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Tattva Bodha of Adi Sankaracharya

A Vedantic Primer : Part 2 (contd.)
Leclure Noles compiled by Venkal Ganesan from lhe series of
SVBF Leclures given by Dr. S. YEGNAS\BBAMANIAN
2. Ann!ysis oI Ihc Individun! - jIvn vicAvn:
In lhe discussion on lhe Analysis of lhe
Individual - 7ll:-, in lhe previous issue, il
vas slaled lhal lhe Alman is differenl from lhe
lhree "bodies" and lhe five "shealhs", and is lhe
vilness of lhe lhree slales of Conciousness, lhe
Aulhor enlers inlo lhe explanalion of each of
lhe anAlmA aspecls, lheir componenls and
allribules. The seclion begins vilh a discussion
of lhe SarIra-lrayam lhree bodies.
2.1 SnvIvn-Ivnyn lhree bodies : slh\la-
s\kshma-kAraNa SarIra's
2.1.1 Thc Gvoss Hody: slh\la SarIra
~ ?U l4P ? Whal is slh\la SarIra . Gross
- slh\lam- means lhal il can be knovn by lhe
sense organs for direcl perceplion and is vis-
ible lo olhers.
T4 dTPl d : 4 d P4P 7
P O :Olllld U <l~d 7ld
H d llTPd <Hd l"dld
l4l d~ ?U 1
It is composeJ of the five elements jmahAIhUtasj,
that have gone through a process of pacIharaNam,
is Iorn as a result of gooJ JeeJs, is the aIoJe to
experience pleasure anJ pain, is suIject to six
moJifications, is Iorn, it grovs, transforms, Jecays
anJ Jies - is the gross IoJy.
a Whal is il made of . TPl d : 4 d - of lhe
five greal elemenls - Air vAyu, fire agni,
earlh prilhvi, valer Apah and space
AkASa - vhich are maller, and so body
is also maller.
b Whal i s l he process. T 4 d - by
grossificalion pancIkaraNam of lhese five
elemenls - volume of lhe body due lo
"space", respiralion due lo "air", body heal
due lo "agni", lhe make up due lo valer
fluids and mineral "earlh".
c Hov is lhis body acquired. if all bodies
are made up of lhe same malerial, vhy
lhere is difference among lhem - animal
body, human body, planl body and even
varialions among lhem. - P4P 7P -
lhe body is acquired oul of sal karma - good
deeds in lhe pasl.
d Whal is ils funclion. P O :OlllldP -
il is lhe abode for lhe experience of plea-
sure, pain elc.
e Whal is ils nalure. - is subjecl lo six modi-
ficalions ( l4ld ) as follovs:
U <l~d - il exisls as polenlial form in
lhe molher's vomb
7ld - is born
H d - il grovs
llTPd - il lransforms
<Hd - il decays, declines, and
l"ld - il perishes.
Once we know that the nature of the body is to go
through the shadvikAra , we learn to accept it and
do not protest against it including death. The
author declares that this is sthUla SarIram -
Qd~ ?UP
2.2 Thc SuI!c Hody: s\kshmn SnvIvn
P PU l4P ? Whal is s\kshma SarIra.
s\kshmam means sublle - nol visible lo
<T4 dTPl d : 4 d P4P 7
P O :OlllPlH THl l llT T
4P l llT T lTl: P" 4 l," 4l
Q P'dUl4?ll: P ll'3ld
dP PUP 1
It is composeJ of the five elements jmahAIhUtasj,
Iefore the process of pancIharaNam, is Iorn out
of gooJ JeeJs, is the instrument for the experi-
ence of pleasure anJ pain, comprises of seven-
teen items, namely, the five sense organs
j j nAnenJri yasj , f i ve organs of acti on
jharmenJriyasj, five prANas jprANa, apAna,
vyAna, uJAna anJ samAnaj, the minJ anJ the
a Whal is il made of. TPl d : 4 d - of lhe
five greal elemenls - space, air, fire, valer
and earlh, born before lhe process of
pancIkaraNam. They are knovn as
b Hov i s lhe subll e body acqui red. -
P4P 7P - oul of sal karma - good deeds
in lhe pasl.
c Whal is ils funclion. P O :OlllPlH -
lhe inslrumenl for experiencing pleasure,
pain elc. as againsl gross body vhich is
lhe house for experiencing Since lhere are
varielies of experiences, lhere should be
varielies of inslrumenls also!
d Hov many are lhere. Q P'dUl4?ll: -
sevenleen are lisled as follovs:
THl l llT - Five sense organs
T4P l llT - Five organs of aclion
T lTl: - lhe five prANas
P: - lhe mind, and
l,: - lhe inlellecl.
