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November 22, 2013

Brittney Davis 6784 County Rd. Plantersville, Al 36708

Department of Human Resources 7645 Water St. Memphis, Tennessee 78564

Dear Human Resources, I am a student in the Business field where we learn how to write letters, how to type, etc. In this class I have been working toward to becoming a manager when I get older.

My reason for writing you is to say that in our class we have to pick a job we care for the most and so I chose this company to start. I do have to say we are trying to get one of our companies staff to come and speak to us about their job. However, I have some questions about the job. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. When you are called for any reason how fast would you get there? How many people called the Department for help or etc? When there is a problem about the child how would you handle the child? Do you enjoy your job as one of the staff of the team? Did you ever cry over a problem that had an awful solution? What the best part of the job?

If you agree to come to speak with class please call me at 334-908-7867 for more information about this presentation that will occur. Sincerely, Brittney Davis

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