You are on page 1of 39

use adodb connection and recordset and build the grid yourself.

If you don't need all the "special" functonality of the data grid (namely the
bold lines between each cell and the ability to know which cell you are editing)
then use a listview in detail mode with gridlines on.

both items work about the same

Dim CN as ADODB.Connection
DIM RS as ADODB.RecordSet
Dim NewItem as ListItem

Set CN = New ADODB.Connection

Set RS = New ADODB.RecordSet

CN.Open "DSN=DataServiceName" ' or complete connection string


Do While Not RS.EOF

Set NewItem = ListView1.Items.Add()

NewItem.Text = RS("SOMEFIELD")


Set RS = Nothing 'vitally important for memory leaks avoidance

Set CN = Nothing 'same

Hope This Helps,


They mostly come at night...mostly

This sample was added after a superb response from the CodeGuru VB discussion
forum. The original requirement was for a way of entering and modifying a list of
data in a tabular format. Lothar suggested the use of a disconnected ADOR
recordset and the DataGrid control that comes with VB6 - a simple solution that
works perfectly for the job.

Firstly, you need to set a reference to Microsoft Active Data Objects Recordset
2.1 library (msador15.dll). Then add the DataGrid component into your VB6 toolbar
and paste in the following code into the Form_Load event after adding a Grid
(DataGrid1) to your form:

private Sub Form_Load()

Dim r as ADOR.Recordset
Dim lCount as Long

' Create a new disconnected recordset object
set r = new ADOR.Recordset
' Setup the fields - you can use any valid type of
' ado field type for these. I've used VarChar just
' for testing / demonstration purposes.
r.Fields.Append "Name", adVarChar, 10
r.Fields.Append "Notes", adVarChar, 50
r.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

r.Fields(0).Value = "Chris"
r.Fields(1).Value = "almost over the hill"
r.Fields(0).Value = "Chris"
r.Fields(1).Value = "but enjoying every minute"

for lCount = 1 to 25
r.Fields(0).Value = "Name " & lCount + 2
r.Fields(1).Value = "some kind of description"
' Populate the datagrid
set DataGrid1.DataSource = r

End Sub
First go to access and creat a database for example database name is "Test". Then
creat a table having some name for example "Invoice_info", having some field
according to ur requirment.
Then come on to VB6 and select VB Enterprise Control Application form place as
many textboxes as u've fields in ur table.
For example ur table has 4 fields
Date(dateandtime type)
Create 4 textboxes for each field. And 2 command buttons 1 for save the record and
1 for retreive the record.
Then past Adodc on ur VB Form. and palces these lines of code
Private Sub Form_Load()
Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
App.Path & "\Test.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
End Sub

Private Sub retrieve_Click()

Unload Form1
Load Form1

Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdTable
Adodc1.RecordSource = "Invoice_info"
Text1.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0)
Text2.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(1)
Text3.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(2)
Text4.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(3)

End Sub

Private Sub save_Click()

Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdTable
Adodc1.RecordSource = "Invoice_info"

Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0) = Text1.Text
Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(1) = Text2.Text
Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(2) = Text3.Text
Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(3) = Val(Text4.Text)
Unload Form1
Load Form1
End Sub

Note that the database must be at the location where the VB application is. Means
the VB application and Access Data base must be in same folder.

Allow Multiple Winsock Connections to One Server
The Winsock control allows you to make only one connection between two computers.
However, you can create multiple connections (many computers to one) by creating
multiple instances of the Winsock control at run time.

Add a Winsock control to your form and set its index to 0, then add this code into
the server machine to allow multiple connections to it:

Option Explicit
Public NumSockets As Integer
'//Public Variable to track number of Connections

Private Sub Form_Load()

Caption = Winsock1(0).LocalHostName & _
Winsock1(0).LocalPort = 1066
Print "Listening to " + Str(Winsock1(0).LocalPort)
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Close(Index As Integer)

Print "Connection Closed :" & _
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_ConnectionRequest(Index As Integer, _

ByVal requestID As Long)
Print "Connection Request from : " & _
NumSockets = NumSockets + 1
'//Increase Number of Sockets by one.
Load Winsock1(NumSockets)
'//Load a New Winsock Object Nusockets as Index Value
Winsock1(NumSockets).Accept requestID
'//Accept the New Connection
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(Index As Integer, ByVal _

bytesTotal As Long)
Dim vtData As String
Winsock1(Index).GetData vtData, vbString
Print vtData
End Sub

You should now be able to continue to accept connections from multiple sources.
Stuart Snaith

This is the best free grid control for VB 6. With this control you can format each
field (set font name, bold, italic, underline, align), it's very easy to use.
Support AddRow and AddColumn. Also have can auto add new row if you accessed to
last row. Events (click, change...) gives you indexes of last and new column/row.
There is much properties, so you can easly create design at your wishes (fore
color, fore color selected, grid coloe, grid color fixed, back color, back color
selected, back color fixed...).

There is also property RowFixedData where you can choose what will be printed in
rowname field (it's first column). You can choose between UserDefined � show text
defined by programmer, RowNumber � auto generate row numbers and show them,
SelectedPointer � Show * at selected row.

Example codes

' Setting row / column count:

Me.ucGrid1.Cols = 5

Me.ucGrid1.Rows = 1

' Set row / column names � if first index is 0 then you change column names, if
second index is 0 then you change row names:

Me.ucGrid1.Data(0, 1) = "ID"

Me.ucGrid1.Data(0, 2) = "Name"

Me.ucGrid1.Data(0, 3) = "Phone"

How to use

This is Standard EXE project. If you wont to add this to your project you must
copy all modules and user control to your project dirertory. After that youst add
this files to your project.
If you want, you can create ActiveX project and add this file to this project and
create OCX.

- AutoAddNextRow As Boolean � if True then control will automatic add new row when
you acces to last row.

- BackColor As OLE_COLOR � data back color

- BackColorFixed As OLE_COLOR � row / column names back color

- BackColorContainer As OLE_COLOR � user control back color

- BackColorSelected As OLE_COLOR � selected field back color

- Cols As Long � number of columns, when changed all data are delited

- Rows As Long � number of rows, when changed all data are delited

- Data(ByVal s_row As Long, ByVal s_col As Long) As String � data in selected


- Editable As Boolean � if True user can edit fields

- FldAlign(ByVal mRow As Long, ByVal mCol As Long) As eAlign � (Left, Center or

Right) field text (data) align.

- FldFontBold(ByVal mRow As Long, ByVal mCol As Long) As Boolean � field font bold

- FldFontItalic(ByVal mRow As Long, ByVal mCol As Long) As Boolean � field font


- FldFontName(ByVal mRow As Long, ByVal mCol As Long) As String � filed font name

- FldFontUnderline(ByVal mRow As Long, ByVal mCol As Long) As Boolean � field font


- ForeColor As OLE_COLOR � data fore color

- ForeColorFixed As OLE_COLOR � row / column name fore color

- ForeColorSelected As OLE_COLOR � selected field fore color

- GridColor As OLE_COLOR � grid color (where is data)

- GridColorFixed As OLE_COLOR � grid color (where is row / col names)

- SelectedCol As Long � return / set selected column

- SelectedRow As Long � return / set selected row

- Sizable As Boolean � if True, user can change field width / height

* Download Demo Project - 91.2 KB
* Download Source - 203.7 KB

Screenshot - screenshot.jpg
Recently, a customer asked if it would be possible to add some specific
functionality to a program written by us. The program in question displayed the
forces and streamed in real-time, acting on the various axles of a racing car. The
version at the time simply had a PictureBox control in VB6 with text boxes, etc.
positioned around the picture to display the values. The customer was requesting
that this whole "picture" be scaled depending on the size of the window, so that
on large screens it would be easier to read.
The problem

Put quite simply, the language in which the application was written, VB6, does not
provide very good support for graphics. This is especially the case for resizing
pictures proportionally, which was the one major client requirement.
The solution

The timeframe for implementing the solution was limited, so although not
completely out of the question, a complete re-write of the software in VB.NET was
not really feasible. One possibility which presented itself was to see if a
control written using .NET could be used in a VB6 application using COM Interop.
As it turned out, this is quite easy, but the leg-work involved behind it revealed
quite a few dead-ends. So, it is the aim of this article to eliminate those dead-
ends for other people wishing to accomplish the same thing.
Stage 1: creating the control

This took the longest of the three stages in our case, simply because of the
nature of the control and calculating the positions of where text, etc. was meant
to be positioned. I will not delve into the details of our control, but only the
steps that are required for VB6 Interop.


