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Primary focus: language development (sentence structure, grarnmaf, & usage)

Develops knowledge and use of English vocabulary and grarr,rmar needed for basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) Develops knowledge of cognitive academic language proficiency skills (CALPS) anduse high-utility academic vocabulary (e.g. describe, compare, relell, summarize)

Primary focus: concept and skill attainment

(literature, history, science, math, etc.)
Comprehensible input via: "Six Strategies for Accelerating Academic Langwge Development" o Meaning-base Context & Universal Themes


o Explicit Instruction o Authentic Assessment and

Utilizes communicative and srammar-based

strategies Taps learners' vocabulary and cognitive development in primary language (underlying language proficiency)

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Metacognition Guided Interaction Vocabulary & Language Development Modeling, Visuals & Graphic

Instruction is tailored to match students' stage of English language acquisition as well as their age or cognitive level

Conditions for Language Learning are present in both contexts

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