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The Power of Prosperity

Meditation: This week, you can allow the empowering, enriching, positive energies to flow, either by going about your week as usual taking 10 20 minutes three times a day to still your mind and imagine the solutions and plenty of money coming to you. Taking conscious action to allow it to happen faster. Or, daily in the evening and the morning. Mediate deeply. Drawing your attention deep within the core of yourself, where everything is eternally sustained and connected. Doing this regularly with the intention of prosperity in mind will release blockages that are illusions preventing you from experiencing the truth. The truth, that you are connected to and are a divine eternal being with the ability to give yourself anything and everything you believe you deserve. SAMECH ALEPH LAMED AYIN NUN VAV PEY VAV YUD LAMED KAF BET MEM NUN DALED POWER OF PROSPERITY APPRECIATION DISPELLING ANGER ENDOWED WITH THE POWER TO CONCLUDE EVERYTHING YOU BEGIN Relinquishing fear, frustration, doubt and laziness. FEARLESSNESS



All good fortune originates from the light of the Creator. I have found that when you give, the Universe will supply you with what you need to complete your task. The skills abilities and resources necessary will be given to you. By becoming still, listening and not refusing opportunities that are given to you. You realize opportunities and see answers you may not have seen before. For the meditation: Play your favorite mediation music, or even better sit in stillness. Light your favorite incense, open a window and bring in some fresh air. Or even better sit outside under your favorite tree or in the sunshine with the sun shining on your forehead and a fountain or water running near by. Sit quietly, with as little disturbance as possible. Better yet Sit quietly inside or outside and sense the beauty of the quietness. Acknowledge the Light of the creator that is within you and all around you is the ultimate source of all prosperity and well-being for one and all. Accept and allow the core of your being to freely relax and flow. Summon the forces of prosperity and substance. Allow the flow of prosperity and sustenance to inexhaustibly flow up through your body, pouring out the top of your head and shower all around you. Every few moments still the mind, allow for quiet. Say to yourself, I am appreciating quiet stillness peace and prosperity for my life. In the quiet stillness, ask: What is the best way for me to give value? Allow for stillness, silence and listen. What ever pops into your head no matter how different, make a note of it. Still the mind and continue to listen. Ask and listen until you are satisfied with the answer. Every few moments still the mind, allow for quiet. Be still and know that I am God at work in this situation now. In the quiet stillness, ask: What is the best way for me to receive value including money? Allow for stillness, silence and listen. What ever pops into your head no matter how different, make a note of it. Still the mind and continue to listen. Help me to understand that there is enough money, support and love for everyone. Help me to understand why I deserve to allow money and resources to flow to me. Help me to understand what I can do to attract money and opportunities to me. Show me how. Allow for stillness, silence and listen. What ever pops into your head no matter how different, make a note of it. Still the mind and continue to listen.

Ask and listen until you are satisfied with the answer. If you have a question, in the stillness is the time to ask it. If you have a request, in the stillness is the time to ask it. The stillness is the time to say I am appreciating life. I am appreciating money. I am appreciating opportunity. Expressing all that you appreciate. I am appreciating guidance. I am appreciating resources. I am appreciating successes. Its as if by saying I am appreciating money and envisioning it, you are energetically creating an aperture setting on a camera as you appreciate the aperture setting grows larger allowing more of what you appreciate to flow through. The feeling of appreciation is the energy igniting the intention. It is saying to the source that has created one and all, I would like more of this please. I would like this or something better. As you focus on what you like. The competing force falls away. The brain can only focus on one competing force at a time. Thus if you focus on prosperity, the brain, mind body and soul will work towards creating that, instead of lack and scarcity. Dont fall into the doubting game. Better said, believe in yourself, believe in the possibilities and all things become possible. You may decide to keep a pad of paper and pen next to you, while sitting quietly. Write down any answers you receive. This is called non conscious writing. Just allow yourself to start writing without judging what it is you are writing. Keep writing, even if it is anger, sadness, frustration that is pouring out of you. At the end of the anger, sadness, pain, frustration will be the answer to your question that has been hiding underneath the pain and anguish. You can keep writing until it reveals itself to you. It is where the end becomes the new beginning. Where information becomes wisdom. Where anguish becomes triumph. Where question becomes answer. You may want to break this process up into a few different quiet sittings, depending on what fits your schedule. If, you dont have time to sit for long. Still your mind as many times during the week as you can. Even if you are working around the house, office, garden, driving in traffic, walking. Quiet your mind and say I am appreciating __________ and quiet the mind and allow the energy to flow to you, and from you. You can still get the benefits even if you dont have the time to sit quietly for longer period of time. The more often you can still your mind, the more powerful it will become for you. After you receive some insights and answers, say I am appreciating the most beneficial solution. Envision it see it, be happy about it. Ask what do I need to do? And Listen again. Allow yourself to be guided in the quiet stillness. If you are still and you listen the universe will and is supporting you, giving you your every need and desire. I am appreciating more ways to receive beneficial solutions for my life.

When you see the solutions, seeing more money flowing in. Seeing more fun and freedom and opportunities and being valued in your life. Take a picture. Keep that picture in your mind. Be happy about receiving your hearts desire. That is your intention. That is the present the universe is working on giving you. Depending on who and what it involves will determine the amount of time it takes for the universe to fulfill your wishes. But it will happen in the most beneficial and usually the most practical way possible. You will be receiving the supporting energies. When you feel comfortable and energized about your intention you can type in the Kabbalah attunements and put them in the trend section. If, you are interested in continuing the Power of Prosperity energy sessions. Let me know. I will be offering a training manual on how to enter each of the energy session intentions including symbols and tones. The training manual will also include. Youthening, The way to Increasing intelligence Attuning to your inner eternal core strength, the infinitely sustaining core within you and all around you.

Warmest Wishes, Holly Conley

References: The 72 Names of God Author Yehuda Berg You Can Heal Your Life, Author Louis Hay

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