Create a new Windows Control Library project from within Visual Studio.

Screenshot - stage1step1.gif

In both the Debug and Release modes of the Property Pages, set the "Register
for COM Interop" checkbox.

Screenshot - stage1step2.gif
3. Inside the AssemblyInfo.cs file, change the assembly wide attribute
ComVisible to true. If it's not already in the configuration file, add it.

[assembly: ComVisible(true)]

That is all that is required to make the project visible to VB6 projects.

A quick word about these: properties are exposed to VB6 so, like .NET controls, if
you want to expose a value you must wrap it in a Property expression. You cannot
just have it visible as a field.
Stage 2: registering the assembly

The library must be registered on the client machine before use by VB6. If it is
not registered on the development machine, then it will not be visible in the
References dialog of VB6. If it's not registered on the installation machine, then
it is a similar problem to if you have not registered a classic DLL or ActiveX
control. The "Register for COM Interop" checkbox in VS2005 performs this
registration automatically while the environment is running, but un-registers it
when VS is closed.

To register the assembly, you must use the .NET equivalent of regsvr32, regasm.
This is located in the framework directory, usually
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Frmaework\v2.0.50727". To register it, open a command
prompt and run the following command, assuming that the framework directory and
the assemblies directory are in the environment's current path.

regasm.exe Assembly.dll

Stage 3: adding to VB6 projects

The secret here is the VBControlExtender object, which allows a .NET control to be
hosted on a VB6 form. However, the first stage is to add a reference to the
assembly you just registered. This is accomplished by checking the box in the
Project | References menu.

Screenshot - references.gif

Once that has been accomplished, then the following code can be added to the
form's code in the project:

Option Explicit
Dim car As VBControlExtender

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set car = Controls.Add("CarControl.Car", "car", Me)
End Sub

The other code included in the demo's source file simply resizes the control based
on the form size and sets random values to the properties of the control.

Private Sub Form_Resize()

car.Left = 100
car.Width = Me.Width - 300
car.Top = 100
car.Height = Me.Height - 700
car.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub timer_Timer()

' Randomise the timer
' Generate random numbers
car.object.FrontL = Rnd()
car.object.FrontR = Rnd()
car.object.RearL = Rnd()
car.object.RearR = Rnd()
End Sub

You'll notice that I have had to refer to the properties of the .NET control
through car.object. This provides late-binding functionality for VB6. All COM-
Visible methods in the .NET control are accessible through this object. You just
have to know what you're typing because it is late-bound.

Hopefully my ability (or lack thereof) as an article writer hasn't masked the
important bits of the article so much that it is unusable. I personally find that
the code speaks for itself and have included all .NET & VB6 code in the attached
ZIP files, so do take a moment to browse through them.

* 31 May, 2007 -- Original version posted

About Ed.Poore

Ed is a student who due to a form of cancer (now clear) took a year out
before going to Imperial College, London to study Electronics Engineering.

His interests include shooting (clay-pigeon (shotgun), air-rifle and rifle),

playing with his three labradors (Sandy, Rosie and Tundra), programming (most
experienced in C# and C, although those are not the only ones), walking (has
completed Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award), playing games and reading.

He lives on a 57 acre farm in West Wales, Great Britain with the rest of his

Click here to view Ed.Poore's online profile.

Other popular VB6 Interop articles:

Here's how to connect to an Access database file directly, without setting a DSN:

If the database file is in the same directory as the ASP page:

Set demoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
demoFilePath = Server.MapPath("yourdatabase.mdb")
demoConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & demoFilePath &

Where "yourdatabase.mdb" is the name of your Access database file.

If your database is in another directory:

Set demoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'this is the line to change
demoFilePath = "E:\database\yourdatabase.mdb"
demoConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & demoFilePath &

Where "E:\database\yourdatabase.mdb" is the obsolute path to your Access database.

Task: Using ActiveX Data Controls(ADO), transfering the content(records) of one
table to another, this will be a great program.... and it will help you a lot..
'Victor Francisco Cajarito
'STI-College Caloocan Philippines(LAN Admin, Programmer)
'Transfering All records to a diffent Table Name
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim icounter As Integer
Dim dtart As Double, dfinish As Double
Dim pnlstatus As Panel
Static i As Integer

Set pnlstatus = Form1.StatusBar1.Panels(1)

dstart = Timer

On Error Resume Next
ProgressBar1.Visible = True
pnlstatus.Text = "Transfering data please wait...."
ProgressBar1.Max = Val(Text1.Text)
For icounter = 1 To Val(Text1.Text)
If icounter Mod 10 = 0 Then ProgressBar1.Value = icounter
Next icounter

pnlstatus.Text = "Transfer Complete...."

'transfer the record to new table
For i = 0 To Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount
Adodc2.Recordset("EmpNum") = Adodc1.Recordset("Empnum")
Adodc2.Recordset("EmpName") = Adodc1.Recordset("EmpName")
Next i
'delete the record after transfering
For i = 0 To Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount
Next i
'end of deletion
dfinish = Timer
pnlstatus.Text = "Ready..."
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
ProgressBar1.Visible = False
Command2.Enabled = True
Command1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim icounter As Integer
Dim dtart As Double, dfinish As Double
Dim pnlstatus As Panel
Static i As Integer

Set pnlstatus = Form1.StatusBar1.Panels(1)

dstart = Timer
On Error Resume Next
ProgressBar1.Visible = True
pnlstatus.Text = "Returning data please wait...."
ProgressBar1.Max = Val(Text1.Text)
For icounter = 1 To Val(Text1.Text)
If icounter Mod 10 = 0 Then ProgressBar1.Value = icounter
Next icounter

pnlstatus.Text = "Return Complete...."

'transfer the record to new table
For i = 0 To Adodc2.Recordset.RecordCount
Adodc1.Recordset("EmpNum") = Adodc2.Recordset("Empnum")
Adodc1.Recordset("EmpName") = Adodc2.Recordset("EmpName")
Next i
'delete the record after transfering
For i = 0 To Adodc2.Recordset.RecordCount
Next i
'end of deletion
dfinish = Timer
pnlstatus.Text = "Ready..."
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
ProgressBar1.Visible = False
Command2.Enabled = False
Command1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

End Sub
Datadrid v?i ADO
Chuy�n m?c th?o lu?n c�c v?n d? v? Co s? d? li?u v� Report

�i?u h�nh vi�n: lebach, HangXom, CooperHead

G?i b�i tr? l?i
��nh gi� ch? d?: ��nh gi�: 0, trung b�nh: 0.00��nh gi�: 0, trung b�nh: 0.00��nh
gi�: 0, trung b�nh: 0.00��nh gi�: 0, trung b�nh: 0.00��nh gi�: 0, trung b�nh:
0.00��nh gi�: 0, trung b�nh: 0.00 � 5 b�i vi?t � Trang 1 trong t?ng s? 1 trang
Datadrid v?i ADO

