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Daily Writing #1: 08/21/13 Parents- my mom and dad forced me to read books and do all my spelling on my own.

Also, tey would make me look up a definition if I did not know it. Mrs. Bigelow- she was my speech therapist from first to third grade. She helped me come out of a shell and talk more with people. Daily Writing #2: 08/26/13 A place that was significant in my literacy narrative was Presbyterian Church. I went to that church for kindergarten. In the classes I learn how to pronounce words, write my name, eat snacks, and take a nap. I learned many things about reading and how to write my name. Daily Writing #3: 08/28/13 My elementary school, Tanglewood Elementary, held a book fair every year. My mom would come volunteer and help sell books. I remember that I would always go and look at the games and posters. I have never really been a big avid reader but I loved looking at the games. One year I found this 18 wheeler game for the computer and my mom had put it with her purse and I knew then that I was getting it. It was an exciting feeling knowing that she had bought it for me. Daily Writing #4: 09/04/13 I chose UNC Charlotte because they offer motorsports engineering. Ever since I was little kid I was fascinated with anything that moves. I loved taking things apart and putting them back together. I was always open to learning new things about how things work. I think that this helped shape my literacy narrative because I dont like reading but I liked reading about things that moved. Daily Writing #5: 09/09/13

In the book, The Secret Life of Bees, I can connect more with Zack because he works on a bee farm. A couple summers ago I worked on a farm near my house. It was called Gills Hill Farm and they sold produce. The main non-connection is with Lily. Lily has been through so much that I couldnt ever dream of. Lily is such a strong girl that takes punishment day in and day out. Daily Writing #6: 09/11/13 One piece of technology that has affected my literacy narrative was the computer. Before we got a computer in our house, I would have to go to the library to research information. With the computer I could go online and research topics, I could also play education games which helped with my typing and reading. Survey- Raymond, Lynn. UNC Charlotte Football Team. Survey of 25 UNCC Students. 15 Mar 2013. Daily Writing #7: 09/23/13 For my project I chose the Belk Tower. First built? Who built it? Who is it named for? What did he/she do? Where is it at? What does it do? What does it represent? What does it look like? What is it made of?

Daily Writing #8: 09/25/13

Based off of the previous projects I have been involved in, the best technique that I have found is google. I always look for pdf files or .gov websties. I never put Wikipedia quotes or information into my papers as a source. Daily Writing #9: 09/30/13 Belk Tower What is if made of? Where is it at? What year was it built? Who was it named after? What did they do at UNCC? What does it represent? Daily Writing #10: 10/02/13 On my project, I have not scheduled my interview yet. I need to conduct an interview for my topic on the Belk Tower. Citations- Preacher Gary Returns to Campus utimes. 30 Mar 2004. Print. Daily Writing #11: 10/14/13 I feel that the topic of Better Education in High Schools is a great topic and very interesting. My partner and I came from two different schools. My school is huge compared to his small little school in his hometown. My school is 4A and his is 2A but just recently dropped down to 1A this year. I feel that if we point out how high schools dont prepare you enough for college, hopefully there will be some changes in the curriculum.

Daily Writing #12: 10/16/13 My favorite tv show is Lizard Lick Towing. Lizard Lick towing is based out of Lizard Lick NC which is near Raleigh. The funny sayings that Ronnie and Bobby come up with and the people that fight them over their car or property excites me. Daily Writing #13: 10/23/13 I have never personally written or worked on an Annotated Bibliography. To be honest, I do not even have an idea of what one is or is used for. Working on an annotated bibliography does not sound like it will be too hard but it sounds like it will be a lot of work. Daily Writing #14: 10/28/13 In completing my research for the semester long project, I have had a problem finding visuals. I have searched statistics and tried to find pie graphs. When I get stuck, I take a break and walk outside. Another way is to work on a different class assignment and then come back to the work. Finally if iget stuck, I heat up a cup of noodles and eat. Daily Writing #15: 10/30/13 I have chosen a number of visuals for the semester long project. One image is a line graph comparing the test results over the years in different areas. The visual would be used to support our topic of better preparation in high schools. Another visual is a table the government posted on the importance of certain issues. Education was issue discussed and the government gave it an 81% top priority.

Daily Writing #16: 11/04/13 The peer reviewers for my annotated bibliography will tell me to put my sources in alphabetical order. While completing the bibliography, I wanted to add my own input to the writings because I feel that preparation for college or higher education is not what is should be in high schools today. Daily Writing #17: 11/06/13 My senior year, I was working with Eaton designing and creating a model of a pallet magazine. After researching, designing, and building the 3D models I was ready to present. During my presentation I passed the 3D model around to the representatives and it broke. Daily Writing #18: 11/11/13 If I could start the semester over, I would use my time more wisely and get all my work done ahead of time. Also, I would study more for each test and quiz in all of my classes. I would need to take better notes and find a way to stay awake in class. If I completed my work ahead of time, I would be able to get more sleep at night and I feel I would be more alert in the mornings. Daily Writing #19: 11/13/13 Once I had to present in front of my Spanish class and the presentation did not load correctly. When I would transition from slide to slide, the backgrounds would change, the text wasnt the same and the pictures were all over the place. I just stood up there and made the best out of the situation. Daily Writing #20: 11/18/13 Purpose and welcome on page Statement about topic Insert drafts and peer reviews

New tab for Reflection Letter Place reflection letter under the tab Literacy narrative project Informative essay project Add if we are going to use the annotated bibliography or not

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