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Job Interview Guide

In a survey of 2,000 bosses, claimed that they know within the rst 90 seconds of an interview whether they will hire someone.


What impression are you making?

Stascs show that when meeng new people the immediate impact is: 7% from what they actually say 38% the quality of our voice, grammar, and
overall condence

Tips for Interview Success 1 Learn about the organizaon, especially their mission,
values, structure and clients served

2 Have your specic career goals in mind 3 Review the roles and responsibilies of the posion
youre interviewing for, and idenfy how your qualicaons match the job

55% The way we dress, act, and walk through the door Common mistakes made at a job interview 47% Having lile or no knowledge of the organizaon
is one of the most common mistakes job seekers make during interviews

4 Be ready to briey describe your professional and academic experience, and why youre interested in the posion 5 quesons most likely to be asked 1 Tell me about yourself 2 Tell me about your experience at _______ 3 What do you know about our organizaon? 4 Why do you want to work for us? 5 Why are you interested in this posion? Is how you dress important? 70% Employers claim they dont want applicants
to be fashionable or trendy

21% Playing with hair or touching face 67% Failure to make eye contact 38% Lack of smile 33% Bad posture 21% Crossing arms over their chest 9% Using too many hand gestures 26% Handshake that is too weak 33% Fidgeng too much Other common mistakes 1 Lacking humor, warmth, or personality 2 Not showing enough interest or
enthusiasm 3 Too much focus on what you want 4 Trying to be all things to all people 5 Winging the interview 6 Failing to set yourself apart from other candidates 7 Failing to send a thank you note

65% Of bosses said clothes could be the deciding

factor between two similar candidates

Data provided by

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