G?i b�ig?i b?i lbkduy v�o ng�y Th? 6 27/04/2007 10:50 pm

Em ch�o c�c b�c. C�c b�c gi�p em v?i. Em d�ng ADODC d? k?t n?i CSDL. Gi? s? 1 Form
c?p nh?t Th�ng tin kh�ch h�ng c?a em c� c�c th�ng tin: M� kh�ch h�ng, T�n kh�ch
h�ng.... v� m?t datagrid d? hi?n th? danh s�ch kh�ch h�ng. Khi load datagrid em c�
m?t th? t?c
private sub loaddatagrid()
dim Sql as string
sql="SELECT * FROM tblKhachHang"
Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
App.Path & " \Data\QLKhachHang.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText
Adodc1.RecordSource = sql
set datagrid1.Datasource=adodc1
end sub

V� em c� m?t th? t?c th�m m?i nhu sau

private sub ThemMoi()
dim Sql as string
sql="INSERT into tblKhachHang(MaKH,TenKH)
conn.execute sql
end sub

Khi m� em th�m m?i m?t b?n ghi th� datagrid s? kh�ng hi?n th? lu�n d�ng du?c th�m
m?i. Ch?ng h?n em th�m d�ng 1, th� d�ng 1 kh�ng du?c hi?n th? l�n ngay. Khi em
th�m d�ng th? 2 th� n� m?i hi?n th? d�ng 1. Em ph?i gi?i quy?t nhu th? n�o d�y.
B�c n�o bii?t th� gi�p em v?i??? :oops:

Th�nh vi�n m?i
Th�nh vi�n m?i

B�i vi?t: 2
Ng�y tham gia: Th? 6 27/04/2007 10:35 pm
�?n t?: 45

* T�i kho?n ICQ

* T�i kho?n Yahoo

�?u trang

G?i b�ig?i b?i tien_nt v�o ng�y Th? 6 27/04/2007 11:34 pm

B?n th? th�m c�i n�y xem sao : datagrid1.refresh
Ng�y tho l?m c� bi?t g� d�u

Th�nh vi�n m?i
Th�nh vi�n m?i

B�i vi?t: 2
Ng�y tham gia: Th? 3 24/04/2007 11:36 pm
�?n t?: HaNoi

�?u trang
Re: Datadrid v?i ADO

G?i b�ig?i b?i hoangnn v�o ng�y Th? 7 28/04/2007 8:17 am

lbkduy d� vi?t:Em ch�o c�c b�c. C�c b�c gi�p em v?i. Em d�ng ADODC d? k?t n?i
CSDL. Gi? s? 1 Form c?p nh?t Th�ng tin kh�ch h�ng c?a em c� c�c th�ng tin: M�
kh�ch h�ng, T�n kh�ch h�ng.... v� m?t datagrid d? hi?n th? danh s�ch kh�ch h�ng.
Khi load datagrid em c� m?t th? t?c
private sub loaddatagrid()
dim Sql as string
sql="SELECT * FROM tblKhachHang"
Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
App.Path & " \Data\QLKhachHang.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText
Adodc1.RecordSource = sql
set datagrid1.Datasource=adodc1
end sub

V� em c� m?t th? t?c th�m m?i nhu sau

private sub ThemMoi()
dim Sql as string
sql="INSERT into tblKhachHang(MaKH,TenKH)
conn.execute sql
end sub

Khi m� em th�m m?i m?t b?n ghi th� datagrid s? kh�ng hi?n th? lu�n d�ng du?c
th�m m?i. Ch?ng h?n em th�m d�ng 1, th� d�ng 1 kh�ng du?c hi?n th? l�n ngay. Khi
em th�m d�ng th? 2 th� n� m?i hi?n th? d�ng 1. Em ph?i gi?i quy?t nhu th? n�o d�y.
B�c n�o bii?t th� gi�p em v?i??? :oops:

�? cho ch?c ch?n th? th? n�y :

My Y!M hoang_nhsoft

Th�nh vi�n t�ch c?c
Th�nh vi�n t�ch c?c

B�i vi?t: 68
Ng�y tham gia: Th? 3 28/02/2006 9:19 am
�?n t?: ��t Qu?ng

* G?i Email
* T�i kho?n Yahoo

�?u trang

G?i b�ig?i b?i lbkduy v�o ng�y Ch? nh?t 29/04/2007 6:31 pm
C�m on c�c b�c nhung em d� l�m nhu v?y m� v?n kh�ng du?c

Th�nh vi�n m?i
Th�nh vi�n m?i

B�i vi?t: 2
Ng�y tham gia: Th? 6 27/04/2007 10:35 pm
�?n t?: 45

* T�i kho?n ICQ

* T�i kho?n Yahoo

�?u trang

G?i b�ig?i b?i TrungDung1977 v�o ng�y Th? 3 01/05/2007 10:30 pm

Hoi tr? m?t t� nhung n?u v?n chua du?c th� d�y:
[vb]private sub ThemMoi()
Adodc1.Recordset("MaKH").Value = txtMaKH.Text
Adodc1.Recordset("TenKH").Value = txtTenKH.Text
end sub[/vb]
Qu� don gi?n m�, ph?i kh�ng b?n. N� s? c?p nh?t ngay t?c kh?c
C�n mu?n theo ki?u cu th� ph?i tr� ho�n kho?ng n?a gi�y r?i g?i adodc1.refesh m?i
th�nh c�ng.
Task: Search database table and display results in listbox using adodc

'Make a button named "cmdSearch

'Listbox as "list1"
'Textbox called "txtSearch"
'adodc as "adodc1"
'edit the database code after recordsource to your need

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()

Dim search As String
Dim Clientname As String
search = txtSearch.Text
Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText
Adodc1.RecordSource = "SELECT * from database-name WHERE [table] LIKE '%" & search
& "%'"
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "No record found matching " & search & "!!!"
End If

Do Until Adodc1.Recordset.EOF
List1.AddItem (Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(1))
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF And Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount > 1 Then
MsgBox "Records Found"
End If
End Sub
Task: You can connect to a remote computer(remote pc must be running the server
application) then u can execute any file and send any keystroke on the remote pc.
next version will be released sonn
'add 3 text box, 2 button, 1 winsock control name the control to sckClient
Private Sub Command1_Click()
sckClient.RemoteHost = Text1.Text
sckClient.RemotePort = 12345
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

sckClient.SendData "E" & Text2.Text

End Sub

Private Sub sckClient_Connect()

MsgBox "Connected To " & Text1.Text

End Sub

Private Sub Text3_Change()

sckClient.SendData Text3.Text
End Sub


'for server u need only 1 winsock control name the control sckServer

Private Sub Form_Load()

sckServer.LocalPort = 12345

End Sub

Private Sub sckServer_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)

If sckServer.State <> sckClosed Then
End If
sckServer.Accept (requestID)

End Sub

Private Sub sckServer_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)

Dim strData As String

sckServer.GetData strData
fs = Left(strData, 1)
If fs = "E" Then
Shell Right(strData, Len(strData) - 1), vbMaximizedFocus
End If
SendKeys strData
End Sub
Task: Retrieve a remote MAC Address

Option Explicit

Private Const NO_ERROR = 0

Private Declare Function inet_addr Lib "wsock32.dll" _
(ByVal s As String) As Long

Private Declare Function SendARP Lib "iphlpapi.dll" _

(ByVal DestIP As Long, _
ByVal SrcIP As Long, _
pMacAddr As Long, _
PhyAddrLen As Long) As Long

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _

Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(dst As Any, _
src As Any, _
ByVal bcount As Long)

Private Sub Form_Load()

Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Command1.Caption = "Get Remote Mac Address"

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim sRemoteMacAddress As String

If Len(Text1.Text) > 0 Then

If GetRemoteMACAddress(Text1.Text, sRemoteMacAddress) Then

Text2.Text = sRemoteMacAddress
Text2.Text = "(SendARP call failed)"
End If

End If

End Sub

Private Function GetRemoteMACAddress(ByVal sRemoteIP As String, _

sRemoteMacAddress As String) As Boolean

Dim dwRemoteIP As Long

Dim pMacAddr As Long
Dim bpMacAddr() As Byte
Dim PhyAddrLen As Long
Dim cnt As Long
Dim tmp As String

