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81 Health Tips

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Copyright 2005

81 Health Tips! The word health refers to the condition of the body. It means not only being free from disease, but physical, mental and emotional fitness as well. If you want to succeed in living a truly healthy, happy life the best thing to do is to consume as much of the 'right nutrition' as possible each day. The more raw fruits and (cooked) vegetables you eat, the more your appetite for them increases and you might end up feeding your body with nothing but the right nutrition! In other words, to lose weight it is important to live a healthier life; a healthy life starts with healthy food and raw fruits and vegetables. We recommend you start your weight loss program by having five fruits a day and focusing on feeling good. Avoid stress, at all costs. Stress can actually cause weight gain, particularly around the tummy. Why? Because physical and emotional stress activates the release of cortisol, a steroid that slows down metabolism. It may not be possible to practice all the tips mentioned in this document. Nevertheless it's good to keep them in mind and take good care of ourselves. Our bodies are the most neglected. We prioritize work, money, family but health comes last. It's important to start, not get things perfect. Perfection will happen over time. Health is Wealth, having both is Fun. For the latest health tips and free books, subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Good luck and Good Health. Let's begin.

Oatmeal as Breakfast. Oats are slow to digest and thus provide you a steady sustained flow of energy to take you through the first few hours of the day. Oatmeal is also loaded with soluble fibre and has thus been proven to be invaluable in the battle against high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Remember oatmeal should never be eaten unless it is weakened by water or cooked in milk. Vitamin A is fat soluble. This kind of fat gets stored in the liver, so make sure you do not have it in excess. Tomatoes contain a carotenoid, which has been proven to improve immunity as well as reduce the risk of developing heart attacks; it has also been proven, to reduce the risk of cancers of the prostate, breast, lung, stomach, pancreas, colon, esophagus, mouth and cervix! A handful of Almonds provide us with 9 grams of mono-unsaturated fatty acid, 6 grams of muscle building protein, 3 grams of fiber, 200 mg of potassium, and 65 mg of bone strengthening calcium as well as a hearty dose of vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, zinc and riboflavin. For increased fibre, add a third of a cup of chopped onion and a clove of garlic to a couple of scrambled eggs. To prevent skin dryness and postpone ageing, have Vitamin A, a diet consisting of broccoli, cheese, eggs, butter, spinach and carrot. Water flushes out the toxins, so drink plenty of water. Make an effort to have at least eight to twelve glasses daily. Adding sabza (tulsi seeds) in your drinks has a very cooling effect on the body. A simple recipe is to soak these seeds in water for an hour and a drop or two of rose essence. During summer, cut the intake of fried foods. Fat has a thermal effect and will make you feel hotter. Do not drink very chilled liquids in summer. They do not really help cool you down in summers, though they make you cool for some time. Drinking really cold liquids when

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feeling hot may lead to a slight constriction of the blood vessels in the skin and decrease heat loss, which is not advisable when trying to cool down.
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Start your day with a glass of luke warm water, with a few drops of fresh lime and one tsp of honey. It not only flushes the toxins from your body but also hydrates your skin. Tea and Coffee are stimulants; they increase the demand for water in your body. This leaves the skin dehydrated. Cut down on these and increase your intake of fresh fruit juices. Olive oil is great for your skin and hair. Massage olive oil to scalp for 15 to 20 minutes. Then steam the scalp using a towel soaked in hot water. Skipping means to lose weight is futile. Losing weight this way drastically disrupts your metabolism and you gain that weight back. Whatever you lose is only water and muscle NOT fat. Sugar can weaken eyesight! Sugar lowers the ability of enzymes to function. Enzymes are important for food digestion. Reduction in enzymes leads to increased stress on the Pancreas. The human body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does with starch The average human being loses about 50-100 hairs a day. So there's nothing to be worried about this. Hair grows again; the rate only slows down with age. Iron deficiency can cause dark circles under eyes. Don't eat bananas and oranges on an empty stomach. They contain a high amount of sugar. Combining them with a bit of protein will help to normalize the insulin response caused by the sugar in these fruits. Broccoli contains twice the vitamin C of an orange. Onions are an excellent antioxidant, and they contain anti-allergy and antiviral properties. Peanuts can be carcinogenic (cancer causing). They are also high in fungus and, often contain pesticides. Tomatoes are an excellent source of Vitamin C, however all Vitamin C is lost when cooked. Prunes top the list for nutritional food value. They contain twice the antioxidants as the next best single food item - Raisins. A great source of antioxidants is red wine. Two glasses per day is good enough. However, more than this may have the opposite effect. Two cups of tea maximum a day is sufficient. Try cutting down on sugar in your Tea and Coffee. An Apple a day? The nutritional value of bananas, as compared to apples, is remarkable. A banana has less water, fifty per cent more food energy, four times the protein, half the fat, twice the carbohydrate, almost three times the phosphorous, nearly five times the Vitamin A and iron, at least twice the other vitamins and minerals as an apple. Bananas are extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect food for combating high blood pressure. Mosquito bites: Try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. It helps reduce swelling and irritation.