These are sublle and are knovn as inJriyas as
supposed lo lheir gross counlerparls - knovn
as goLahas. For example lhe physical ear lobe
is lhe gross version and lhe pover of hearing
is lhe sublle counlerparl. The sublle body
varies from one jiva lo anolher and so every
jiva is unique!
P ll'3ld dP PUP 1 - Alongvilh lhese
sevenleen, is called s\kshma SarIram.
The folloving lable summarizes lhe differences
belveen lhe gross body and lhe sublle body:
sIh\!n SnvIvnm s\kshmn SnvIvnm
Gross Sublle
Visible Nol visible
Is lhe locus of Is lhe inslrumenl of
Experience Experience
<ldP PlHP
The aulhor lhen proceeds lo lhe discussion of
each componenl of lhe sublle body.
2.2.1 Ovgnns oI FcvccpIion jnAnn indviyns}
Hl 4 H : Pl H lTP 7ld
T Hl l llT 1
Hl : Ear hearing
4 : Skin sense of louch
H : : Eye sighl
Pl : Tongue lasle
H lTP : Nose smell
The pover of any facully hearing elc. of any
individual is only limiled, bolh in qualily and
quanlily. If one has a limiled pover, lhen one
can infer lhe possibilily of a lolal pover of
vhich he/she is a parl.
So, for each facully lhere is a correspond-
ing lolal pover.
Pover ilself does nol have an independenl
funclion unless lhere is a vielder of lhal
pover - for example, seeing pover is
vielded by lhe seeing person jiva and so
on. Similarly, for lhe lolal pover, lhe scrip-
lures visualized a lolal pover vielder,
knovn as presiding deily for lhal lolal
pover, - lhe <lH'3l dl - and lhe sum-
lolal of lhe pover of all <lH'3l dl 's, is
lhe pover vielded by lhe Lord, Isvara or
Paramesvara. The aulhor gives lhe lisl of
lhe <lH'3ldl's and lhe facully lhal each
of lhe devalas presides over.
Hl~ l dl 1 l l : 1
H : P : 1 Pll T: 1
H lT~ <l"l 1 7ld Hl l dl: 1
Hl~ l dl 1 The presiding deily of ear
hearing is "dik devala"- Quarlers Space.
l l : 1 Of skin louch is Air
H : P : 1 Of eye sighl is Surya
Pll T: 1 Of longue lasle is lhe Lord
of Walers.
H lT~ <l"l 1 Of nose smell are lhe lvo
7ld Hl l dl: 1 Thus are lhe presiding
deilies of lhe sense organs.
Il should be poinled oul lhal by Walers, Sun
elc., ve don'l mean lhe gross form of lhese,
bul lhe sublle pover behind. Having given lhe
presiding deily over each of lhe organs of per-
ceplion, lhe aulhor gives lhe lisl of lhe func-
lions of each of lhese jnAnendriyas.
Hl~ l: U TP 1
l l: ~U TP 1
H l l: TP 1
Pll l: P TP 1
H lT~ l: H TP 7ld 1
Hl~ l: U TP 1 The funclion of
ear is grasping of sound
l l: ~U TP 1 The funclion of
skin is perceplion of louch.
H l l: TP 1 The funclion of
eyes is lhe perceplion of forms.
Pll l: P TP 1 The funclion of
longue is lhe perceplion of lasle.
H lT~ l: H TP 7ld 1 The funclion
of nose is lhe perceplion of smell.
2.2.2 Ovgnns oI AcIion knvmcndviyns}
lllTll ~lld T4P l llT 1
The five organs of aclion are:
l4 : organ of speech
llT : hands
l : feel
l : excrelory organ
~P : genilals
ll dl l: 1 ~dll : 1
lll 'T : 1 llP : 1
~~ 7lld: 1 7ld 4P l dl: 1
Similar lo lhe discussion of jnanendriyas, lhe
presiding deily for each of lhe organs of ac-
lion are as follovs:
ll dl l: 1 The presiding deily of
speech is Fire
~dll : 1 Of hands, Indra
lll 'T : 1 Of legs, Vishnu
llP : 1 Of excrelory organ, Mrilyu Lord
of Dealh
~~ 7lld: 1 Of genilals,
7ld 4Pldl: 1 Thus lhe presiding deilies
of lhe organs of aclion
ll l: lTP 1
lll : ~d TP 1
lll : PP 1
lll : P?l: 1
~~ l: <l 7ld 1
Then, lhe funclion of each of lhe organs of
aclion is enumeraled:
ll l: lTP 1 The funclion of lhe
organ of speech is lo speak
lll : ~d TP 1 Of lhe hands, is
lo grasp lhings.
lll : PP 1 Of lhe feel, is move-
lll : P?l: 1 Of lhe excrelorry
organ, is vasle removal
~~ l: <l 7ld 1 Of lhe geni-
lals, is pleasure of procrealion.
