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The Great Mathematics of GXD Through the efforts of Z

that leornardo diVinci's trivium man by the way. I will ee! this short" sim!le and to the !oint #ol s. This can indeed get confusing with the mathematics. $evertheless" I thin my Growth and Develo!ment !eers would highly en%oy this.

This vast nowledge will shed light on our beloved si& !oint star. It is more than '"(")"*"*"*" or our newer !oints"it is far more than an emblem to commemorate our fallen ing. T+I, -$. ,/M0-* M1'., )2 T+. V.3/ #103I4' -# *I#. M/ #-*',55 I will show you how amongst other things. I will also show you some very interesting things about the numbers 6"78 and 97.sit bac and get ready to Develo! 5 .n%oy5


This is the FLOWER OF LIFE. Its in EVERYTHING folks,everything. Re e !er this sy !ol. Highly i "ort#nt$$

Now we've all seen this badass picture right? This is the symbol for spirit,the eye of Ra,or Horus Egyptian gods. e !now in the beginning there was the holy spirit ,correct? "t created all,correct?#pirit can sit in the middle of its first creation for a long time, but eventually

it$ll ma!e a decision to do something. To re%create this process, mystery school students were given instructions to reenact the same motions that spirit too!. Two simple instructions are all that$s re&uired to create and complete everything in the entire universe. ith that said,

this is where it is on day '. (ust there being good 'ol holy spirit. )ut as we mentioned,it has to move upon itself."t has (ust made the first motion in *enesis+ ,-nd the spirit of *od moved upon the face of the waters.. -nd the very ne/t thing was+ ,*od said, 01et there be light,$ and there was light..this happens ne/t.The first movement of *enesis.

"t moves unto itself,going up2or in any direction one radius away for that matter but lets (ust say up 3ol!s4. This creates the 5esica 6isces symbol. - very symbolical symbol used in modern religion. -ny body gotta 7esus 8ish on theyre car?the vesica pisces is what light is created is without these circles below.

9oving on to the second movement of the spirit.

9oving e/actly one radius away,youll get now : cicles.the second movement. "t creates the ne/t holy symbol, the holy trinity closer yall.

Now 3ol!s you can research these holy symbols for yourselves to see (ust how long theyve been around,who uses them, and why. "ma !eep strolln' tho.

This image above is the ;th day of genesis.

-nd fourth, not much goin on here e/cept half of creation is finished. -lmost there. Now any *ee that reads theyre bible li!e they should2not imposing on any religions

here guys4 !nows that the world was half finished on the ; th day.

Heres the fifth receive more info. <.my favorite number and a few other fol!s out holds the meaning to 1"3E our first the bible say the world was finished on the < th day.why?loo! below.

)-9===it is complete=in all its glory==== loo! at that.aint it beautiful?The #eed of 1ife=

3ound on cave walls, in the oldest pyramids, everywhere across the globe over <>>> yrs old.2howd they draw that geometrically perfect?4

This is :d.this also has a name.the Egg of 1ife.from Egg to #eed to the 3lower of life you see below

very important symbol it is. 9ind blowing. )?T -"T=== " ain$t done 3ol!s.The flower of life holds a secret symbol created by drawing ': circles out of the 3lower of 1ife. )y doing this, one can discover the most important and sacred pattern in the universe. This is the source of all that e/ists@ it's called the Fruit of Life. "t contains ': informational systems. Each one e/plains another aspect of reality. Thus these systems are able to give us access to everything ranging from the human body to the gala/ies. "n the first system, for e/ample, it's possible to create any molecular structure and any living cellular structure that e/ists in the universe. "n short every living creature. " mean dont that ,Egg. loo! li!e a atom?cummon.

"ts found everywhere from crop circles to holy spots.

"ts set in stone2literally4 that this is the very building bloc! of all life.

This is what it loo!s li!e when its complete.<s everywhere. 1emme show you something else.

The blue part is the (ewish symbol for ,the tree of life. " aint ma!n none of this up.loo! it up.

These are the basic platonic shapes.-11 derived from the flower.

This loo! familiar?the masonic symbol has < points and a * in the middle. 9ade of a compass2that weird tool in math class u draw circles with4 and a #A?-RE 2a ruler4. *euss how to perfectly draw the flower of life? "TH - BC96-## -ND #A?-RE==2if you wish to !now more about the masons contact me,its far too much to go into right now,but trust me,ill ma!e another document completely outlining not they're secrets 2cause thats (ust wrong4 but a lot of helpful info that us 3ol!s can utiliEe4 moving on.

#ee this old rune tablet system?

Cld 6hoenician letters

it gets deeper yall

holy symbols, and holy spots on see... The complete flower of life does have another use. "f you overlay a map 2after getting the correct scale4 with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of si/ points. This picture gives you idea how the grid loo!s

the pyramids,and other various sacred spot all over the world perfectly fit longitude and latitude on the < points.still not convinced 3ol!s?loo! at stone henge here

the stones are perfectly on the < points. The image below has been made by hand with help of computer software for drafting. 3irst, let's draw a s&uare and two circles so one fits inside a s&uare and the other outside the s&uare. #trangely this represents accurately proportions of the orbits of

5enus and Earth. #econd, let's draw e&ually spaced points on each circle representing number of days per orbit 2:<F points for the orbit of the Earth and GGF points for the orbit of 5enus4. Ne/t, let's connected lines between orbital positions of each planet for each day % pic!ing for the starting point a day when both planets are closest to each other. -fter repeating this process for H orbits of the Earth the lines form this amaEing image+

This image (to scale) shows dance of Venus and Earth - each of the fine lines connects both planets over time required to complete 8 orbits b Earth (and !" orbits b Venus)# $rbit of Earth is cropped out#%reep huh# ':IHJG' now " could go on and on about ': and G' but ill (us save that for ne/t time."ll be studying more with you soon. 3or now,these -ugusta *eorgia streets is calln me. " leave you with this,!nowledge is everywhere,its what you do with it 3ol!s. Those who see!,guide them down this K)R we call life.

Disclaimer+NCNE C3 TH"# LNC 1ED*E "# 9-DE ?6 )K 9E,M.TH"# "# "N3CR9-T"CN KC? B-N 3"ND "N - 1")R-RK CR CN1"NE." 7?#T 6RE3ERRED TC #H-RE "T "TH 9K 3-9= 1CN* 1"5E THE <.61ENTK 9?BH 1C5E TC -11 HC "# RE-D"N*.

Z augusta ga Growth and Development

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