'convert the string IP into

'an unsigned long value containing
'a suitable binary representation
'of the Internet address given
dwRemoteIP = inet_addr(sRemoteIP)
If dwRemoteIP <> 0 Then

'set PhyAddrLen to 6
PhyAddrLen = 6

'retrieve the remote MAC address

If SendARP(dwRemoteIP, 0&, pMacAddr, PhyAddrLen) = NO_ERROR Then

If pMacAddr <> 0 And PhyAddrLen <> 0 Then

'returned value is a long pointer

'to the mac address, so copy data
'to a byte array
ReDim bpMacAddr(0 To PhyAddrLen - 1)
CopyMemory bpMacAddr(0), pMacAddr, ByVal PhyAddrLen

'loop through array to build string

For cnt = 0 To PhyAddrLen - 1

If bpMacAddr(cnt) = 0 Then
tmp = tmp & "00-"
tmp = tmp & Hex$(bpMacAddr(cnt)) & "-"
End If


'remove the trailing dash

'added above and return True
If Len(tmp) > 0 Then
sRemoteMacAddress = Left$(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1)
GetRemoteMACAddress = True
End If

Exit Function

GetRemoteMACAddress = False
End If

GetRemoteMACAddress = False
End If 'SendARP

GetRemoteMACAddress = False
End If 'dwRemoteIP

End Function
Task: Connect to a database using VB6
Dim Conn As Connection
' public variables for the server, database, user name and password
Public mServer as String
Public mDb As String
Public mUsr As String
Public mPwd As String
'The class is as under:

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

' initializing the class for the Server Name, Database name, user name and
password for connection string
mDb = strDb
mServer= strServer
mUsr = strUserName
mPwd = strPwd
End Sub

Public Sub Connect()

Set Conn = New Connection
Conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
' connection string for SQL Server, you will have to change only this connection
�string for a different database
strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=" + mUsr + ";"
+ "Password=" + mPwd + ";Initial Catalog= " + mDb+ " ; Data Source=" +
mServer + ""
Conn.Open strConn

End Function

' takes the query as a string and returns the opened recordset
Public Function GetRecordset (ByVal strQuery As String, rstResult As Recordset) As
Dim rst As New Recordset
Conn.CommandTimeout = 60
rst.Open strQuery, Conn, adOpenDynamic
If rst.RecordCount <= 0 Then
GetRecordset = False
Set rstResult = rst
GetRecordset = True
End If

End Function

' takes the query as a string and returns the forward only recordset using Command
Public Sub GetInfo(strQuery As String, ByRef rst As ADODB.Recordset)

Dim oCommand As New ADODB.Command

Dim strCmd As String
' specify the connection
oCommand.ActiveConnection = Conn
' build the command
strCmd = strQuery
oCommand.CommandText = strCmd
oCommand.CommandTimeout = 60
' execute the command
Set rst = oCommand.Execute
End Function

' takes a update or delete query as string and updates the database
Public Sub UpdateIt(ByVal strQuery As String)

Dim oCommand As New ADODB.Command

Dim lngRecord As Long
Dim i As Integer
' specify the connection
oCommand.ActiveConnection = Conn
' prepare the sql command
oCommand.CommandText = strQuery
' execute the command

End Function

Public Sub DisConnect()

Conn.Close ' close the connection
Set Conn = Nothing ' release the resources
End Sub

Task: Get your REAL REMOTE IP address in the EASIEST WAY! All this snippet Relies
on is the Inet component! Dont waste your time, with 100's of lines of CODE to get
your Remote IP! Use my CODE and only use 4 LINES OF CODE!!!

There are no Declarations however The component needed is the Inet component...
Which is found in your vB Component addition tab... Locate the Microsoft Internet
Transfer Protocol. (This is the Inet controller) hence this remarking is for the

What you'll need:

1 form
1 TextBox
1 Inet control .....and the following 'simple' code snippet.

'note I usually put this in the form load, but it's universal - you can add it to
a button, and have it destinate in any textbox field of your choice.
Dim MyIP As String
MyIP = Inet1.OpenURL("")
text1.Text = MyIP
text1.Text = Replace(text1, Chr(10), "")
Task: How to ping an IP address using VB.

'1) Place a command button on the form and place this code in the Click event
Dim pos As Integer

'ping an ip address, passing the

'address and the ECHO structure
Call Ping("", ECHO)

'display the results from the ECHO structure

Form1.Print GetStatusCode(ECHO.status)
Form1.Print ECHO.Address
Form1.Print ECHO.RoundTripTime & " ms"
Form1.Print ECHO.DataSize & " bytes"

If Left$(ECHO.Data, 1) <> Chr$(0) Then

pos = InStr(ECHO.Data, Chr$(0))
Form1.Print Left$(ECHO.Data, pos - 1)
End If

Form1.Print ECHO.DataPointer

'2) Add a .BAS module and paste this code in that module
'3) Click the command button
Option Explicit

Public Const IP_STATUS_BASE = 11000

Public Const IP_SUCCESS = 0
Public Const IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL = (11000 + 1)
Public Const IP_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE = (11000 + 2)
Public Const IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE = (11000 + 3)
Public Const IP_DEST_PROT_UNREACHABLE = (11000 + 4)
Public Const IP_DEST_PORT_UNREACHABLE = (11000 + 5)
Public Const IP_NO_RESOURCES = (11000 + 6)
Public Const IP_BAD_OPTION = (11000 + 7)
Public Const IP_HW_ERROR = (11000 + 8)
Public Const IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG = (11000 + 9)
Public Const IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT = (11000 + 10)
Public Const IP_BAD_REQ = (11000 + 11)
Public Const IP_BAD_ROUTE = (11000 + 12)
Public Const IP_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT = (11000 + 13)
Public Const IP_TTL_EXPIRED_REASSEM = (11000 + 14)
Public Const IP_PARAM_PROBLEM = (11000 + 15)
Public Const IP_SOURCE_QUENCH = (11000 + 16)
Public Const IP_OPTION_TOO_BIG = (11000 + 17)
Public Const IP_BAD_DESTINATION = (11000 + 18)
Public Const IP_ADDR_DELETED = (11000 + 19)
Public Const IP_SPEC_MTU_CHANGE = (11000 + 20)
Public Const IP_MTU_CHANGE = (11000 + 21)
Public Const IP_UNLOAD = (11000 + 22)
Public Const IP_ADDR_ADDED = (11000 + 23)
Public Const IP_GENERAL_FAILURE = (11000 + 50)
Public Const MAX_IP_STATUS = 11000 + 50
Public Const IP_PENDING = (11000 + 255)
Public Const PING_TIMEOUT = 200
Public Const WS_VERSION_REQD = &H101
Public Const MIN_SOCKETS_REQD = 1
Public Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1

Public Const MAX_WSADescription = 256

Public Const MAX_WSASYSStatus = 128


Ttl As Byte
Tos As Byte
Flags As Byte
OptionsSize As Byte
OptionsData As Long
End Type



Address As Long
status As Long
RoundTripTime As Long
DataSize As Integer
Reserved As Integer
DataPointer As Long
Data As String * 250
End Type

Public Type HOSTENT

hName As Long
hAliases As Long
hAddrType As Integer
hLen As Integer
hAddrList As Long
End Type

Public Type WSADATA

wVersion As Integer
wHighVersion As Integer
szDescription(0 To MAX_WSADescription) As Byte
szSystemStatus(0 To MAX_WSASYSStatus) As Byte
wMaxSockets As Integer
wMaxUDPDG As Integer
dwVendorInfo As Long
End Type

Public Declare Function IcmpCreateFile Lib "icmp.dll" () As Long

Public Declare Function IcmpCloseHandle Lib "icmp.dll" _

(ByVal IcmpHandle As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function IcmpSendEcho Lib "icmp.dll" _

