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Group members: Cressida Hugo Elsa Priscilla Mohammad Rahmat Vanessa Dumpang@William


Chapter 10: Food for Thought (Pg. 135) Lets Tune In

1. How closely do you feel that the listening


process is mirrored in these materials? To what extent do they assist in developing the listening skills of our students?

The listening section consists of 3 parts: A, B,C Title: Cook It Right

Part A: Individual

Sound Pictures
Students are required to listen to the recording and identify the pictures that show the proper way of cooking vegetables.

Part B: Individual

Sound Mind map

Students listen to the talk recording and then they complete the mind map by choosing the right answer.

Part C: Group Work

Students are required to list down several vegetables together with their nutritional value and then share the information with their friends.

What listening process occurred?

The lower level processes; Bottom-up processing

Deriving the meaning of the message based on the

incoming language data, from sounds, to words, to grammatical relationships, to meaning.

Stress, rhythm, and intonation.

The listening task is relevant and is given a

purpose to attract students interest.

Aunthentic material is used; short talk and

comprehensive for beginning level, the vocabulary is concrete and preliminary, include visual elements (colorful, and authentic pictures and graphics) and different level of difficulty.

Give confidence in accurate hearing and

comprehension of the components of the language (sounds, words, intonation, grammatical structures).

The students are involved in a nonreciprocal

listening-only listen to monologues, no interaction with speaker

Listen for gist, specific info and make

inferences based on what they hear and understand

Does not focus principally on linguistic skills

but more to experiential content of material

How far does it helps to develop students listening skill?

Gives confidence in accurate hearing and

comprehension of the components of the language (sounds, words, intonation, grammatical structures).

The language used is too formal. Students

need exposure to the kind of informal English spoken in the real world.

Does not acquaint the students with different

cultures except for some words that need to be localised-olive oil (not all students know what is olive oil, can change it with minyak saji..) or can bring realia if possible to show them what is olive oil.

The recording and the language used in the

task itself was not very difficult linguistically and the students were capable of understanding it.

Thank You

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