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Josh Furr

Prof. Raymond
Sept. 2,2013

The Watermeton Shin

#fA *d

Elementary school was where my literacy narrative started and began to take form. It was not until my middle school years that

started to mold my literacy skills into what they are

today. The event that stands out the most to me from my middle school years happened in my eighth grade English class. We were instructed to prepare a speech concerning our views and
research on soul and water conservation in

ow are4 and I exceeded being prepared...



Eighth grade was a struggling school year for me. My first grade ever

B was

given to me that year. It happened to be given in the same English class that this event took
place. Ms. Witcher taught the class, and, as her name coincidentally points out, she had a

reputation of being a mean, ruthless teacher. She did not really have a emotions, and I could never really tell

control on her
happy and hysterical.


she was mad,

or$ she

One of the final assignments she gave us was to prepare a

long speech about soil and

water conservation. Not ever concerning myself with the

I had no idea what I was

going to talk about, but I jumped right into the research and prepared my speech within a few

I practiced that speech until I almost lost my voice, always finishing within the time

window. I knew that my speech was going to be perfect, so it was time to pick out the perfect thing to wear.

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