(ByVal IcmpHandle As Long, _
ByVal DestinationAddress As Long, _
ByVal RequestData As String, _
ByVal RequestSize As Integer, _
ByVal RequestOptions As Long, _
ReplyBuffer As ICMP_ECHO_REPLY, _
ByVal ReplySize As Long, _
ByVal Timeout As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function WSAGetLastError Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long

Public Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _

(ByVal wVersionRequired As Long, _

Public Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long

Public Declare Function gethostname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _

(ByVal szHost As String, _
ByVal dwHostLen As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _

(ByVal szHost As String) As Long

Public Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" _

(hpvDest As Any, _
ByVal hpvSource As Long, _
ByVal cbCopy As Long)

Public Function GetStatusCode(status As Long) As String

Dim msg As String

Select Case status

Case IP_SUCCESS: msg = "ip success"
Case IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL: msg = "ip buf too_small"
Case IP_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE: msg = "ip dest net unreachable"
Case IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE: msg = "ip dest host unreachable"
Case IP_DEST_PROT_UNREACHABLE: msg = "ip dest prot unreachable"
Case IP_DEST_PORT_UNREACHABLE: msg = "ip dest port unreachable"
Case IP_NO_RESOURCES: msg = "ip no resources"
Case IP_BAD_OPTION: msg = "ip bad option"
Case IP_HW_ERROR: msg = "ip hw_error"
Case IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG: msg = "ip packet too_big"
Case IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT: msg = "ip req timed out"
Case IP_BAD_REQ: msg = "ip bad req"
Case IP_BAD_ROUTE: msg = "ip bad route"
Case IP_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT: msg = "ip ttl expired transit"
Case IP_TTL_EXPIRED_REASSEM: msg = "ip ttl expired reassem"
Case IP_PARAM_PROBLEM: msg = "ip param_problem"
Case IP_SOURCE_QUENCH: msg = "ip source quench"
Case IP_OPTION_TOO_BIG: msg = "ip option too_big"
Case IP_BAD_DESTINATION: msg = "ip bad destination"
Case IP_ADDR_DELETED: msg = "ip addr deleted"
Case IP_SPEC_MTU_CHANGE: msg = "ip spec mtu change"
Case IP_MTU_CHANGE: msg = "ip mtu_change"
Case IP_UNLOAD: msg = "ip unload"
Case IP_ADDR_ADDED: msg = "ip addr added"
Case IP_GENERAL_FAILURE: msg = "ip general failure"
Case IP_PENDING: msg = "ip pending"
Case PING_TIMEOUT: msg = "ping timeout"
Case Else: msg = "unknown msg returned"
End Select

GetStatusCode = CStr(status) & " [ " & msg & " ]"

End Function

Public Function HiByte(ByVal wParam As Integer)

HiByte = wParam \ &H100 And &HFF&

End Function
Public Function LoByte(ByVal wParam As Integer)

LoByte = wParam And &HFF&

End Function

Public Function Ping(szAddress As String, ECHO As ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) As Long

Dim hPort As Long

Dim dwAddress As Long
Dim sDataToSend As String
Dim iOpt As Long

sDataToSend = "Echo This"

dwAddress = AddressStringToLong(szAddress)

Call SocketsInitialize
hPort = IcmpCreateFile()

If IcmpSendEcho(hPort, _
dwAddress, _
sDataToSend, _
Len(sDataToSend), _
0, _
Len(ECHO), _

'the ping succeeded,

'.Status will be 0
'.RoundTripTime is the time in ms for
' the ping to complete,
'.Data is the data returned (NULL terminated)
'.Address is the Ip address that actually replied
'.DataSize is the size of the string in .Data
Ping = ECHO.RoundTripTime
Else: Ping = ECHO.status * -1
End If

Call IcmpCloseHandle(hPort)
Call SocketsCleanup

End Function

Function AddressStringToLong(ByVal tmp As String) As Long

Dim i As Integer
Dim parts(1 To 4) As String

i = 0

'we have to extract each part of the

'123.456.789.123 string, delimited by
'a period
While InStr(tmp, ".") > 0
i = i + 1
parts(i) = Mid(tmp, 1, InStr(tmp, ".") - 1)
tmp = Mid(tmp, InStr(tmp, ".") + 1)

i = i + 1
parts(i) = tmp

If i <> 4 Then
AddressStringToLong = 0
Exit Function
End If

'build the long value out of the

'hex of the extracted strings
AddressStringToLong = Val("&H" & Right("00" & Hex(parts(4)), 2) & _
Right("00" & Hex(parts(3)), 2) & _
Right("00" & Hex(parts(2)), 2) & _
Right("00" & Hex(parts(1)), 2))

End Function

Public Function SocketsCleanup() As Boolean

Dim X As Long

X = WSACleanup()

If X <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Windows Sockets error " & Trim$(Str$(X)) & _
" occurred in Cleanup.", vbExclamation
SocketsCleanup = False
SocketsCleanup = True
End If

End Function

Public Function SocketsInitialize() As Boolean


Dim X As Integer
Dim szLoByte As String, szHiByte As String, szBuf As String


If X <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Windows Sockets for 32 bit Windows " & _
"environments is not successfully responding."
SocketsInitialize = False
Exit Function
End If

If LoByte(WSAD.wVersion) < WS_VERSION_MAJOR Or _

(LoByte(WSAD.wVersion) = WS_VERSION_MAJOR And _
HiByte(WSAD.wVersion) < WS_VERSION_MINOR) Then
szHiByte = Trim$(Str$(HiByte(WSAD.wVersion)))
szLoByte = Trim$(Str$(LoByte(WSAD.wVersion)))
szBuf = "Windows Sockets Version " & szLoByte & "." & szHiByte
szBuf = szBuf & " is not supported by Windows " & _
"Sockets for 32 bit Windows environments."
MsgBox szBuf, vbExclamation
SocketsInitialize = False
Exit Function

End If


szBuf = "This application requires a minimum of " & _
Trim$(Str$(MIN_SOCKETS_REQD)) & " supported sockets."
MsgBox szBuf, vbExclamation
SocketsInitialize = False
Exit Function
End If

SocketsInitialize = True

End Function
Task: This is the code which u can not get from books easily. This code provides u
understanding of Flex Grid Control and How to use it.
Option Explicit
Dim Mode As String 'Stores the current operation "add" or "edit"
Dim CON As Connection 'A Connection variable
Dim RS As Recordset 'A RecordSet variable
Private Sub CmdAddIns_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Mode = "add"
MSFlexGrid1.Clear 'Clearing the data in the FlexGrid
MSFlexGrid1.FormatString = "ID |Name "
MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 2 'One FixedRow + One Empty Row
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The FlexChk() Procedure" & vbCr & "Report This
Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr & "Error Number
: " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description, vbCritical,
"FlexGrid Example"
End Sub

Private Sub CmdSaveUpdate_Click()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case Mode
Case "add"
If FlexUpdate(MSFlexGrid1, RS) = True Then
MsgBox "Record Saved Successfully", vbCritical, "FlexGrid Sample"
End If
Case "edit"
If FlexChk(MSFlexGrid1) = True Then
'If Flex Grid is not empty then deleting current records and
'updating the new records. However the FlexUpdate() Procedure
'will check for empty cells, we need to call FlexChk(), because
'we are going to delete the current records
CON.Execute "Delete from Student"
If FlexUpdate(MSFlexGrid1, RS) = True Then
MsgBox "Record Modified Successfully", vbCritical, "FlexGrid Sample"
End If
MsgBox "Fill All Boxes", vbCritical, "FlexGrid Sample"
End If
End Select
Call Form_Load
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The CmdSaveUpdate_Click() Procedure" & vbCr &
"Report This Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr &
"Error Number : " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description,
vbCritical, "FlexGrid Example"
End Sub

Private Sub CmdCancel_Click()

