) Is that made the miracle possible. These are: A. Invitation Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. (John 2:2) If we want to experience a miracle, we must first invite Jesus into our lives. Jesus was invited to the wedding at Cana. If Jesus had not been invited to that wedding, the miracle would not have taken place. We must invite Jesus into every area of our lives. We must seek His blessing and His guidance in every aspect of our lives. B. Intercession When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, They have no wine. (John 2:3) The second step for a miracle is to intercede before the Lord, and to make our requests known to him. At the wedding in Cana when they ran out of wine, Mary the mother of Jesus made it known to Jesus. We must also take all our burdens to the Lord. Instead of rushing to our friends and relatives to share our needs , we must first take it to the Lord and cast our burdens upon Him. Sadly, in these present times, lifting our concern to the Lord is the last thing we do when all else fails. Look also how Mary approached Jesus. She said it in all honesty and humility. She did not go blaming the headwaiter or the bride and groom for their lack of preparation. She did not use her title as mother in asking favor to her Son. When we approach God, He is pleased when we are honest and humble. C. Instruction His mother said to the servers, Do whatever he tells you. (John 2:5) The third step is to be taught obedience to the commandments of the Lord. At the wedding in Cana, Mary, the mother of Jesus told the servants to do whatever Jesus commanded them to do. It was obedience to the instructions of Jesus that enabled them to experience the miracle. We must be careful to obey the instructions that the Lord gives to us. We must live according to the word of God. If you will closely look at it, we fail to receive Gods blessing because we choose to follow our own way rather than the instructions of the Lord. When we go on our own way, sin separates us from God and this leads to curse rather than blessings. When we

do not give up our sinful habits, our dishonest practices and illicit relationship, we are blocking God blessing to pour down on us.

D. Instruments Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washings, each holding twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told them, Fill the jars with water. So they filled them to the brim. (John 2:6-7) The Lord uses instruments to perform His miracle. At the wedding in Cana, the Lord used the water that was available to perform a miracle. Jesus used five loaves and two fishes that were available to feed the five thousand. The Lord can use whatever we have to perform miracles. He can use even ordinary vessels to reveal His power. We should allow the Lord to use whatever we have for His glory. But more than the water and the vessels, the servers who filled the jars with water and took them to the headwaiter are examples of real instruments of the Lord. They did not question, grumble and complained how stupid the idea was. They did not have second thoughts whether the jar they were bringing to the headwaiter still contains water or already turned into wine. They just followed Jesus command. E. Inspiration Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him. (John 2:11) Jesus intervened and performed a miracle by turning the water into wine and His disciples believed on Him. The miracle that Jesus performed inspired the disciples and caused them to develop a strong faith in the Lord. We must cause every miracle that the Lord performs in our lives to become an inspiration for us to have a greater and deeper faith in Him. Whether the times are good or bad, let us look back to these miracles and look forward in faith that the Lord, in His goodness, we once again make a miracle in our lives. III. Conclusion The first miracle happened because Jesus willed it to perform the miracle. The good news is, He still performs miracles today. He does so because of His immense love for us. God has already shown us a lot of His mighty deeds. Let us, in faith and confidence, look to the future knowing that God will perform again His miracles. Let us look forward and say, that truly, FAITH WORKS WONDERS!


The speaker may end the talk by leading the group into prayer. After the prayer, he can ask 2-3 persons to share what struck them in the talk.

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