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Ive Made a Huge Mistake: Netflix Negatives

Format Criticism
Netflixs policy of dropping shows all at once has come under some scrutiny
Turns TV into a binge-watching contest
Hurwitz: You cant take it all in at once.

Doesnt facilitate episode-by-episode discussion & analysis

Tends to result in this contest to finish the episodes to be able to discuss as a whole

Unfamiliarity with new show format, especially in context of the medium

Discussion Difficulties
Difference in reviews & discussion depending on how far they got into the season Impossible to keep discussion on episode-byepisode basis Resulted in many publications rushing to post their review of the new Arrested Development after only 1-3 episodes No standard method of reviewing Netflixs distribution method Less time to think & digest each episode

Aversion to the Unfamiliar

Arrested Developments new format is unfamiliar, similar to how seasons 1-3 appeared to be in 2003-2005
more forced than funny, feels slowed down and dragged out

Like reviewers, many were put off by change in format, expecting the same AD as when it was cancelled in 2005

Other Impacts on Individuals

Academic Concerns
just one more, Netflix starting next episode on an opt-out basis May lead to unhealthy habit forming

Health Concerns
Increased cardiovascular disease mortality associated with increased hours of motionless sitting

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