The aulhor concluded vilh lhe discussion of
only len of lhe sevenleen sublle bodies. Of lhe
missing seven, lvo of lhem, namely, mind and
inlellecl, are discussed as parl of lhe inner
equipmenl <d:4Tll, and five of lhem ,lhe
panca prANAs, as parl of lhe panca hoSas, laler.
For lhe sake of complelion of lhis seclion, ve
vill briefly oulline all lhese seven. The panca
prANAs are responsible for lhe five-fold physi-
ological funclions as follovs:
lT: Bespiralion
<l: Evacualion / Excrelion
l: Circulalion
l: Beaclion, Throving oul
PPl: Digeslion / Assimilalion
Mind and Inlellecl are names of one and lhe
same inslrumenl, called <d:4TP inner
equipmenl based on lhe funclion. When lhere
is indecision and oscillalion or doubling, il is
called Mind - P: and is defined laler as
P 4~l4lP4 P: 1
When lhe same equipmenl does asserlion lhan
oscillalion, il is knovn as Inlellecl - l,: and
is defined as l"llP4l l,: 1 The presid-
ing deily of Mind is Moon and lhal of Inlellecl
is BrahmA.
2.3 Cnusn! Hody kAvnNn SnvIvnm}
4lTU l4P ? Whal is Causal Body.
<ll llll U~ 4lTPl
P~~<Hl ll 44
l~d d4lTUP 1
The one that is unexplainaIle, vithout Ieginning,
anJ in the form of ignorance jof Truthj, vhich is
the cause for the other tvo Sareeras, ignorant of
its ovn Nature, vhich is free from any Jivision
jtransformationj, is the hAraNa SarIram or
Causal oJy.
The very vord - kAraNa SarIram - ilself im-
plies lhal il is a Body, bul lhe queslion is, for
vhal is il lhe kAraNam cause.
U~ 4lTPl - il is lhe cause for lhe olher
lvo bodies - lhe slh\la and s\kshma SarIras1
Thal means lhal lhe olher lvo bodies are lhe
effecl 4l P and lhe kAraNa SarIram is lhe
cause. Lel us briefly analyze Cause and Ef-
fecl. For example, lhe seed is lhe cause for lhe
lree effecl. Whal is lhe difference belveen
lhem. The seed is lhe polenlial, dormanl
unmanifesl form, vhile lree is lhe manifesl
form. So, bolh lhe kAraNam and lhe kAryam
are essenlially lhe same bul differenl in con-
dilion. Similarly, lhe kAraNa SarIram is only
lhe slh\la SarIram and s\kshma SarIram, bul
in lhe dormanl condilion. Then lhe queslion
arises, vhal is dormanl. In a seed, lhe various
branches, leaves, elc. are nol differenlialed and
so are imperceplible. Bul ve have lo infer lhal,
even lhough lhe differences are imperceplible,
lhey musl be lhere, since from a mango seed
only a mango lree grovs and nol an orange
lree! In shorl, kAraNam musl conlain kAryam.
So, in kAryam, differences are perceplible and
is called Pl4: and in kAraNam, lhey are
nol perceplible and so is called ll 4:1 So
lhe kAraNa SarIram is lhe ll 44 . The
deep-sleep slale is idenlified vilh lhe causal
body, since during lhis slale one does nol per-
ceive lhe differences crealed by lhe sublle
body and lhe gross body. Il is also described
as <ll ~<ll~<ll P . <ll means
ignorance - <Hl , bul in lhis conlexl il implies
lPl. Atman alone is satyam. Il is <ll P -
indescribable, since any mithyA vastu is inde-
scribable. Il is <ll since ils beginning can-
nol be undersl ood l han cal l i ng i l
beginningless. The concepl of lime is perceiv-
able only lhrough IuJJhi vhich is parl of lhe
sUhshma SarIram and al lhe plane of kAraNa
SarIram, all concepls of lime fails, since IuJJhi
ilself is in dormanl form.