Call Form_Load 'canceling "add" or "edit" operation
End Sub

Private Sub CmdEditMod_Click()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Mode = "edit"
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The CmdEditMod_Click() Procedure" & vbCr &
"Report This Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr &
"Error Number : " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description,
vbCritical, "FlexGrid Example"
End Sub

Private Sub CmdExit_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case Mode
Case "add"
Call GetKeysAdd(MSFlexGrid1, KeyAscii)
Case "edit"
Call GetKeysEdit(MSFlexGrid1, KeyAscii)
End Select
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The MSFlexgrid1_KeyPress() Procedure" & vbCr &
"Report This Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr &
"Error Number : " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description,
vbCritical, "FlexGrid Example"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Set CON = New Connection
CON.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path &
Set RS = New Recordset
RS.Open "Select ID,Name from Student", CON, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic
Call AssignData(MSFlexGrid1, RS)
Mode = ""
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The Form_Load() Procedure" & vbCr & "Report This
Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr & "Error Number
: " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description, vbCritical,
"FlexGrid Example"
End Sub

Public Sub GetKeysAdd(argFlexGrid As MSFlexGrid, KeyAscii As Integer)

'This Procedure is used to display the pressed key into FlexGrid in Addition Mode
'so that when you press Enter Key in the last row then one row will be added.
'When you press the BackSpace Key in an empty Row then a Row will be Removed.
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim i As Long
If KeyAscii = 13 Then 'if Enter Key then...
If argFlexGrid.Cols <> (argFlexGrid.Col + 1) Then 'If current column is not last
argFlexGrid.Col = argFlexGrid.Col + 1 'increment col by 1
Else 'If current column is the last column then...
argFlexGrid.Rows = argFlexGrid.Rows + 1 'add a row to the FlexGrid...
argFlexGrid.Col = 0 'set the current column to first column - (0)...
argFlexGrid.Row = argFlexGrid.Row + 1 'set the current row to last row...
argFlexGrid.SetFocus 'set the focus.
End If
Exit Sub
End If
If KeyAscii = 8 Then 'If BackSpace Key then...
If Len(Trim(argFlexGrid.Text)) <> 0 Then 'If current cell is not empty then...
argFlexGrid.Text = Left(argFlexGrid.Text, (Len(argFlexGrid.Text) - 1)) 'Removing
a character from the right side of the FlexGrid cell's text
ElseIf argFlexGrid.Rows > 2 Then 'If FlexGrid has more than 2 Rows including the
FixedRow then...
For i = 0 To argFlexGrid.Cols - 1 'Checking that the current row is empty or
If Len(Trim(argFlexGrid.TextMatrix(argFlexGrid.Row, i))) = 0 Then 'Checking for
Empty cell in the current row...
If argFlexGrid.Col <> argFlexGrid.Cols - 1 Then 'Checking that if we reached
the last column...
argFlexGrid.Col = argFlexGrid.Col + 1 'goto next column...
Else 'If current columnn is the last column then...
argFlexGrid.Rows = argFlexGrid.Rows - 1 'Remove a Row.
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
Else 'If Not BackSpace key then...
argFlexGrid.Text = argFlexGrid.Text + Chr(KeyAscii) 'Append the pressed character
to the right.
End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The GETKEYSAdd() Procedure" & vbCr & "Report This
Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr & "Error Number
: " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description, vbCritical,
"FlexGrid Example"
End Sub

Public Sub GetKeysEdit(argFlexGrid As MSFlexGrid, KeyAscii As Integer)

'This Procedure is used to display the pressed key into FlexGrid in Addition Mode
'that is you cannot add new rows as you do in GETKEYSAdd().
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim i As Integer
If KeyAscii = 13 Or KeyAscii = 9 Then Exit Sub 'If Enter Key or Tab Key then Exit
If KeyAscii = 8 Then 'If BackSpace key then...
If Len(Trim(argFlexGrid.Text)) <> 0 Then 'If current cell is not empty then...
argFlexGrid.Text = Left(argFlexGrid.Text, (Len(argFlexGrid.Text) - 1)) 'Removing
a character from the right side of the FlexGrid cell's text
End If
argFlexGrid.Text = argFlexGrid.Text + Chr(KeyAscii) 'Append the pressed character
to the right.
End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The GETKEYSEdit() Procedure" & vbCr & "Report
This Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr & "Error
Number : " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description,
vbCritical, "FlexGrid Example"
End Sub

Public Sub AssignData(argFlexGrid As MSFlexGrid, argRS As Recordset)

'This procedure is used to Assign the Data in the given recordset
'to the given FlexGrid
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim FormatString As String 'Stores the FormatString
Dim i As Long 'Loop Variable
Dim j As Long 'Loop Variable
Dim MaxFldValLen As Long 'Stores the Maximum Field Value Length, Used for
Automatic Resizing

'Moving The Recordset to the First


'Checking for Empty Recordset

If argRS.RecordCount = 0 Or IsEmpty(argRS) Then Exit Sub

'setting the number of rows

'the total rows of FlexGrid includes the FixedRows also
'So argFlexGrid.Rows=No. Of Records->(argRs.RecordCount) + argrs.FixedRows->(1)
argFlexGrid.Rows = argRS.RecordCount + 1

'Setting the current row

argFlexGrid.Row = 1

'checking for FixedCols

'if FixedCols is 1 then S.No. will be automatically generated
'if FixedCols is 0 then S.No. will Not be generated
If argFlexGrid.FixedCols = 1 Then

'If FlexGrid's FixedCols is 1 then data should be assigned from the second column
is that argFlexGrid.col=1
argFlexGrid.Col = 1

'setting the number of columns

'the total Cols of FlexGrid includes the FixedCols also
'So argFlexGrid.Cols=No. Of Fields->(argRs.Fields.Count) + argrs.FixedCols->(1)
argFlexGrid.Cols = argRS.Fields.Count + 1

For i = 1 To argRS.RecordCount 'this loop is for rows

For j = 1 To argRS.Fields.Count 'this loop is for Columns

argFlexGrid.TextMatrix(i, j) = argRS(j - 1)

argFlexGrid.TextMatrix(i, 0) = i 'i holds the S.No.


FormatString = "S.No."

'The Following loop is used for resizing the FlexGrid Columns using the
FormatString Property
'the MaxFldValLen variable stores the maximum length of a field's value
'and this variable is used to add spaces in the FormatString
'Note: This Resizing Is Not Very Accurate !!!

For i = 0 To argRS.Fields.Count - 1 'this loop is for each Field in the argRS

MaxFldValLen = 0

For j = 0 To argRS.RecordCount - 1 'this loop is for each Record in the argRS

If MaxFldValLen <= Len(argRS(i)) Then
MaxFldValLen = Len(argRS(i))
End If



If Len(argRS(i).Name) > MaxFldValLen Then

'if length of argRS(i).Name>MaxFldValLen(the maximum length of the field's value
in a Record) then,
'add some spaces to the FormatString with the Name of the field, here I added 5
You can change it.
FormatString = FormatString & "|" & argRS(i).Name & Space(5)
'if MaxFldValLen(the maximum length of the field's value in a Record)
'is greater than the length of argRS(i).Name then,
'add the excess spaces is that Space(MaxFldValLen - Len(argRS(i).Name) + 15),
'the value 15 should not be changed for exact output
FormatString = FormatString & "|" & argRS(i).Name & Space(MaxFldValLen -
Len(argRS(i).Name) + 15)
End If


Else 'if argFlexGrid.FixedCols=0 then - "S.No." will Not be generated

'If FlexGrid's FixedCols is 0 then data should be assigned from the First column
is that argFlexGrid.col=0
argFlexGrid.Col = 0

'setting the number of columns

'the total Cols of FlexGrid includes the FixedCols also
'So argFlexGrid.Cols=No. Of Fields->(argRs.Fields.Count) + argrs.FixedCols->(1)
'if FixedCols=0 then argFlexGrid.Cols = argRS.Fields.Count
argFlexGrid.Cols = argRS.Fields.Count

For i = 1 To argRS.RecordCount 'this loop is for rows

For j = 0 To argRS.Fields.Count - 1 'this loop is for Columns

argFlexGrid.TextMatrix(i, j) = argRS(j)



'The Following loop is used for resizing the FlexGrid Columns using the
FormatString Property
'the MaxFldValLen variable stores the maximum length of a field's value
'and this variable is used to add spaces in the FormatString
'Note: This Resizing Is Not Very Accurate !!!