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Those suffering from hair loss or baldness, may apply a paste of warm olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath and keep it for approx. 15 min. and then wash the hair. Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly arrests the ravages of old age. Honey also plays a big role in the prevention of cancer as well as heart disease. The squat is the single best exercise for strengthening, toning and shaping the thighs and bum. A number of studies have shown that chocolate contains a substance that can protect arteries. However the presence of milk in chocolate does not provide the benefits. These benefits have been observed only with dark chocolate. The easiest way to combat grey hair is by simply rubbing your nails together! Nerve endings below your fingernails are directly connected to your hair roots. By rubbing your nails against one another, you help to improve the blood circulation in your scalp, which in turn reduces grey hair. Drinking coffee can cause tip-of-the-tongue moments when the brain struggles to retrieve information. However, an early morning mug of coffee doesn't just raise the spirits; it also makes men more fertile, according to a research. Scientists believe that the Indian curry leaf - an ingredient in many curry dishes and used in traditional Indian healing, may contain agents that slow down the rate of starch-toglucose breakdown in people with diabetes. The tree's leaves could control the amount of glucose entering the bloodstream. Sugar can make it difficult to lose weight because of constantly high insulin levels, which causes the body to store excess carbs as fat Detoxing is all about eating and drinking pure foods preferably organic that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Detoxification is the first step to weight loss and looking good. Our bodies contain over 70 percent water. You can go longer without food than water. Our bodies need a lot of water to function efficiently. Water helps flush out harmful toxins and thus readies the body for fat loss. Owing to the pollution of lakes, rivers and streams throughout the world, freshwater fish is no longer a healthy choice. Many experts tend to advocate cold (not chilled) water, because the stomach absorbs it more quickly. They believe that cold water might enhance fat burning. I have however found warm water to be more helpful first thing in the morning. Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. today, surpassed only by smoking. If you are overweight or obese, you are at risk for developing many diseases, especially heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Losing this weight helps to prevent and control these diseases. Massages are effective in skin irritations, headaches and stress reduction. Go for massages twice a month if you fall in the 20 to 30 age bracket. A perfectly healthy individual can bother himself into ill-health, if he continuously worries on the thought he is not feeling good. So also a person who is actually suffering from an illness or disease can bring on good health by visualizing himself as a healthy individual. The power of the mind at work! Salmon is high in protein and DMAE, a nutrient that improves skin elasticity. Anyone

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wanna look young?


According to a recent survey in America, the average American male today carries about 5 pounds of undigested, putrefied red meat in his gut. Leave 5 pounds of meat in a dark, warm, moist place for a few days and see for yourself the results of putrefaction. Meat is highly acidifying and warming (yang qualities), as well as putrefactive. Around three grams of salt per day is a good measure for human nutritional requirements, but most Americans today consume 12-15 grams of salt daily Cook eggs until the yolk is firm. Do not eat raw or undercooked, runny eggs. Avoid eating foods that contain raw eggs such as eggnog or Caesar salad dressing. Cook any meat or fish straight away after defrosting in the microwave. Some parts may have begun to cook which are ripe breeding grounds for bacteria. Buy shellfish from safe retail outlets and discard any shells which don't open after boiling. Guava, this seedy fruit is rich in Vitamin C and fiber. Since it has edible skin, it helps keep away constipation, increases your immunity and helps in faster wound healing. Fermentation increases the vitamin and enzyme content of foods, which aids digestion, and facilitates absorption of nutrients. Fermented foods include wine, Yogurt and Beer. If you are eating non-vegetarian foods, it is ideal to include a moderate amount of fermented food in meals, in order to aid digestion. Even the Bible advises one to 'take a little wine for thy stomach's sake'. Spinach this green leafy vegetable is full of nutrients that provide energy and help to prevent anemia. Its contents also function as antioxidants and anti-cancer agents. Corn flakes do not qualify as the ideal breakfast cereal, be it the high sugared or the sugarfree variety. Lacking a decent amount of fiber, corn flakes fail to fill you up or provide a steady flow of energy. Brown bread is not always more nutritious than white. Ensure that you buy whole-wheat bread, not just a colored one. Never scrub your face, especially around the eyes; it might cause irritation in and around pores. And you might end up causing more harm than good to your skin. Excess protein is stored as fat and places strain on liver and kidneys. A normal balanced diet contains more than enough protein for body growth, maintenance and repair. Protein powders are NOT required, even during weight training. Fruit has a very positive effect on the brains just like carrots. So if you want to stimulate your brain functions you have to eat much fresh fruit and carrots (raw). White flour, especially in combination with cheese. This forms a sticky substance in the intestines that costs much energy to digest. Much blood has to be sent to the digestive system so it cannot be sent to your head. So wanna eat more pizzas? Wash fruits and vegetables with water and scrub with a dish brush when appropriate: for example, before eating apples, cucumbers, potatoes, or other produce in which the outer skin or peeling is consumed. Researchers say they have discovered a link between a lack sleep and obesity. According to a research, people who slept less than eight hours had increased levels ghrelin, a hormone that triggers eating, and lower levels of leptin, a hormone that tells the body it's full. Sprouts are a good source of minerals and vitamins, particularly vitamins B1, B2, and C.

