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Project I07 *Hey! do you know who is Kurt cobain?

uhmm, I heard about him but i dont know so much about him *Oh, I see, do you want I tell you him story? that nice! well i know his was a incredible singer, he had a difficult life.... *yes that true, when he was a child his parents divorced, from that moment his life change... when he grew up he had a hard life, he was alcoholic and junkie (drug addict),but he was famous because his songs were unique and wonderful. Many years later, he married and had a daughter, but it was always difficult, he continued with their addictions. wow! really he had a difficult life, I dont sure but he committed suicide, right? I read something about that, he he had been admitted to a hospital for drug abuse before he was found dead in his garage... thats sad finished after hard life... * well, I know this story, however, I listened many theories about his death... some people said he was murdered... really?? wow that sound interesting, tell me more... *ok, I saw in the news that the police found no fingerprints on the gun that supposedly killed himself, but this was many months after declaring it was suicide, that's very strange because in the tests you did after death, found he had drugs in his body and that could not have been killed at the time. Then maybe someone kill him, probably his wife or a close person...I think is outrageous the police did not verified the gun in those moment, I suppose after this is difficult find a mastermind behind this crime... *Yes, some things also found a note near his body a little strange, because no mention his wife neither his daughter....

->los q tienen asterisco es lo q diria una de las 2 en ese link encontre la teoria donde dice q fue homicidio y no suicidio.

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