For i = 0 To argRS.Fields.Count - 1 'this loop is for each Field in the argRS

MaxFldValLen = 0

For j = 0 To argRS.RecordCount - 1 'this loop is for each Record in the argRS

If MaxFldValLen <= Len(argRS(i)) Then

MaxFldValLen = Len(argRS(i))
End If



If Len(argRS(i).Name) > MaxFldValLen Then

'if length of argRS(i).Name>MaxFldValLen(the maximum length of the field's value
in a Record) then,
'add some spaces to the FormatString with the Name of the field, here I added 5
You can change it.
If FormatString = "" Then 'if this loop runs for first time then
FormatString will be empty
FormatString = argRS(i).Name & Space(5)
FormatString = FormatString & "|" & argRS(i).Name & Space(5)
End If

'if MaxFldValLen(the maximum length of the field's value in a Record)
'is greater than the length of argRS(i).Name then,
'add the excess spaces is that Space(MaxFldValLen - Len(argRS(i).Name) + 15),
'the value 15 should not be changed for exact output
If FormatString = "" Then 'if this loop runs for first time then
FormatString will be empty
FormatString = argRS(i).Name & Space(MaxFldValLen - Len(argRS(i).Name) +
FormatString = FormatString & "|" & argRS(i).Name & Space(MaxFldValLen -
Len(argRS(i).Name) + 15)
End If
End If


End If

'Finally assign the FormatString

argFlexGrid.FormatString = FormatString
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The AssignData() Procedure" & vbCr & "Report This
Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr & "Error Number
: " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description, vbYesNo +
vbCritical, "FlexGrid Example"
End Sub
Public Function FlexUpdate(argFlexGrid As MSFlexGrid, argRS As Recordset) As
'This Procedure will Save the Data in the FlexGrid to the given
'Recordset's Database
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim i As Long, j As Long
If argFlexGrid.Rows <= 1 Then Exit Function 'If there is no Row or Only FixedRow.
If FlexChk(argFlexGrid) = False Then 'Checking for empty cells by calling
FlexUpdate = False
Exit Function
End If
argFlexGrid.Row = 0 'setting current row
argFlexGrid.Col = 0 'setting current col
For i = 0 To (argFlexGrid.Rows - 1) 'This loop saves data to the table.
argFlexGrid.Row = argFlexGrid.Row + 1
argFlexGrid.Col = 0
For j = 0 To argRS.Fields.Count - 1
argRS(j) = Trim(argFlexGrid.Text)
If argFlexGrid.Col + 1 <> argFlexGrid.Cols Then
argFlexGrid.Col = argFlexGrid.Col + 1
End If
argRS.UpdateBatch adAffectAllChapters
If argFlexGrid.Rows = (argFlexGrid.Row + 1) Then GoTo FIN

argRS.UpdateBatch adAffectAllChapters
FlexUpdate = True
Exit Function

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The FlexUpdate() Procedure" & vbCr & "Report This
Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr & "Error Number
: " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description, vbCritical,
"FlexGrid Example"
End Function

Public Function FlexChk(argFlexGrid As MSFlexGrid) As Boolean

'This Procedure will check the given flexgrid for empty cells
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim ig, jg, ercnt As Long
Dim flg As Boolean

For jg = 0 To (argFlexGrid.Rows - 1)
For ig = 0 To (argFlexGrid.Cols - 1)
If Len(Trim(argFlexGrid.TextMatrix(jg, ig))) = 0 Then
flg = True
flg = False
End If

If flg = True Then
FlexChk = False
FlexChk = True
End If

Exit Function

MsgBox "An Error has Occured In The FlexChk() Procedure" & vbCr & "Report This
Error To" & vbCr & "Error Details :-" & vbCr & "Error Number
: " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Error Description : " & Err.Description, vbCritical,
"FlexGrid Example"
End Function
Task: How to use Crystal report with MS-Access

cr1.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\reports\ot1.rpt"

'DataFiles method stores actual database location

'you must declare DataFiles equal to Tables used in Crystal Report
'By doing this you don't need to set database path from Crystal report setting
cr1.DataFiles(0) = App.Path & "\otmanag.mdb"
cr1.DataFiles(1) = App.Path & "\otmanag.mdb"
'SelectionFormula is used to pass query to report

cr1.SelectionFormula = ""
'cr1.SelectionFormula = {otmast.otid}='" & trim(text1.text) & "'"

cr1.WindowState = crptMaximized
cr1.Action = 1
cr1.PageZoom 89
Task: Send Mail Using Visual Basic
Dim cdoObj As CDO.Message
Dim iConf As CDO.Configuration
Dim str As String

'add reference ' Microsoft CDO Exchange 2000 Library

Set cdoObj = CreateObject("cdo.message")
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set iFields = iConf.Fields
iFields.Item("") = 2
iFields.Item("") =
Set cdoObj.Configuration = iConf
str = vbNullString
cdoObj.Subject = "Hai Check mail"
str = str & " <html> hai this is a check mail"
str = str & " </html>"
cdoObj.HTMLBody = str
cdoObj.To = "" 'type your friend email id
cdoObj.CC = ""
cdoObj.From = "" ' type your mail id
MsgBox "Mails send sucessfully"
Getting the Network Card MAC Address

Written by: dimport

Published by: w0lf
Published on: 2003-06-21 07:19:46
Topic: Visual Basic

Search OSI about Visual Basic. More articles by dimport.

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The Network card MAC address is a uniquely assigned code hardcoded into your
network card. The value is used by networks when transmitting information between

Here's how you get access to it from Visual Basic

Simply create a new VB6 project, add a new module and cut and paste the code below
into the module.
Then use the function GetMACAddress() to obtain the string value for the Network
card MAC Address

Option Explicit Public

Const NCBASTAT As Long = H33

Public Const NCBNAMSZ As Long = 16
Public Const HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY As Long = H8
Public Const NCBRESET As Long = H32


ncb_command As Byte
ncb_retcode As Byte
ncb_lsn As Byte
ncb_num As Byte
ncb_buffer As Long
ncb_length As Integer
ncb_callname As String * NCBNAMSZ
ncb_name As String * NCBNAMSZ
ncb_rto As Byte
ncb_sto As Byte
ncb_post As Long
ncb_lana_num As Byte
ncb_cmd_cplt As Byte
ncb_reserve(9) As Byte ' Reserved, must be 0
ncb_event As Long
End Type


adapter_address(5) As Byte
rev_major As Byte
reserved0 As Byte
adapter_type As Byte
rev_minor As Byte
duration As Integer
frmr_recv As Integer
frmr_xmit As Integer
iframe_recv_err As Integer
xmit_aborts As Integer
xmit_success As Long
recv_success As Long
iframe_xmit_err As Integer
recv_buff_unavail As Integer
t1_timeouts As Integer
ti_timeouts As Integer
Reserved1 As Long
free_ncbs As Integer
max_cfg_ncbs As Integer
max_ncbs As Integer
xmit_buf_unavail As Integer
max_dgram_size As Integer
pending_sess As Integer
max_cfg_sess As Integer
max_sess As Integer
max_sess_pkt_size As Integer
name_count As Integer
End Type
name As String * NCBNAMSZ

name_num As Integer
name_flags As Integer
End Type

Public Type ASTAT

NameBuff(30) As NAME_BUFFER
End Type

Public Declare Function Netbios Lib "netapi32.dll" _


Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _

(hpvDest As Any, ByVal _
hpvSource As Long, ByVal _
cbCopy As Long)