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Cut a fresh onion in half and rub it on the scalp Onions are high in sulphur, which is a cure for dandruff. If you're looking for a good reason to be happy, consider this: Happier people may be healthier. Happy people may have better prospects for good health. Researchers noticed the saliva of the happiest person contained lower levels of cortisol a stress hormone related to type II diabetes and high blood pressure. Research consistently shows that people who frequently eat nuts have a dramatically reduced risk of heart disease because nut consumption lowers cholesterol levels. Of nuts commonly consumed, almonds and walnuts may be most effective at lowering cholesterol. After peeling pomegranates, don't throw away the outer skin. Dry and powder it. A teaspoon of the powder taken with water early in the morning not only purifies the blood, but also serves as a good de-worming agent. Freeze different fruit juices in ice trays. Put these cubes into glasses of juice as you serve them. For instance, put orange juice cubes in lime juice. Even small amounts of cigarette and cigar smoke damage cell membranes, by breaking down valuable collagen, elastin and other natural proteins in the skin. Smoking reduces the blood supply to the skin and you are left with dull, lifeless, droopy skin. Laughing aloud everyday benefits the heart by stimulating blood-flow, like exercising. Overall, average blood flow increased 22% during laughter, and decreased 35% during mental stress. The movement of the muscles around our face and neck stimulates our secretary glands thereby leading to improved metabolism and digestion. Anger is the root of many unwholesome and negative emotions such as irritation, pride, feeling superior or righteous, self-pity, and even manic-depression. Iron is best absorbed with foods that contain vitamin C. So prepare iron rich foods (accompanied with tomatoes for example and occasionally potatoes) Researchers in the US found that socially isolated men had raised levels of a blood chemical called interleukin-6 (IL-6) linked to heart disease. So men, time to party! Meat protein is the most difficult food for the body to digest. The average time for food (other than fruit) to pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract is between 25 and 30 hours. When meat is eaten, that time is more than doubled! The sooner you start a regular diet of whole-grains, fruits and vegetables, the better it is for your health. It has been proved that these natural foods protect against multiple diseases, like cancer, heart attack and blood pressure. Don't skip breakfast. Start your day with a tasty breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Your mind and body will get a jump-start that lasts throughout the day! Periodic health visits (to a doctor) are not only an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but can literally be life saving. While a variety of screening examinations don't prove to be cost-effective and practical on an ongoing basis, a routine health exam greatly increases the chance of detecting a disease at an early stage. Studies have shown that stress can affect the immune system and depress its functioning, thereby leading to increasing susceptibility to disease. Reduced stress not only leads to a decrease in disease, but also provides for a more enjoyable lifestyle and mental health. Stop to smell the roses. It pays to appreciate the smaller gifts of life. Cake clogs the stomach. All rich pastry is poison to the liver. Glucose, a perverted form of corn, is prevalent in beer and in other drinks, and especially in soft caramels and creams,



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and in syrups, jellies, and similar things. Although derived from a nutritious food, it is in a perverted shape.
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Being an optimist may help reduce your risk of dying from heart disease and other causes. Or in other words, do you live life thinking the glass is half empty or half full? Iron and calcium in plant foods are not highly absorbed by the body. Spinach contains a chemical called oxalic acid, which binds with iron and calcium and reduces the absorption of these minerals. To improve iron absorption, spinach should be eaten with vitamin Crich foods such as orange juice, tomatoes, or citrus fruit.

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Disclaimer: The contents of this document are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this document! For more information, visit

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