P~~<Hl ~As inlellecl is in polenlial or
dormanl form in kAraNa SarIram, so also is
ignorance !! Whal ignorance. Aboul lhe lrue
nalure of lhe Self.
l~d d4lTUP 1 is lhe kAraNa SarIram
or causal body!
Then vhal is Alman. Nol even kAraNa
SarIram! Why. slh\la and s\kshma SarIras
are differenl from each olher and are nol
kAraNa SarIram are only in lhe dormanl /
polenlial form in kAraNa SarIram. If slh\la
and s\kshma SarIras are inerl maller as vas
discussed earlier, kAraNa SarIram also should
be maller only - lhe subllesl plane of maller,
lo lhe exlenl lhal ve can never undersland.
So all bodies are inerl and are anAlmA and
differenl from Alman.
Table 1 gives a summary of lhe elemenls dis-
cussed in lhis discussion of lhree bodies lo
enable lhe reader vilh a quick reference.
Having defined all "bodies" and enumeraled
l hal l hey are di fferenl from Al man
~ ?~P P~4lT~Uld~ldld: , lhe aulhor
proceeds lo shov hov Alman is differenl from
lhe five shealhs panca hoSa.j of lhe body and
lhe lhree slales avasthas, vhich vill be dis-
cussed nexl.
Beferences / Source of Malerial
1. Tallvabodha of Sankaracharya, Cenlral
Chinmaya Mission Trusl, Bombay. 1995.
2. Tal l vabodha - Lecl ures by Svami
Paramarlhananda, Madras.
PhysicaI body or Ihe Oross body (incIuding Ihe physicaI
organs oI percepIion or GoIolom );
Composed oI poncomohAhhutos (Iive basic eIemenIs) nameIy
space, air, Iire, waIer and earIh aIIer poncIloroNom
gained by good deeds in Ihe pasI;
is a IenemenI Io experience pIeasure and pain eIc.
sub|ecI Io shodutlAro (undergoes six Iypes oI modiIicaIions
nameIy birIh, exisIence, growIh, aging, decay and deaIh)
SubIIe body or AsIraI body;
conIroIs aII physioIogicaI IuncIions and powers oI Ihe organs
oI percepIion, acIion, mind and inIeIIecI;
composed oI pancamahAbhuIas or Iive basic eIemenIs beIore
Oained by good deeds in Ihe pasI;
is an insIrumenI Io experience pIeasure and pain eIc.;
composed oI sevenIeen componenIs - jnAncndrtqos (Iive
organs oI percepIion), lormcndrtqos (Iive organs oI acIion),
ponco prANos (Iive diIIerenI airs), monos (mind) and huddht
Organs oI percepIion or Ihe powers behind Ihem are caIIed
|nAnendriyas. They are ears(hearing), skin(Iouch), eyes(sighI
or experience oI Iorms), Iongue(cogniIion oI IasIe) and nose
(cogniIion oI smeII).
II is unique in our scripIure and cuIIure Io associaIe a dcuoto
(deiIy) Ior each one oI Ihe organs or Ihe power behind.
Presiding deiIies are: Ior ear - Space; skin Air; eyes Sun;
Iongue Varuna; and nose -Aswini Kumaras.
Organ oI acIion are lormcndrtqos. The organs and presiding
deiIies are as IoIIows - Speech (Io speak) Fire; Hands (Io
caIch or grasp) Indra; Legs (IocomoIion) Vishnu; Anus
(excreIion) MruIyu; and OeniIaI organs(procreaIion) -
No discussion oI Ihe panca prANas, mind and inIeIIecI are
given aI presenI, buI Ihe auIhor discusses Ihem IaIer.
CausaI body; Ihe cause Ior Ihe oIher Iwo bodies;
II is noI describabIe (ontruoconIqo) ;
iI indicaIes a sIaIe oI ignorance since mind and inIeIIecI
are absenI and iI is neiIher exisIing in aII periods oI
Iime(pasI, presenI and IuIure) nor non-exisIenI.
CausaI body inIIuences Ihe deep sIeep sIaIe (which is
discussed IaIer);
Ignorance oI Ihe Irue naIure oI Ihe SeI I resuI Is i n
misconcepIion and incorrecI idenIiIicaIion wiIh gross and
subIIe bodies.
Table 1. SarIra trayam (U~>P ,
sIhUIa SarIram
sUkshma SarIram
kAraNa SarIram

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