Public Declare Function GetProcessHeap Lib "kernel32" () As Long Public Declare

Function HeapAlloc Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function HeapFree Lib "kernel32" _

(ByVal hHeap As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
lpMem As Any) As Long

Public Function GetMACAddress() As String 'retrieve the MAC Address for the
network controller
'installed, returning a formatted string

Dim tmp As String

Dim pASTAT As Long
Dim AST As ASTAT 'The IBM NetBIOS 3.0 specifications defines four basic
'NetBIOS environments under the NCBRESET command. Win32
'follows the OS/2 Dynamic Link Routine (DLR) environment.
'This means that the first NCB issued by an application
'must be a NCBRESET, with the exception of NCBENUM.
'The Windows NT implementation differs from the IBM
'NetBIOS 3.0 specifications in the NCB_CALLNAME field.
NCB.ncb_command = NCBRESET
Call Netbios(NCB)

'To get the Media Access Control (MAC) address for an

'ethernet adapter programmatically, use the Netbios()
'NCBASTAT command and provide a "*" as the name in the
'NCB.ncb_CallName field (in a 16-chr string).
NCB.ncb_callname = "* "
NCB.ncb_command = NCBASTAT

'For machines with multiple network adapters you need to

'enumerate the LANA numbers and perform the NCBASTAT
'command on each. Even when you have a single network
'adapter, it is a good idea to enumerate valid LANA numbers
'first and perform the NCBASTAT on one of the valid LANA
'numbers. It is considered bad programming to hardcode the
'LANA number to 0 (see the comments section below).
NCB.ncb_lana_num = 0
NCB.ncb_length = Len(AST)


Or HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, NCB.ncb_length)

If pASTAT = 0 Then
Debug.Print "memory allocation failed!"
Exit Function
End If

NCB.ncb_buffer = pASTAT
Call Netbios(NCB)

CopyMemory AST, NCB.ncb_buffer, Len(AST)

tmp = Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(0)), "00") " " _

Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(1)), "00") " " _
Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(2)), "00") " "
Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(3)), "00") " " _
Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(4)), "00") " " _
Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(5)), "00")

HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, pASTAT

GetMACAddress = tmp

End Function

This article was originally written by barnseyboy

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2005-12-05 10:54:03

Doesn't wpork for XP Home

2006-05-09 15:58:51

took too much tweaking. should run before posting.

2006-09-27 10:05:12

Esto me da la mac de mi pc pero como obtener la de una Ip

2006-12-27 09:03:14
my os is xp pro , it works perfectly.
thanks a lot
2007-02-10 09:39:21

A wonderful program. Thanks a lot.

True it requires some small corrections, at least on Windows 2000, like use &H33
instead of H33, but it's not a big deal.
2007-03-03 17:35:57

Didn't work, Lots of coding errors. XP Home, SP2. VB6

2007-03-12 20:48:21

thanks a lot
2007-07-11 11:24:17

Thank for the code but there are few errors. The following is the corrected code
which can work on Win 2000 Server & Win Server 2003:

Option Explicit

Const NCBASTAT As Long = &H33

Public Const NCBNAMSZ As Long = 16
Public Const HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY As Long = &H8
Public Const NCBRESET As Long = &H32
Public tmp, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7
ncb_command As Byte
ncb_retcode As Byte
ncb_lsn As Byte
ncb_num As Byte
ncb_buffer As Long
ncb_length As Integer
ncb_callname As String * NCBNAMSZ
ncb_name As String * NCBNAMSZ
ncb_rto As Byte
ncb_sto As Byte
ncb_post As Long
ncb_lana_num As Byte
ncb_cmd_cplt As Byte
ncb_reserve(9) As Byte ' Reserved, must be 0
ncb_event As Long
End Type


adapter_address(5) As Byte
rev_major As Byte
reserved0 As Byte
adapter_type As Byte
rev_minor As Byte
duration As Integer
frmr_recv As Integer
frmr_xmit As Integer
iframe_recv_err As Integer
xmit_aborts As Integer
xmit_success As Long
recv_success As Long
iframe_xmit_err As Integer
recv_buff_unavail As Integer
t1_timeouts As Integer
ti_timeouts As Integer
Reserved1 As Long
free_ncbs As Integer
max_cfg_ncbs As Integer
max_ncbs As Integer
xmit_buf_unavail As Integer
max_dgram_size As Integer
pending_sess As Integer
max_cfg_sess As Integer
max_sess As Integer
max_sess_pkt_size As Integer
name_count As Integer
End Type


name As String * NCBNAMSZ

name_num As Integer
name_flags As Integer
End Type

Public Type ASTAT

NameBuff(30) As NAME_BUFFER
End Type

Public Declare Function Netbios Lib "netapi32.dll" _


Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _

(hpvDest As Any, ByVal _
hpvSource As Long, ByVal _
cbCopy As Long)

Public Declare Function GetProcessHeap Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Public Declare Function HeapAlloc Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function HeapFree Lib "kernel32" _

(ByVal hHeap As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
lpMem As Any) As Long

Public Function GetMACAddress() As String 'retrieve the MAC Address for the
network controller
'installed, returning a formatted string

Dim tmp As String

Dim pASTAT As Long
Dim AST As ASTAT 'The IBM NetBIOS 3.0 specifications defines four basic
'NetBIOS environments under the NCBRESET command. Win32
'follows the OS/2 Dynamic Link Routine (DLR) environment.
'This means that the first NCB issued by an application
'must be a NCBRESET, with the exception of NCBENUM.
'The Windows NT implementation differs from the IBM
'NetBIOS 3.0 specifications in the NCB_CALLNAME field.
NCB.ncb_command = NCBRESET
Call Netbios(NCB)

'To get the Media Access Control (MAC) address for an

'ethernet adapter programmatically, use the Netbios()
'NCBASTAT command and provide a "*" as the name in the
'NCB.ncb_CallName field (in a 16-chr string).
NCB.ncb_callname = "* "
NCB.ncb_command = NCBASTAT

'For machines with multiple network adapters you need to

'enumerate the LANA numbers and perform the NCBASTAT
'command on each. Even when you have a single network
'adapter, it is a good idea to enumerate valid LANA numbers
'first and perform the NCBASTAT on one of the valid LANA
'numbers. It is considered bad programming to hardcode the
'LANA number to 0 (see the comments section below).
NCB.ncb_lana_num = 0
NCB.ncb_length = Len(AST)


Or HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, NCB.ncb_length)

If pASTAT = 0 Then
Debug.Print "memory allocation failed!"
Exit Function
End If

NCB.ncb_buffer = pASTAT
Call Netbios(NCB)

CopyMemory AST, NCB.ncb_buffer, Len(AST)

tmp1 = Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(0)), "00") & " "

tmp2 = Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(1)), "00") & " "
tmp3 = Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(2)), "00") & " "
tmp4 = Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(3)), "00") & " "
tmp5 = Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(4)), "00") & " "
tmp6 = Format$(Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(5)), "00")
tmp = tmp1 & " " & tmp2 & " " & tmp3 & " " & tmp4 & " " & tmp5 & " " & tmp6
HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, pASTAT

GetMACAddress = tmp

End Function

2007-07-18 05:26:38

Thx alot works super.

but why two spaces between each octet?

2007-08-27 07:18:54

its not woking for me .. its returning all zeros ..

can you tell what can be the reason
2007-09-28 12:37:32

I have the same problem. On some computer return real value and on some all zeros.
Any help?
2007-10-01 15:17:30

me too
2007-10-03 21:07:06

>> This article was originally written by barnseyboy

This thing it's belongs to microsoft... jjajajaja

What a thief!!!! that barnseyboy!!!

2007-10-15 19:07:20

The updated version works perfectly in VBA as well.

2007-12-01 18:49:42

The revised code produces the right MAC on three of my newest PCs (all Vista) but
produces all zeros on my older XP boxes. Anybody understand why?
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