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LINQ to SharePoint

LINQ stands for Language Integrated Query SharePoint works on top of Microsoft .NET Framework .!" not .NET #.$ LINQ pro%ides a methodo&ogy that simp&ifies and unifies the imp&ementation of any kind of data access. It faci&itates the imp&ementation of se%era& e'isting architectures for accessing data
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()*+prototype ,&ient+ser%er N-tier Smart c&ient

LINQ inc&udes many pro%iders suita.&e for accessing se%era& different types of data sources" few are/
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LINQ to 0.1ects LINQ to SQL LINQ to Entities LINQ to *ataSet LINQ to 2ML

3ith LINQ you can use the same 4uery synta' o%er different mode&s. 3hen using LINQ to SharePoint" the 4uery pro%ider generates a ,)ML 4uery that wi&& .e e'ecuted against the target SPList using the standard Ser%er 0.1ect Mode& 4uerying synta'.

The key feature of LINQ to SharePoint is that it can 4uery SharePoint data with a fu&&y-typed approach SPMete&.e'e automatica&&y generate entities for you

it is good practice to use LINQ to SharePoint on&y against sites that ha%e a we&&defined and sta.&e structure.

Limitations of LINQ to SharePoint and CAML queries:

The LINQ to SharePoint 4uery pro%ider has some &imitations" due to its use of ,)ML 4ueries under the co%ers. For e'amp&e" with ,)ML" you cannot 4uery more than one &ist at a time" so you can5t use a group 1oin. LINQ to SharePoint does not support mu&ti-fetch 4ueries that 4uery across mu&tip&e &ists" or 1oin c&auses on fie&ds other than Lookup fie&ds. 6ou cannot define 4ueries across mu&tip&e we.sites or that 4uery different *ata,onte't instances. 6ou cannot use mathematica& functions" .ecause ,)ML does not support them.

,omp&ete &ist of unsupported synta' and commands" p&ease refer to MS*N http/! 7!8!.asp'

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