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Undertaken at Net Solutions India Private limited

Sub m itted b y
Dhruv kumar
• Net Solutions is a digital experience a g e n c y
tha t he lp s b ra nd s le v era g e d e sig n,
e ng ine e ring a nd a na lytic s to b uild
consumer focused products a n d platforms.

• Established in the year 2000, w e are a 400+

p e o p le stro ng , o rg a nisa tio n. O ur c lie nts
inc lud e le a d ing b ra nd s like Unile v er,
M ic ro so ft,Ha rv a rd Busine ss Re v iew, IM G ,
Mothercare a n d Euro C a r Parts as well as
successful global startups.
The .NET Framework is a software development framework develo ped by
Microsoft that provides a runtime environment a n d a set of libraries a n d
tools for building a n d running applications o n Windows operating systems.
The framework includes a variety of programming languages, such as C # ,
F#, a n d Visual Basic, a n d supports a range of application types, including
desktop, web, mobile, a n d g a m i n g .The .NET Framework includes two main
components: the C o m m o n La ngua ge Runtime (CLR) a n d the .NET
Framework Class Library.
• Css
• Javascript
• Bootstrap
• C#
• Entity fra m e works
• Sql server
• HTM L sta nd s for Hyp e r Te xt M a rkup La ng ua g e
• HTML is the standard markup l a n g u a g e for creating We b p a g e s
• HTM L d e sc rib e s the struc ture of a We b p a g e
• HTM L c on sists of a se rie s of e le m e nts
• HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content
• HTML elements label pieces of content such as "this is a heading", "this is a
p a ra g ra p h", "this is a link", e tc .
• CSS stands for C a s c a d i n g Style Sheets
• CSS describes how HTML elements are to b e displayed on screen, paper, or
in other m edi a
• CSS saves a lot of work. It c a n control the layout of multiple w e b p a g e s all at
• External stylesheets are stored in CSS files

Java Sc rip t is the world 's m ost p o p ula r p ro g ra m m ing la ng ua g e .

Java Sc rip t is the p ro g ra m m ing la ng ua g e of the We b .
Java Sc rip t is e a sy to le a rn.
Java sc rip t is c ross-p la torm a nd is use d to m a ke we b p a g e s inte ra c tive
• It is a n object-oriented programming la ngua ge created by Microsoft that runs o n the
.NET Framework.
• C # has roots from the C family, a n d the la ng ua g e is close to other popular
languages like C + + a n d J a v a
• C # is use d fo r:
• M o b ile a p p lic a tio ns
• D e skto p a p p lic a tio ns
• We b a p p lic a tio ns
• We b services
• We b site s
• Games
• The M V C (Model-View-Controller) is a n application development pattern or
design pattern which separates a n application into three main components:
• Model
• View
• Controller

• Entity Framework was first released in 2008, Microsoft's primary m eans of

interacting between .NET applications a n d relational databases. Entity
Framework is a n Object Relational M a p p e r (O RM ) which is a type of tool that
simplifies m appi ng be tween objects in your software to the tables a n d
columns of a relational database.
• Entity Framework (EF) is a n o p e n source O R M framework for ADO.NET which
is a part of .NET Framework.
• A n O R M takes care of creating dat abase connections a n d executing
c om mands, as well as taking query results a n d automatically materializing
those results as your application objects.
• A n O R M also helps to keep track of c h a n g e s to those objects, a n d when
instructed, it will also persist those c h a n g e s b a c k to the dat abase for you.
• I h a v e m a d e a Computer Store System Project where we c a n a d d d etails
of all the laptop or Pc, we can delete any record from the list a n d edit any
information we wants to d o it.Here in this project I h a v e used razor syntax of
html,a little bit javascript,c#,css,entity frameworks,Linq,server side
validations,Microsoft sql server m a n a g e m e n t system,Bootstrap etc.Below
are the some screenshots of projrct which I h a v e m a d e in these training
period by learning a b o v e technologies
• 1.To a d d details of the c andi date
• 2.Displaying all the d a t a by fetching from the dat abase a n d here w e c a n
e d it or d e le te the re c ord b y sim p ly c lic k on tha t b utton s.
• 3.He re b y c lic king on the na m e of the c a nd id a te we c a n se e his a ll
information like these.
• After 2 months of m y industrial training in .Net technology I a m pleased to
report that I hav e m a d e significant progress in m y learning a n d
development. During this time, I h a v e h a d the opportunity to work on a
variety of projects a n d tasks, gaining valuable experience in full stack
development a n d software engineering.

• I a m pleased with the progress I h a ve m a d e during the first two months of

m y industrial training. I look forward to continuing to learn a n d develop m y
skills over the remaining four months of m y training, with the goal of
b e c o m i n g a proficient a n d skilled Full Stack Developer.

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