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1:49 How did I feel?

Well gradually as they went through the shpeal on what this person has done, I thought oh its me I was flabbergasted, I really was. Usually they are people who have raised lots of money, Im not a money raiser, I have raised money but only small amounts. 2:41 My first voluntary work when I joined was the WS in those days which later became WRVS. When my younger son became settled in school I asked if they would stay to school meals for one day a week a month and then I went out with meals on wheels. Well I did it and they liked school meals. 3:25 With the WRVS it eventually spread to other things like helping at the blood bank. You know when you give blood you get a cup of tea and a biscuit. And of course weve been to the college havent we? Well they dont go to the college anymore we now go to the QE hall. 4:21 I think I read an article in the paper about how volunteers were necessary and I thought yes I could do that, and I toughly enjoyed it. That was a long time ago in 1961. And of course it was a very different Oldham then, rows and rows of little houses. It was nice to go in with hot meals because they were cooked in school kitchens. The meals were kept in hot lock containers which were kept hot by little heaters underneath, and when my sons were on school holidays they were piled in the back of the van, dont tell the health and safety people, they hadnt invented health and safety then, they reminded me about this a few days ago, they said it was a horrible smell at the end of the van 6:40 Later the hospital started the volunteers and I was one of the first. So I have been there 25 years now, I first started after I retired, I had to keep myself out of mischief, I work in admissions at the hospital and I see people I havent seen for years, they all come through the hospital doors, I escort the patients up to the ward. 8:08 But I realise it was me they talked about this person having done a jump from an aircraft 8:18 my sons treated me to this for my 70th that was in Lincolnshire, its one of the old bomber command air fields. 8:51 oh it was wonderful up to 1400ft and once youve left the aircraft you think this is it theres no going back, and the free fall was 8000ft and that was fantastic because youre going very fast but you dont realise youre going fast because theres nothing rushing past. The air seems solid its all to do with the speed youre going at. And when they opened the shoot it was a tandem jump and the Lincolnshire fields were beautiful as it was in May when I did it. It was a checkerboard of greens and yellows. 10:29 I just got one granddaughter and shes only 18 months old. What do your sons do? They laughed. Im sure they were. But yes they laughed

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